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SteamID64 76561197999792505
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:19763388
Country Canada
Signed Up October 6, 2013
Last Posted June 16, 2022 at 4:44 AM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G403 Prodigy Wireless
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Core
Mousepad Corsair MM300
Headphones G430
Monitor LG 24GL600F
1 ⋅⋅ 16 17 18 19 20
#87 A way-too-detailed networking config in Customization

@Wareya In that guide you say you wrote an year ago, that "Soft" interp settings for hitscan oriented gameplay you advise cl_interp 0.05 / c_interp_ratio 2, but whenever people ask you what's the optimal config for an ideally well configured/ fast reliable connection, you answer cl_interp 0.033 / c_interp_ratio 2.2, that would match the "Normal settings" of said guide.

Which one (hitscan oriented) would you say nowawadays works the best? It's such a small fine-tuning I'm not sure I could blame it on the settings itself rather than my aim. Thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#66 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization

Just thought I should mention that mat_antialias isn't necessary to set to 0 in order to function, at least wasn't for me. I was managing to set the textures transparent on sv_pure 1 servers, but not on pure 2, not until the last edit where you added these commands:

mat_hdr_level 0
mat_antialias 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0

Now it's working regardless of sv_pure but setting mat_antialias to any value besides 0 doesn't brake it. I can live with all other commands set to the values specified, but no AA is just unbearable for me.

Thanks for sharing this!

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Identity in Other Games
Marley](and I dont see any mention of other games or products these guys have worked on. Which is a pretty big red flag imo)]

EDIT: did some research and it looks like the main guy only experience was working as a programer on the MMO "Mortal Online" which I have never even heard of before so hardly filling me with confidence about the game

There are quite a few indie companies who develop games throughout the years without making any major announcement and quite surprise us with its quality, specially for being produced by such a small staff or budget. Apart from the few pearls we find here and there, what you said is most likely the scenario here.

I like games who start really shy and are primarily good ideas not trying to be great, but turn out great. E.g. The Old City, which was a pretty raw game at its Kickstarter campaign (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/postmodsoftworks/the-old-city) and ended up way better than expected (http://store.steampowered.com/app/297350/).

shizno#23 from reddit (Illegal) Street Races

Inb4 your friend post on Steam a screenshot of the race he won and it's your job to arrest him.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Full Particle Effects Table in Customization

Hello there!

I usually try my hardest to solve problems on my own or discretely seek who I've seen is willing to help, but this subject is not as common as HUDs-related to find threads and Google didn't help much.

Ever since I began using custom particles mods (e.g. Chaofanatic's) I started receiving a lot of errors text in the console saying it was unable to find such particle, or unable to precache it. I understood that from the vanilla TF2 there were some spots available that could be filled with a handful of mods before it eventually got full. Just had to select a few I really liked and stick to those and there would be no errors.

I can't pinpoint the turning point (maybe it was when the new taunts came along) but now it's pretty much full by default. Using a few mods already trigger the error messages.

I browsed a few Gamebanana topics and developer.valvesoftware on how to properly index the new strings but something isn't working.

The particles_manifest at the moment looks like:

file "!particles/bigboom.pcf"
file "!particles/bl_killtaunt.pcf"
file "!particles/blood_impact.pcf"
file "!particles/blood_trail.pcf"
file "!particles/bombinomicon.pcf"
file "!particles/buildingdamage.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_pistol_tracer01_blue.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_pistol_tracer01_red.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_scattergun_tracer01_blue.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_scattergun_tracer01_red.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_shotgun_tracer01_blue.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_shotgun_tracer01_red.pcf"
file "!particles/bullet_tracers.pcf"
file "!particles/burningplayer.pcf"
file "!particles/cig_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/cinefx.pcf"
file "!particles/class_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/coin_spin.pcf"
file "!particles/conc_stars.pcf"
file "!particles/crit.pcf"
file "!particles/dirty_explode.pcf"
file "!particles/disguise.pcf"
file "!particles/doomsday_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/drg_bison.pcf"
file "!particles/drg_cowmangler.pcf"
file "!particles/drg_engineer.pcf"
file "!particles/drg_pyro.pcf"
file "!particles/dxhr_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/error.pcf"
file "!particles/explosion.pcf"
file "!particles/explosion_bubbles.pcf"
file "!particles/eye_powerup_green_lvl_4.pcf"
file "!particles/eyeboss.pcf"
file "!particles/fiery_death_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/firstperson_weapon_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/flag_particles.pcf"
file "!particles/flamethrower.pcf"
file "!particles/flamethrower_mvm.pcf"
file "!particles/grenade_smoke_cycle.pcf"
file "!particles/halloween.pcf"
file "!particles/harbor_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/impact_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/items_demo.pcf"
file "!particles/items_engineer.pcf"
file "!particles/item_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t0_lvl1_flash.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t0_lvl1_flash2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t0_lvl1_flash3.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t1_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t1_lvl1_glow.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t1_lvl1_sparks.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t1_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t1_lvl2_glow.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t2_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t2_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t2_lvl2_glow.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t3_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t3_lvl1_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t3_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t3_lvl2_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t4_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t5_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t5_lvl1_glow.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t5_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t5_lvl2_glow.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl1_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl2_smoke.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl2_sparks.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t6_lvl2_sparks2.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t7_lvl1.pcf"
file "!particles/killstreak_t7_lvl2.pcf"
file "particles/level_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/medicgun_attrib.pcf"
file "!particles/medicgun_beam.pcf"
file "!particles/merasmus_tp_bits.pcf"
file "!particles/muzzle_flash.pcf"
file "!particles/mvm.pcf"
file "!particles/nailtrails.pcf"
file "!particles/nemesis.pcf"
file "!particles/npc_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/phlo_stream_glow_unlocked.pcf"
file "!particles/phlo_stream_noise_unlocked.pcf"
file "!particles/player_recent_teleport.pcf"
file "!particles/rain_custom.pcf"
file "!particles/rocketbackblast.pcf"
file "!particles/rocketjumptrail.pcf"
file "!particles/rockettrail.pcf"
file "!particles/rps.pcf"
file "!particles/scary_ghost.pcf"
file "!particles/shellejection.pcf"
file "particles/smoke_blackbillow.pcf"
file "particles/smoke_blackbillow_hoodoo.pcf"
file "!particles/soldierbuff.pcf"
file "!particles/sparks.pcf"
file "!particles/speechbubbles.pcf"
file "!particles/stamp_spin.pcf"
file "!particles/stickybomb.pcf"
file "!particles/stormfront.pcf"
file "!particles/taunt_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/teleport_status.pcf"
file "!particles/teleported_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/training.pcf"
file "!particles/urban_fx.pcf"
file "!particles/water.pcf"
file "!particles/water_splash01.pcf"
file "!particles/xms.pcf"

