It's good that we're holding people accountable for the things they say. I wish it wouldn't turn into a shitfest every time one of these threads is made though
@cyanic judging by the necro'd thread you've been in this position before. My limited interaction with you was never unpleasant afaik so I'd like to believe you're not like this 99% of the time. But if you keep falling back to this behaviour over time perhaps it's time to consider the underlying causes that've led you here.
It's not easy to improve your personality or your real life situation if these are the root causes for taking out your frustration in such toxic outbursts but I hope you understand you can't ignore the issue and need to find a way to improve yourself or your situation. Nobody expects anyone to improve in a day. But take this as a sign that you should get back on the road to improving because you've probably lost track of whatever desire you had for improving as an individual since the necro'd post and now