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Country New Zealand
Signed Up November 20, 2012
Last Posted August 31, 2014 at 3:24 AM
Posts 109 (0 per day)
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#1 Favourite SFMs in Off Topic

After quite a few people liked the I'll make a Mann out of you SFM I posted in that i52 revenge thread I thought maybe we could have a thread where people could link their favorite SFM's, some of them are so amazing. I'll do a few of my favorites to get it started.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 i52 We seek revenge! in Off Topic

The bootcamp for USA beforehand

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ETF2L S16 Premiership: Team Decerto vs. willy wonkas chocolate factory (Week 2) in Events

Jesus, that sticky pogo jump then pipe onto the scout at 29:35 on gully (on the youtube upload at least dunno about the twitch upload) was siiiiiick <3 Kaidus

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Emulator game suggestions? in Other Games

CTR <3 <3 <3

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Youtube videos in Off Topic

From that channel

posted about 11 years ago
#9 High FPS in Q/A Help
JniPacifistHow do people get 2,000 fps? I barely get 30because they are not using laptops

I game with tf2 on my laptop and get around 100fps fairly consistently when I run on maxed graphics, and easily 100+ when I turn the quality down a bit. And its nowhere near being a top of the line laptop:P Cost to hardware value laptops are still nothing compared to PCs but they aren't anywhere near as bad as they used to be.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Top 10 TF2 plays - August 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

Number 9 was soooo sick. That alone would've made the vid worth it for me, and always good to see some Ozfortress action here too :)

posted about 11 years ago
#62 America in Off Topic

My biggest problem is that a lot of very religious people in power who believe their own personal life decisions and morals should be everyone's. I see absolutely nothing wrong with people having faith in a religion, it's just when their views led them to be incredibly conservative and when that causes others hardship then I see the problem. Ie Texas anti-abortion law.
N.B I'm neither for nor against America as a whole, I think it has achieved some great things however I think it has some major flaws. But yeah, just my POV

posted about 11 years ago
#6 how do i drive in Q/A Help

Was fully misled by the topic title, but got educated by coming here so it's not all bad xD

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Steel Sniper LFM in Mentoring

It's not hard man, all you can do is play tons to get better aim, play a wide variety of maps to get better knowledge of where good spots to snipe are and other than that there's not much to do. Just practice practice practice and you will improve

posted about 11 years ago
#15 the new grand master item INFO PLZ in TF2 General Discussion

Look on the wiki properly first before posting. It says promotional and tradable, so just find someone who got the promotion and buy it off them. I don't see why you want a but plug but that's how you'd get it.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 UGC Plat Highlander: Menace To Society vs. Street Hoops in Events

Was keen for Platinum highlander no matter who is playing, can't wait for this match up though so I'm glad there was a switch

posted about 11 years ago
#7 How do you deal with in Off Topic

There are so many ways of harassing someone so kinda hard to have typical response, but I've had experience as I'm quite outspoken on what I think about things and quite confident of myself as a person and that has led to me making some great friends but also to me getting some harassment a couple off jerk-offs at my hall who don't like people who disagree with them.

For verbal, I feel like saying ignore them, but that doesn't work most of the time. So my recommendation is just shrug it off like it doesn't faze you and that it is more entertaining than annoying, that really grinds peoples gears and they tend to stop.

For physical, don't go out guns blazing or anything but don't back down for no reason. If it starts to get heavy then by all means get out of there, but most cases of physical intimidation i've been involved with or seen, stop when the person shows they're more trouble than it is worth to bother.
And I can't stress it enough, do not punch above your weight. Its dangerous getting physical with someone at any size, don't try and play the hero and fight the guy who's your body weight + half of it again on top. No one can call you a coward for that.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Can you beat this shit? in Off Topic

Working on now
Troll confirmed :P there's an extra door too many, it is literally impossible, if you take away one door from the outside or the one connecting the two top boxes it can be done but otherwise impossible.
You can't win, because no matter which room you start in, every other room has to have an even number of doors so that you can enter and exit and not get stuck, or leave a door unused. This is not true in this plan, therefore impossible.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Picking a class in TF2 General Discussion
Tommunistthe most needed classes isn't consistant across scenes, and it depends on different trends and what level you're playing at!

So look at ozfortress or something and see what the common LF posts by low level teams are?

dMenaceGood medics are scarce...Your best bet is medic if you just study games enough by downloading some demos

Hmmm I once considered playing medic, any medics here who find it rewarding/fun? And I suppose if I wanted to play other classes could just pug them.

posted about 11 years ago
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