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Last Posted June 16, 2016 at 10:21 PM
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#30 Summer Reading in Off Topic

been on a comic book kick for a while. just finished the Preacher series, working on Sweet Tooth and Superman Red Son now. every now and then I'll pick up Love in the Time of Cholera to balance out with something literary

posted about 8 years ago
#16 How to prepare for an college philosophy course in Off Topic

a lot of what people are saying here is basically the right advice. pay attention to lectures, read what you're supposed to, and write in coherent arguments. with philosophy papers, it's best to be very straight forward in detailing what you want to argue or explain, so I statements along with holding the reader's metaphorical hand as you make your way through the paper are good. it'd be helpful to familiarize yourself with syllogisms, one of the most basic logical structures (if A then B > A > therefore B. ex: if FROYO Black tries hard then they will beat froyotech. FROYO black has scrimmed and worked on their dm. therefore FROYO Black will beat froyotech). philosophy is all about making sure your arguments are structurally sound and that your conclusions follow the premises, in a sense it can be very mathematical.

a good intro-philosophy text to read is Descartes' philosophical meditations. but basically what everyone else said, just relax and try to stay focused even when things seem convoluted. it all makes sense eventually

posted about 8 years ago
#36 are you prepared for the rossathon in Off Topic

Bob Ross is so charismatic, it's amazing how much he repeats himself in throughout each episode but it's still just as interesting as the first time watching. everyday's a good day when you paint

posted about 9 years ago
#6 "Amusement tax" in Off Topic

seriously, National Review is garbage. politics aside, it does raise an interesting question on how to regard the intangibility of streaming and the idea of the cloud. binge watching Netflix, Hulu, etc and listening to music has changed the way we get entertainment compared to going to a physical store or purchasing a product, whether it's a movie ticket, album, dvd, or whatever, and now we have to figure out where certain lines can be drawn in this increasingly digital world.

National Review says every time you stream something you pay the tax, but articles on NPR and CNN make it seem like it'll be a 9% addition on top of the monthly service fees, which doesn't seem that ridiculous considering you pay a tax for cable services, though I don't know about satellite. but I agree with mustard that there are plenty of other taxes that could be raised instead of a streaming tax.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 MLB Thread? in Off Topic

Buchholz was on point today and of course Pedroia is still hitting lasers. it's going to be a fun season for the Red Sox

posted about 9 years ago
#21 I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside in Off Topic

imo I Dont Like Shit is a much more cohesive record than Doris, like it has a solid theme of existential turmoil being developed throughout the entire album and the music really compliments the lyrics even though Doris probably has "better" songs that standout individually. It's a lot darker and cool to see how he's progressed

posted about 10 years ago
#115 Froyotech = Death of tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#8 esea-i anal in TF2 General Discussion
sleeepyyou're a retard for thinking this is funny

lol wow that was unnecessarily aggressive

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Need help for Belle and Sebastian Concert in The Dumpster

on a side note: new Belle & Sebastian is super good, new video is dumb

posted about 10 years ago
#2 For all streamers, youtubers and ect in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Twitch Shirtless Rules in Off Topic

Donate money to help alleviate world poverty or buy girlgamer a chair?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Hardcore - The World's First Action P.O.V. Film in Off Topic
boppetthis movie will ultimately get very boring after the first 15 minutes.

I was bored after the first 30 seconds.

Calling this "the world's first action POV film" is a gross overstatement considering the amount of "found footage" films that have been produced, ie. The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield, though it could be argued that those are not "action" films. But semantics aside, it's hard to imagine this being even remotely interesting with a silent protagonist (and really, tennis shoes and jeans?) as there's no room for characterization or narrative progression without feeling forced. Also, "Hardcore"? really? No other titles came to mind? not even a good one?

Video games and movies are different forms of media. Though video games often incorporate cinematic elements, what sets them apart is that they are interactive, the ending is dependent on your input. If you dont move, the game wont end. Film on the other hand, at least Hollywood cinema, which Hardcore looks like it's trying to fit with, is a passive medium that guides the audience without their say in what happens. The Silent Hill movie managed to be all right because Silent Hill is a third-person video game with fixed cameras. Trying to incorporate FPS in a movie is going to end very badly, probably with a lot of people needing a barf bag and dramamine.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 MLB Postseason in Off Topic

goddamnit, Red Sox…

Royals could win it if they can keep up their momentum. I actually went to high school with Alex Gordon's younger brother and he would always pass me in the hallway and say "Red Sox suck" and I would always respond with "tell me that when the Royals make the postseason." wellll…

posted about 10 years ago
#40 book recommendations in Off Topic

if you want something contemporary (1990 - 2014), you're going to have to look a little harder. a lot of good suggestions are here already though. look at Jess Walter's "Beautiful Ruins" for something "easy." But I would HIGHLY recommend Sherman Alexie's "Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven" or even Louise Erdrich's "The Bingo Palace." it's good to read novels that arent written by old white men to get a different take on the American Dream from the original Americans that got fucked over by expansionism and capitalist drive for profit

posted about 10 years ago
#1 no signal to my monitor in Hardware

MOTHERBOARD: ASRock X79 Extreme 4
RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 (2x4GB)
GRAPHICS CARD: Nvidia GTX 560-ti
PROCESSOR: i7-3820

a little history: I have my own rig set up and it has been playing fine for about 2 years. I've been playing with rolled back nvidia drivers ever since the update that makes the textures flash in dx8. Occasionally my drivers would crash and my graphics card would bug out where I would either have to restart my computer or it would fix itself in a couple seconds.

Recently I accidentally bumped my knee on on my case kind of hard and lately my nvidia drivers have been crashing more often than usual. I dont know if this matters, but it could be useful to know. last night my drivers crashed and so I restarted, but my computer wouldn't give my monitor a signal. I turned it off and let it sit for the night. The next morning I reseated (resat?) my graphics card and my RAM, and still my monitor keeps giving me a "DVI no signal." My fans are running and everything seems to be going fine in the computer itself, but I can't get anything on my monitor; it's black.

everything is plugged in, I've made sure that my RAM and graphics card are fully inserted, I've tried different slots, I havent tried using a different computer because all of my friends have laptops, I dont know what to do. any advice would be helpful. thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
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