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Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 6:46 PM
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#21 best screenshot you have in TF2 General Discussion

guess who


I used to enjoy MvM too


posted about 7 years ago
#707 Vent your anger in Off Topic
lucrativepeople who order steaks well done, fuck off

I've always been curious but never had any chef friends to ask this. When the stories of trump eating well done steak with ketchup came out, how did you guys react to that?

posted about 7 years ago
#54 what's the inspiration behind your alias? in TF2 General Discussion

Old spice commercials were popular at the time

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Planning to give up in life in Off Topic

This is fucking terrible advice for someone who is depressed

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Why asians are better at esports in Other Games
EoN-Rileywhat about CSPretty sure cs isn't as popular as other esports in China because of China's strict censorship laws against M rated games, the same might apply for other Asian countries

First pc game I ever played was CS with my uncle when I was like 6 or 7 in China. It exists, but the FPS genre in Asia overall was generally dominated by non western games like Sudden Attack in korea, which came around before CSGO and was also free.

posted about 7 years ago
#102 awful clothing choices in Off Topic
shorasWho wears hats indoors, especially during a class?

For me, I have horrible hat hair, so if I wear a hat during the day, I commit to it. For wide brim hat man, I suspect it's an inseparable part of his identity and he would cease to exist without it.

posted about 7 years ago
#95 awful clothing choices in Off Topic
TERRYCREWSThere's this dude at my school (Rutgers) that only ever wears a brown wide brim hat, black trench coat, tan cargo pants, black sneakers, and a carabiner with like 6 keys on his belt loop in any weather. I saw him over the summer in 95 degree weather, and he was wearing the same thing, but with sandals. He's been in at least one of my classes every year, without fail, for the last 4 years. I'm pretty sure all current CS/Math students know about him


Here he is with a smaller wide brim hat, same style, this semester. People can actually sit next to him now because the old one took up too much head space and one of our professors in a full class last year asked him to not wear that one.

I wanted to bump this thread. I'm currently back in school due to taking about 10 months off from full time due to sciatica/surgery, walking into my first CS class of the semester, and who do I fucking see but


Seriously I skipped a year and he should have graduated but I still fucking get him in my class

Absolutely nothing about his wardrobe has changed

I can't escape the wide brim hat

posted about 7 years ago
#296 worst steam profile in Off Topic

he claims he become famous after mentoring ma3la, so to avoid being annoyed by so many people adding him he made this "alt" account which is why he has no medals from any competitive league
ESEA HL Experiment Cup 1st place (sniper)

Man I even like playing HL and I think this is egregiously disgusting

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Selling stuff @ i61 in LAN Discussion

nice legs man

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Steam summer is sale is on in Off Topic

If anyone hasn't gotten it yet, witcher 3 GOTY (which includes both expansions) is only 1 dollar more than the base game, and $25 overall. Definitely a game worth getting. I've put in over 100 hours, and that was only to beat the game and expansions once. Will probably do it again in a few months for the NG+ mode.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 AMD vs Intel + Questions in Hardware
SpaceCadetSetsulstuffYou win dude, you won several posts ago. You can't possibly help me.
I get it, you don't have to post anymore about it.
Thank you TerryCrews

tbh if you just post your current pc specs Setsul will be able to help you out way more than I can, if in a wordier fashion. What I posted is really just generalized info about AMD vs Intel, and knowing your specs and usage patterns will allow people to be a lot more detailed in answering your original questions in the frame of what you want out of it.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 AMD vs Intel + Questions in Hardware

AMD releases their Vega cards in a few months, which will probably have performance similar to the higher end Nvidia cards (1070, 1080, 1080ti, etc). Prices of Nvidia cards currently often have pretty good deals on them to account for that, though once the Vega cards are sold out Nvidia will probably price hike again.

Intel cards generally perform better in single threaded applications, while Ryzen is better for multithreading. This is a big simplification and there's lots of specifics involved but that's not a big deal for you. In terms of games, they're generally pretty reliant on single thread performance, even if they do make use of multithreading. If you go top of the line in either, it won't make too much of a difference in the majority of games, especially if you're just doing 1080p 144hz. However, if you multitask while gaming, such as streaming or watching video or something, then Ryzen will be better for those scenarios.

As an aside, I think you should really take the time to build your own PC if possible. Like others have said, if that's not possible for you then you can pay to have your parts assembled at a much lower premium than ibuypower. It's nice to know in depth what's going into something that is a major part of your daily living.

edit: I was wrong about Vega release date, gaming specific cards aren't out until probably q3 2017.

posted about 7 years ago
#99 worst pain you've ever felt in Off Topic
randoTERRYCREWSSciatica for 5 months was pretty bad, I basically couldn't leave my bed the majority of the time due to the pain. At its worst lying down was a solid 7/10 on pain, sitting was an 8, and I couldn't stand for more than 5 or so minutes without breaking out into a cold sweat and shakes, with pain increasing steadily.

Worst pain was when I got a steroid injection in December for it, and the doc only used local anesthesia. For those who don't know, steroid injections are meant to reduce inflammation at the site where a hernia is pressing on the sciatic nerve. However, it initially (for a few hours) adds volume to the pressure since you're injection a liquid into the site. Anesthesia didn't work, so it felt like I was being cut in half.

Is there anything you did besides the injection that helped?

In the first 3 months I tried physical therapy, epidural injections, heat therapy, acupuncture, daily stretches (turns out they're basically kegels lmao), basically every non surgical option available. The only things I didn't do were chiropractors (don't trust them) and anti-inflammatory oral meds. I had 3 injections total spread out over a period of 1.5 months, which helped a little bit after the third one. The first two helped for like a week or two, but nothing long lasting. Nothing else really helped except narcotics (percocet and vicodin) and the surgery at the end (microdiscectomy).

late edit: I forgot that I also tried weed after the first injection. Felt awesome with no pain when I was high, incredibly painful right after. It was like the brief period of no pain made me notice all the pain that I was ignoring subconsciously, and it all came back as I was becoming sober.

posted about 7 years ago
#96 worst pain you've ever felt in Off Topic

Sciatica for 5 months was pretty bad, I basically couldn't leave my bed the majority of the time due to the pain. At its worst lying down was a solid 7/10 on pain, sitting was an 8, and I couldn't stand for more than 5 or so minutes without breaking out into a cold sweat and shakes, with pain increasing steadily.

Worst pain was when I got a steroid injection in December for it, and the doc only used local anesthesia. For those who don't know, steroid injections are meant to reduce inflammation at the site where a hernia is pressing on the sciatic nerve. However, it initially (for a few hours) adds volume to the pressure since you're injection a liquid into the site. Anesthesia didn't work, so it felt like I was being cut in half.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 moral machine test in Off Topic
zx37this issue always gets overhyped when really its mostly just an interesting moral conundrum.

self-driving cars will be inherently safer than regular cars, and obviously there will be lots of internal and external safeguards against this issue (constant brake failure checks, street runoffs, separating vehicles and pedestrians, etc)

the site even specifically puts barriers on the sides of the roads to force you into this contrived scenario lmao

It's really funny because all the research into fully autonomous vehicles that I've done over the years for classes and presentations points to any accidents like the ones in the link would generally be caused by humans rather than the AI

posted about 7 years ago
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