I tried adding just the new particles as .txt, adding vanilla + new as .vpk, leaving everything to be precached on-demand as well (no exclamations marks). Nothing worked.

If you're wondering why the trouble on fixing this is that many particles don't show up because they're pushed off the table and aren't loaded, e.g. unusuals and killstreaks effects.

If someone would be so kind to shed some light into the matter, that'd be great.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 bball Twins Comeback in Videos

Holy Moly, that was amazing!

posted about 10 years ago
#86 bastHUD in Customization

Lovely HUD! I'm a big fan of HUDAS, but switched to this one. Just some minor stuff: if using the Killstreak icon above the health modification, it collapses with the "healed by" and buildings' levels info. The white background for the team classes in MvM, if in a server with 10 players, it falls short. And if you switch the scoreboard to any other version (e.g. 6v6 alt., 9v9), it's bugged and still in the original HUDAS Iscariote fashion.

I'm using the 16:9 version, not sure if the issue is specific on this one.

posted about 10 years ago
#446 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

By downloading through the HUDAS site you get it with all the fixes, including this one. If you just want the hotfix alone, popcorp posted his a few pages back.

Download Link

posted about 10 years ago
#442 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

Downloading the version 1.5 through its site, the default Scoreboard and the ones as "ScoreBoard_6v6" and "ScoreBoard_9v9" are with proper dimensions and the text is fitting on MvM, but the ones I believe made by Redd0t a while back as alternative versions and were included in the .rar (ScoreBoard - 6v6 and ScoreBoard - 9v9) weren't updated accordingly, so they are messed up. Didn't check all the possible alternative boards. I believe they can be removed, so not to confuse anybody with too many options.

posted about 10 years ago
#440 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
Slayer6Put this command in your autoexec tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1

Oh, didn't know it was a thing (thought it needed to mod a file to indicate where to show the timer. Guess it was already there). The more you know... Thanks for the tip!

posted about 10 years ago
#438 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

Hey guys! I've seen now in quite a few HUDs that the map's time left is displayed right below the round's time left, both on the top center. Would you think it's an interesting feature to add in HUDAS? Even as an extra, perhaps.

posted about 10 years ago
#413 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

The fix.rar above places the new files at Resource\ instead of Resource\UI. Just a minor heads up, as some people might drag-and-drop and don't realize its proper directory. Thanks for the quick update!

posted about 10 years ago
#324 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
redd0tNotes to be taken:
- You need to re-add your custom crosshair parameters in resource>clientscheme.res file.

For some reason I felt like this was aimed specially to me. Thanks! <3

Thetechnicbrickjust wondering, why do the item quality borders not work?

You can start your TF2 without any custom HUDs, go to the backpack page, enable colored borders and then copy the HUD into the custom folder.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 ultiduo_gullywash_b1 in Map Discussion

Looks really cool. As for the drop-downs, I'd rather see a straightforward duo DM map rather than having a gimmicky feature when somebody is low on HP and will try to pull out stunts. Just my 2 cents.

posted about 11 years ago
#301 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
redd0tgigalleroHello. There is a bug with my updated hud. When the vote menus pop i can't see anything to vote, like that menus on mvm to kick someone or to vote on a map on a pub.
I hope someone can help me, thanks :)
At the moment I do not have any issue of seeing the votemenu. Maybe its a serverside problem. Can anyone also confirm this?

This issue doesn't happen with me as well, but I had the default HUDAS and have been managing fix by fix. Overwritting pre-existing files with merged fixes could have done such thing. I'd recommend you to recap what you downloaded or start fresh looking post after post over looking for the specific files that are causing this as you'll have a bug free HUD. It's not an error on redd0t or cirlo's end as it's all good here.

posted about 11 years ago
#290 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

Hey redd0t,

Thanks for all the updates! Really lovely of your part, but I got a little annoyance going on for me. I was using all of your updates and extras, just left the MvM chat fix for last as I skipped the post and didn't notice it at first. Right after I merged it with the HUD files, I started having like a red "J" letter showing up right bellow my crosshair sometimes I hit somebody.

I'm not sure what is causing this, but I'm sure it started happening right after that particular file was modified. Could you look into it?

Thanks in advance, great work so far! (:

posted about 11 years ago
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