fade-looks super nice
the red and blue in the scoreboard (top) looks super saturated, maybe consider toning that back a bit? esp since everything else is sort of washed out like the blue/red line under the hp etc?
The top of the scoreboard is actually a custom red and blue color, while the lines under the player health are the background panels that go behind the health in the stock HUD, so I will look into either making the scoreboard color lighter, or making them the panels as well.
fade-also can you do the thing that makes it so that you can hit e to continue when you first join a server
Press space bar
fade-also the call vote/create server buttons look sort of out of place, but maybe that's just me being nitpicky
They're more or less a seperator. They go between the items that change from when you're in the main menu to when you're in-game, and they act to seperate the top items from the items on the bottom that don't change. (excluding the minmode toggler).
this actually looks really amazing, great job[/quote]
And finally, thank you very much.
RhettroIt's so blocky
What can I say? I love Minecraft.