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Last Posted June 16, 2016 at 10:21 PM
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#11 would you give shaq a blowjob in Off Topic

if Shaq wants to spend a million dollars on a blow job I'm sure he could get someone who's better at it than I am

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Know any good jokes? in Off Topic

What do my couch and I have in common?

Show Content
we dont pull out
posted about 10 years ago
#15 The International in Esports

wtf ddos?

posted about 10 years ago
#54 the art thread in Off Topic

Everyone's posting pictures/paintings so here's a short film I made that screened in the short film corner at the Cannes Film Festival this summer (first short btw)

and a poem that my university's literary magazine picked up

i wonder where my head is
because i feel the clouds
against my chest, but all i can
taste is dirt.
a voice sweetly whispers,
"sulk around, blow your mind,"
but all i do is
stay inside and

i sleep deep with vivid dreams,
the kind i'd like to forget,
of sailing down a highway
and crashing into a tree
while a cold breeze strips
the Moon, shivering
rosy-cheeked, and

i wake in a lake of cold sweat
drifting from corner to corner
on a twin spring-loaded
raft. i need to leave,
run into the park,
down the street, and
through the

but i dont

i know im going to crash
it's fine
i think about random lovers
it's fine
strange and familiar
i'm fine

posted about 10 years ago
#8 History Stories with Marxist in Off Topic

Have you seen Drunk History? It seems sort of like the same concept except that they have the ability to reenact the scenes and make it more visual. Or you could go the style of Prairie Home Companion and use voice actors. Basically you need to make it feel as if people are watching the scene unfold or can easily envision it happening and in an entertaining/original way in order to avoid it seeming like a history lecture. Sounds like a good idea though, good luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#14 broeselhud is back with version 2.8!! in Customization

super cool of broesel to keep updating his hud, much love.


Godard motherfuckerz!

posted about 10 years ago
#156 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

This is why democracy can't work

posted about 10 years ago
#17 yo guys lets make valentines cards in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#9 rick and morty in Off Topic

It's really good, I love how dark and absurd it gets without the characters batting an eye. the Meeseek army that desperately wanted to die was hilarious plus that really graphic rape scene in the bathroom - goddamn. ("people will get more from what he represented than the Jelly Bean he actually was"). Definitely started off on strong footing with the pilot episode and the fact that they have fairly well known comedians, John Oliver, David Cross, Dana Carvey, make guest appearances is pretty neat

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Coachella in Off Topic
I've got tickets to see them on February 1st in Carrboro, NC 8)

I get to see them in Boulder on March 30. so hyped

posted about 10 years ago
#3 looking for a 5s case/screen protector in Off Topic

I have the otter box for mine, it's pretty good and about $30. it has a rubber inner-case for shock protection and a hard plastic outer-case if you drop it. all in all it's alright for what I need, plus it has a fairly soft rubber button for the lock button so it's easy to turn off without having to use all of my finger strength to hit it

posted about 11 years ago
#36 2 political parties, essentially in Off Topic

Ben and Jerry's AmeriCone Dream is my favorite ice cream, but sometimes I just prefer plain haagen dazs vanilla - the most bourgeois of ice cream.

But going along with what the OP and Marxist said, the idea of free will is that 1) you could have acted otherwise if you had chosen to, 2) you chose to act as you did, and 3) nobody compelled you to chose the way you did. Granted you are limited in your choices as there are literally millions of things you cant do, but you wouldnt say that you arent free because you cant do them. for example you cant go out and buy a lamborghini or take walk along the Great Wall of China right now (assuming you dont live in China). likewise, everything you do choose is dependent upon something else existing or happening prior to your choice. I agree that no one is completely free in a society, but that's a good thing, absolute freedom only exists in a state of nature, which is a dangerous state to live in and is the whole reason why we are in a society and abide by certain rules right now. Nietzsche mentions in Beyond Good and Evil that while we are not free, in the sense that we cannot cause ourselves from nothing, we are not "unfree" either, there are just strong and weak wills.

Getting back to your point on the lack of political freedom, if you meet the criterion for free will as stated above, that you could have chosen a different candidate (or none), you could have bought a different brand of ice cream, that you chose to act (or not act), and nobody forced you to vote for someone, then you have choice. Dont get me wrong, our politics are shit and the government is in the hands of big business and the wealthy clearly have more free will than the lower classes, but it seems like you're more upset by people's apathy than anything else.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Hunger Games: Catching Fire in Off Topic

Battle Royale is the better film, the endings never cease to make me shed at least a single tear. regardless of my opinions, my problem with Hunger Games is that it tries to pass itself off as a story about corrupt politics but it only makes stupid general statements like "boo class warfare" "yay individualism" "boo big government"to make it seem like it's super deep when really it's just like Twilight selling teen romances. I would respect it and Suzanne Collins a lot more if she was just honest about taking the idea from Battle Royale

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Awkward conversations you've been a part of in Off Topic

Throughout all of high school I was attached to one girl, not like Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear in Stuck On You (2003) but where I really liked her. We were in a relationship that was always off again on again. Once in our "off" phase, I went to a pumpkin carving party at her house where somehow several of the girls started explaining the amount of opportunities that I could have had sex with them or someone else they knew. They named specific times when I couldve gotten laid and kept asking why I didnt do it. We were all at a big table carving pumpkins so everyone's attention is focused on why I didnt have sex with these and other girls. All I could do was avoid eye contact with the girl that I liked and just shrug.

Another awkward conversation was when my parents found out that I wanted to kill myself, but that one isn't as funny

posted about 11 years ago
#29 The great Gatsby in Off Topic
AtrocityI skimmed through and since it looks like no one answered yet, I believe she was a friend. In terms of story, she's not a MAJOR character. In terms of literary analysis, she's important, she breaks the archetype of women. Women are depicted as in Daisy's case, you have a dominating husband, submissive, etc. However, Jordan was a successful golfer, she was independent, so she broke that stereotype and that was her role in the story, to give a different view and to challenge the idea of the "beautiful fool" in the book. Well maybe not challenge, but to contrast.

I disagree with your interpretation of Jordan. She represents the "ideal" woman of the modern era, which was rich, beautiful, and successful. You can see this in the way that Nick describes first Jordan as if she was posing for an artist. I feel like you paint her in too much of a positive light; she cheated to win the golf tournament, she lies and is only concerned with herself. Also Daisy is not with Tom because he is dominating and she is submissive, it's because she values class and the comforts of bourgeois life. If anything she is destructive and is able to get away with it because she is a wealthy woman who can hide behind her money. just my thoughts though

posted about 11 years ago
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