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Signed Up July 13, 2016
Last Posted October 28, 2018 at 6:47 PM
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#66 III in LAN Discussion

Any side games like there was the first year with Halo and Shadowrun?

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Important Poll for Science Class in Off Topic

Catman why are you like this.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Harassment thread in The Dumpster

I dont know if this thread is genuine and wants to help or tongue in cheek either mocking or meant to make actual victims look bad.

Ill just answer them both with one statement.

Toxicity is a problem in the TF2 community at times, namely towards LGBT people. This is not the way to fix it.

posted about 7 years ago
#46 How many genders are there in The Dumpster

Hi welcome to tftv, where we definitely dont hate trans people.

posted about 7 years ago
#93 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion

I mean I get what youre saying to a degree.

When i go play hockey I understand that im gonna get slashed. I dont like it but I have an understanding its going to happen, thays where my "thick skin" is. If I get slashed and the other guy gets a penalty im not as mad. But if I get slashed and the other guy doesn't get a penalty ill raise a fit about it and ill be mad.

We should understand that these hateful trolls should exist, but we dont have to allow them to when they pop up. We SHOULD punish and disuade those who do this stuff.

In my analogy Steph has been getting slashed, and slashed, and slashed, over and over for MONTHS. You cant really say when we find the party at fault we should just do nothing at all?

I mean shit its like murder. people are just gonna kill people. Its a fact and it will NEVER stop short of law enforcement reading our thoughts. But you wanna tell me we just shouldnt punish it cus whats the point?

posted about 7 years ago
#92 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethLonsforHildrethPeople here will probably go up in arms about this comment, but it's just the internet, if you got any tiny reason for people to start name calling you, they will do it, thick skin is needed - This is the reality of the world, it's full of cunts.
I think that just trowing your arm up and saying "Welp, its the internet, nothing we can do" is going at it the wrong way.

Yup I am saying that, because it's true whether you accept it or not. World is full of cunts, deal with it or post for justice on the internet or ignore it, don't bother me none, either way you won't change human nature.

So you would continue to allow said harrassers in the community?

posted about 7 years ago
#39 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
sendartacuno53sendwhy do you guys feel the need to jump in with your opinion about something you weren't involved in? you don't know the whole story, don't open your mouth about it
We'll you seem quite interested in defending here. Happen to know the story?
yes because i was actually there

Well go ahead. Do tell.

Cus all we've seen from this thread was accusations of harrasment and hate. Then the accused showed up and practicly showed by example that they were true saying anti trans memes and vote manipulating.

In a sense they just put in a guilty plea.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
sendwhy do you guys feel the need to jump in with your opinion about something you weren't involved in? you don't know the whole story, don't open your mouth about it

We'll you seem quite interested in defending here. Happen to know the story?

posted about 7 years ago
#33 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion

Blatant transphobia and harrasment should be a zero tolerance issue in tf2. Theres no room or place for it.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Rewind II details revealed in News
WadeESAartacuno53Well, actually I suppose if there are other games that could just be in the details yet to come. Heres hoping, and im sure im not alone in that.,

Street fighter IV and Super Smash 64 will be in attendance.


posted about 7 years ago
#13 Rewind II details revealed in News

Well, actually I suppose if there are other games that could just be in the details yet to come. Heres hoping, and im sure im not alone in that.,

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Rewind II details revealed in News

Aw, are there no other games like there was last year? (halo 1 and shadowrun)

I was kinda looking forward to see if there was anything like that this year.

posted about 7 years ago
#142 lol b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

How about they all stop being cunts then? Also whataboutism isnt an excuse.

Moominb4nnycorsaI implore you to become the next great TF2 champion, but do so while being the nicest most polite person at all times. Once that happens I'll naturally fade into obscurity in your carebear fantasyland kingdom. This just in: it is impossible to be good at a video game and polite.

Thats pretty much the end all to be all. Multiple invite players need to learn to just act like polite adults instead of the children they all try to be.

posted about 7 years ago
#40 yikes part 2 in Off Topic

Yeah we have invite players use "the nigger" to make calls reffering to the demoman.

Dont act like this community is appalled.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ESEA S26 W6: Cat Noises vs. black swan in Matches


posted about 7 years ago
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