Hello everybody!
My name is The Wounded Stapler, now most of you probably know me from two week old thread titled "The Game Plan - TF2", it's essentially my first time playing TF2 and I caught everything on camera and you guys absolutely loved it! I started to really enjoy TF2 and I got into it a lot more, in fact, I got it into it the point where I decided to create my own COMPETITIVE TEAM! And to tie in with that news, it is going to spawn a brand new series where myself and the team learn to cooperate with one another and we try to play competitive TF2 :D
To avoid spamming of updates, go here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DaDDD or http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheWoundedStaplerS for updates on videos!
Along with my wanting to start a competitive team, I also wanted to really thank this community for encouraging me so much to the point where I wanted to keep playing and learn more! I met some extremely awesome people, and I don't know how I can ever repay you guys for the amount of support everyone showed me!
One way I can start to show some love back is today i'm going to be streaming and you guys can stop by, I am doing an AMA, talking about the team, and just going to have fun!
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/thewoundedstapler