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Signed Up October 16, 2012
Last Posted December 13, 2017 at 1:28 PM
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#22 Make music? May I stream it? in TF2 General Discussion


My rap group, old mixtape though. New mixtape coming out 2/18. Shameless self plug.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 Stalemates Revisited in TF2 General Discussion

If you think of stalemating as a strategy, in the same way running full time kritz or always having a heavy and engie when defending last are strategies, then you'd have to come up with a counter. Teams have come up with strategies to counter kritz or to push a heavily defended last, some more successful than others, but not many teams come up with strategies to break stalemates. Part of the issue is assuming you can never push because you are on the defensive end and it is on the other team to push.

There's so much shit you could've tried looking at that YouTube video. For example they gave you a lot of room in saw, maybe send a sniper up to woodbridge and try for a lucky shot on the medic. If you got it then stalemate broken. If sniper died and they pushed, stalemate broken. If sniper died and they didn't push, employ a different strategy to counter their stalemate strategy and try again. Don't just wait for the other team to make a move because that's how you're used to playing; that's what they want you to do. Either team can break a stalemate situation, but the only team with the incentive to do it there was yours since you guys were a point behind. If you took risks and lost the round then fuck it, at least you got a new round. Wasting time by waiting was just as much of a risk as going for a play.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Split LFT Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

split's both a reliable scout and a miracle scout, in that he always does what he's expected to do and doesn't drop the ball, but also sometimes does ridiculous things and makes a play single-handedly. also fun, good spirited.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 So uh, Diamondback Opinions? in TF2 General Discussion

As far as 6s goes, I think it just gives spies potential for pulling a more exciting play. When someone offclasses to spy and gets a crucial pick, the chat goes wild. Imagine if a spy gets the med pick, pulls out the diamondback and manages to kill the demo too, the chat would go super wild and it would be even more exciting. Usually spies are killed instantly after their one attempt at a kill so I think it's still a slim chance for them to make a big play, but the play can be bigger with this gun. I don't think it should be banned in 6s, especially since spy playtime is low anyway.

As for HL/pubs, I don't have a comment really.

posted about 10 years ago
#67 MLG TF2 Ladder in TF2 General Discussion
FeskirSo, all in all, it's an alternative to scrimming, not to matches?
So perhaps that's yet to come?

It's however you see it. If you/your team considers being number 1 on the ladder as the ultimate prize, then it's like matches. If you don't care about your rank then sure, use it as a scrim finder. This is in no way going to replace our other leagues because tournaments and ladders are completely different.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 High Open Team LF Players in Recruitment (looking for team)

cool and good bunch of guys with a lot of potential

posted about 10 years ago
#8 alosec soldier/demo/medic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

dedicated, plays the game a lot, knows how to think, fun to play with imo, etc. worth trying out on any class.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 LF Mid Open+ Soldiers (CEVO) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Who else is on the team?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Stream] Turbolicious in Requests


Hook a brotha up

posted about 11 years ago
#54 TF2 Questions Thread in TF2 General Discussion

How do I get my spray to work? I have a .vtf in my tf/custom/customs/materials/vgui/logos folder, but I don't know what to do from here.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 YouMustMike Demo Reviews in Mentoring

Watched your review of Ques, liked how harsh you were, would like something similar. This is a POV of me on demo on gully, open level. We won the first scrim against these guys, played rematch and they slowly 5-0'd us. Wondering how we could've adapted to them adapting.


posted about 11 years ago
#38 Forum chatbox? in Site Discussion

Whoa my thread got bumped. Let's just embed #tftv on gamesurge on here, would that be that hard?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 so this blows in TF2 General Discussion

Well if it lasts until the 15th for people to miss partial paychecks then it will be a little bad. And if it lasts until the end of the month for people to miss full paychecks then it will be bad. Until then no riots :

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Open Team LF Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good team, would start as demo for. Hoping our pocket can make good calls and have some direction with the team.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 A very late i46 frag video in TF2 General Discussion

Tyrone activates superpowers at 11:14

posted about 11 years ago
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