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Signed Up October 6, 2013
Last Posted June 16, 2022 at 4:44 AM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
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Keyboard HyperX Alloy Core
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Headphones G430
Monitor LG 24GL600F
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#6186 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ppaleun_KermitThere's a bunch of stuff under the timer that is set with "if_match", that's how the HUD looks with tf_use_match_hud 1, make the parts outside of the "if_match" sections looks the same, xpos, ypos, and backgrounds being visible etc.
I sorted out the timer, but I still can't figure out how to get rid of the rectangle that shows rounds won (when there's a winlimit set).

You mean having the round dots with no background? I tried if_match and if_readymode visible "0" on RedBG and BlueBG on HUDRoundCounters and they still showed up. Could be hard-coded.

posted about 5 years ago
#6182 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
JBWhat's this element again? I need to fix the zpos.

"mouseoveritempanel" @ Resource/UI/ItemSelectionPanel. There's an entry for BackpackPanel as well.

posted about 5 years ago
#6177 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ppaleunWell, that didn't quite seem to do the trick either. I appreciate your help though. When I look at HUDPlayerHealth, "PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage" points to an image "replay/thumbnails/buff". Would that be what's setting the colour?

I downloaded the HUD and checked it out, the file is replay/thumbnails/material_bonus. Not on-the-fly for changing colors as you'd want, but yeah. You can export the image with VTFEdit, change it and import it back.

posted about 5 years ago
#6175 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ppaleunIt didn't seem to work. Here's a screencap of my hudanimations_targetid.txt in case it helps. (This is without the changes you described, as they didn't affect anything I noticed.)

It seems to be using PlayerHealthBGBonus as the overheal element, but isn't setting the color inside the script (as I suggested above), just the transparency.

Try setting a color with:

event HudHealthBonusPulse
Animate PlayerHealthBGBonus FgColor "*BUFFED COLOR*" Linear 0.0 0.01

event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
Animate PlayerHealthBGBonus FgColor "*REGULAR HP COLOR*" Linear 0.0 0.01

I'm not sure about this one, but probably the PlayerHealthBGBonus color is already set inside Resource/HUDPlayerHealth. You can try this route.

posted about 5 years ago
#6173 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ppaleunHow do I change the colour of the box around the health of my targetID when overhealed? Looked in hudanimations but couldn't figure out what exactly I needed to change.

event HudHealthBonusPulse
Animate TargetIDBG Bgcolor "*GO-TO COLOR*" Accel 0.0 0.0
event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
Animate TargetIDBG Bgcolor "*ORIGINAL COLOR*" Accel 0.0 0.0
Use decimals for the accel part if you want.

allisonThis didnt work.

Sorry to hear, can't think of anything else :P

posted about 5 years ago
#4 what app was nuze using here during i61 in TF2 General Discussion

Not sure what Nuze used, but try this. Left panel -> click the controller icon -> Team Fortress 2 -> select map.

I think War used this on a few streams...

posted about 5 years ago
#6168 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
allisonI've noticed that when viewing the party chat after using it for a bit, the chat history, or messages, dont show anymore. does anyone know a fix for this?

When I noticed this, each time I opened the chat, it would gradually go down, until it would eventually vanish.

Try removing what's inside these brackets on your /scripts/hudanimations_custom (if your file doesn't have this snippet, paste as is at the end):

event CompetitiveGame_LowerChatWindow

event CompetitiveGame_RestoreChatWindow

event HudTournament_MoveChatWindow

AntlersI noticed this hud had a scoreboard with class icons rather than profiles of the classes, does anybody know which hud this came from, or how to implement it into another? I know the bare basics of hud editing but I can't find any resources on this

Idk what HUD that is, but you can use this mod instead. You could open the .vpk and extract its contents to your HUD's folder, but the .vpk is as modular as it gets. IIRC, preloading doesn't make it work on Valve servers, so you're stuck to community ones.

posted about 5 years ago
#139 Free Game Megathread in Other Games


posted about 5 years ago
#6162 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
pelthow move this ?

"SpectatorsInQueue" @ Resource/Scoreboard

posted about 5 years ago
#1892 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

You can put your personal settings on an autoexec.cfg file, that gets loaded last. Really, take a couple minutes to see the documentation, which includes customization. If you have any other questions, over on the Discord you'll be able to chat with other users.

posted about 5 years ago
#1890 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

VPK's are drag-n-drop into the \Common\Team Fortress 2\TF\Custom\ folder. Follow https://docs.mastercomfig.com/en/latest/setup/clean_up/ instructions, then grab the .zip from mastercom's post above. Going to that link's Install page on the left menu will get you to the version 7, which is not the latest.

You might want to join the Discord server to keep up with the project. Link's in the first post (and whatever else you might need).

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Help to report a cheater. in TF2 General Discussion

This kid has been around for a while, has a lot of alts... He uses nullcore or something VAC can't do shit about. Just change servers, mah boi. Don't entertain the trolls.

Just fyi, the account is at best a couple years old. There are hacks for that badge.

posted about 5 years ago
#1265 I've updated some huds in Customization

Try hitting escape. And upon entering/leaving a server it usually updates the backpack.

posted about 5 years ago
#6105 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

What snippet controls the classes' name text on the loadout panel?

And how do I edit these white stripes (building health)? I managed to find "ControlName" "CBuildingHealthBar" in each of the buildings' .res, but it seems to control only the vertical grey bar.

Show Content
posted about 5 years ago
#1844 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsAnyone who has been having crashing issues when they join a game: which version was the version it started happening and which version was the last one that was working for you?

Can't pinpoint a specific version, but v7 was definitely stable for me, and going back to v6.1x started making my game crash (not while joining, but mid-game after a couple maps and watching demos).

posted about 5 years ago
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