The problem isn't really the maps its the players wanting to force stalemates, each team can dry push every single point doesn't mean it'll work every single time though and because of that people slowed down the game to stalemates so they don't lose rounds in important games and so that playstyle is more effective because it has less negative impact on your team (aka you don't lose rounds nearly as often because you don't take risks).
You can change each map drastically but teams will find a way to slow down the game one way or another if its 5cp, other gamemodes aren't "viable" because people don't wanna scrim them, it's like viaduct, they scrim it for 1/2weeks then forget about it again for the most part.
I'm also not sure where this idea of stalemating being like a new meta thing came around either there were plenty of teams that would sit and stalemate in games for as long as they could when they were winning (mixup is probably 1 of the best examples of that) sure it's probably MORE stalematey than before but doesn't mean it didn't happen, and the strats back then are probably still viable so a good portion of stalemates comes down to neither team wanting to do anything to break the stalemate other than the low-risk sniper play before attempting something.
Stalemating at a lower level is easier to deal with too because the mechanical skill of the players is worse (positioning, aim, decision making) which also affects the higher level gameplay, but there is a reason it's considered the highest level.