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Last Posted December 13, 2017 at 1:28 PM
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#31 S15 whitelist file in TF2 General Discussion
gr8stalinI'm not sure you understand the concepts of aiming and reserve ammunition.

Demo spawns with 20 pipes and 32 stickies. More health pickups may help his survivability but he's useless after about a minute of life when all his ammo runs out. If you had to die or run back to spawn that often it'd be a bigger detriment than anything.

MunchOK well here's a better question. How do either of these unlocks positively affect the game and why should we use them if they were allowed? And don't say "to shake up the metagame" or "to make watching 6s more interesting." I want REAL reasons.

You don't ban a weapon because it doesn't have anything positive to contribute, you ban a weapon because it contributes negatively. Maybe some demo decides to actually run Persian Persuader and just plays really aggressive, jumping in picking up health everywhere, but also dies a lot. Unless the time comes when that is proven to be overpowered and makes the game worse, I don't see a reason to ban it.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Pop it or Drop it? Krits in TF2 General Discussion

Don't pop, save for more ideal sccenario. Situational though where sometimes popping is the right choice but not often.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 S15 whitelist file in TF2 General Discussion
Blam42There are a few weapons on here that I don
posted about 11 years ago
#4 alosec LFT medic esea-o in Recruitment (looking for team)

Was actually surprised to see that alosec doesn't have much league experience. alosec is a cool kid, fun to hang around with when either trying to have fun or be serious. Has this particular attitude or tone to his voice, idek, makes you wanna hang out with him. Good gamesense not only as medic but as the combat classes as well, which I think is a big plus for medics to have. In S15 terms I would dare to say he could play high open no sweat.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Thoughts on expanding TFTV NA casts into s15--> in TF2 General Discussion

Why would the IM/main casts have to be the same day as the invite MOTWs?

posted about 11 years ago
#63 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit so many walls of texts in this thread. Are there enough submissions to see some data yet?

posted about 11 years ago
#69 2v2 MGE Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

In case people don't pay:

Clean Up Crew
Lysol http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lysol_/
Turbo http://steamcommunity.com/id/Turbolicious/

Add me for instant payment.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Open Team LF scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Damn you people are so nice (piehero+stealthy; fuck you gek). But yeah we're mad chill when we play together, need a cool scout that can keep that up please. Also I just got a new demo unusual so we're definitely making playoffs next season.

posted about 11 years ago
#398 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

It's cool, gives me a positive Beatles vibe. I like it. Never heard it before though as far as blast from the past goes.

Hope nobody else already posted this, just one of those tracks I can listen to all day

posted about 11 years ago
#113 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
causeAll I see this thread turning into is people defending their mains when it gets put on the chopping block for nerfing or balancing. Let's be humble and realistic about this.

C'mon people.

Nerf sticky launcher this shit's too good

posted about 11 years ago
#4 scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

very DM strong. played a bunch of pugs with him and he's rung for my team before. if you think you have scout troubles on your team chameleon will fix them. seriously though, good DM.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 roamer lft open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good at what he does, knows when to go for a play and when to play safe. Chill guy and gave our whole team (except gek) merc scarfs for christmas.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Rap Music in Off Topic

Everyone's already got the older artists down so I'll just mention some people from this decade that I like along with what mixtape/album you should check out first.

Joey Badass (1999)
Schoolboy Q (Habits and Contradictions)
Kendrick Lamar (Good Kid MAAD City)
Chance the Rapper (10 Day or Acid Rap which just came out)
Logic (Undeniable)
Killer Mike (Rap Music)
Earl Sweatshirt (Earl)

posted about 11 years ago
#44 ESEA Invite S14 in TF2 General Discussion

Don't vote any, have 9 team invite. It's poifect.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Forum chatbox? in Site Discussion

Putting it here would make it more noticeable and used for sure. Also if we're trying to make this site a central hub for everything TF2, it would be much more convenient to have access to it here rather than having to have a separate IRC client open.

posted about 11 years ago
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