Anyone know how to edit the color of HudHintDisplay and HudHintKeyDisplay color and font? I take it the font is referenced in clientscheme but I'm not sure which, and I've looked everywhere for changing its color.
Teca99Sorry for all of my questions but how can I add these backpack numbers?
I know this isn't as direct of an answer as it could be, but I just recently added them to my hud so this might help: link
your backpackpanel.res entry should look similar, at least from the top down to line 154. You'd just need to change the font so it's whatever your hud uses.
tronim using rayshud, and the eotl update duck is blocking my custom background, how do i remove this damn duck
Find "EventPromo" and delete all the way down to // StorePromos. Or in other words, lines 3607 to 4042 (the } on line 4044 needs to stay).