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Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
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Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 60
#25 EUHL is actually dead (if it wasn't already). in TF2 General Discussion

Ondkaja went to LAN and placed 1st in his division.

posted about 7 years ago
#1848 stream highlights in Videos
ProSkeezuberchain: what the fuck

He said he wasn't good but he's great I got sandbagged

posted about 7 years ago
#1846 stream highlights in Videos

dd5f played some piano after jump maps.

posted about 7 years ago
#126 Rewind meme thread in TF2 General Discussion

I saw Nursey signing and tried to translate it?

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Cakes in Off Topic

Ice cream cake or bust
Fuck fondant

posted about 7 years ago
#170 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Favorite custom maps in Map Discussion

Most of my gameplay-favourite maps are already in the game, and most of the recent Mayann and Frontline-themed maps have been really pretty, but for me from a look standpoint it's Stallone, Discovery and Eros.

All of which are not good to play in 6v6 and also have their flaws for their designed gamemodes (not a problem if you're a Sniper for Stallone) but they're all gorgeous despite any dropped frames and I adore map aesthetics that go for something different than the traditional red desert standard.

posted about 7 years ago
#102 esa lan thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#96 esa lan thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you, Dashner. My Canadian partner-in-crime to carry me as always for Ready Up, from the cinematography down to becoming a co-director. I'm glad you were able to experience this LAN after all the shit with i58. When I first showed you the concept trailer before DHS, I was worried it'd be impossible to take on. You are the reason Ready Up has blossomed into what it is now, and you are the reason I am where I am today. It's really hard sometimes, but I'm glad we're still fighting for this project, fighting for our TF2 family. Let's keep doing our best. Thank you for sharing your passion with me.

Thank you, Sideshow. You took time out of your schedule to help promote our documentary as well as conduct our interviews. It was something I hesitated with at first for cost justifications - now, I have no doubt in my mind now that we would not have been able to pull off all the things we did during setup without you. It's always stressful during filming, but you helped us find light when there was darkness. You were lovely as always with the work you put in for us, and I'm glad you enjoyed your interviews. Sorry about your busted vocals. Not sorry you're an uncultured anti-chopsticks plebeian. Thank you for sharing your confidence with me.

Thank you Geel and You are the reason me, Sideshow, and Dashner could make it out to Rewind to finish filming for Ready Up. You are also the reason TF2 has continued to thrive. I am still just as grateful as I was when you first offered me the funds to fly to Dreamhack Summer, that you have this much faith in this project we share. You've always been there to help us out, and we will do our damndest to make this film something that not only you but the TF2 community can support and be proud of. Thank you for sharing your confidence in me.

Thank you to all the folks involved in the production of Esports Arena, from the casters and cameradudes to the staff and crew down to the water boys. Tino and Kevin, you killed it. Ma3la, slin, Truktruk, Bren, Fragile, eXtine, you killed it. Everybody killed it. Thank you Shdwpuppet for making sure to let me know about which plug I need to unplug from the power charger that had all the servers on it, to charge a laptop so that I didn't literally kill it. Thank you to the Samis for running the tournaments. Thank you to Wade for saying "yes" when Sami asked if we can do Rewind. Thank you for accommodating us for filming Ready Up. Thank you for making this LAN happen.

Thank you to ShdSteel for being awesome and doing what you could to make sure everybody had somewhere to go after LAN, as well as buying us some supplies we needed during the Ready Up filming process. Thank you as well for commissioning me for the poster, I'm sorry you didn't manage to get all the signatures you wanted but it looks fucking kick ass and I'm always happy to see my work printed and appreciated. Thank you Whisker for recommending me to ShdSteel for the poster, dropping by and giving us rides.

Thank you Hana for the rides as well, and the ginger tea + the ramen on the first day we met. We still need to go for a Pocky Asian supermarket run. Thank you Mana for coming in hot with the freshest of the memes and the freshest of the cookies from the 4th Street Supermarket. Wish we could have smashed karaoke together. Thank you Feathers for chilling out with us and volunteering, as well as helping set up. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself at LAN, wish we could have hung out more too.

Thank you TFCrew for turning up. Two worlds, but one family. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and enjoyed the games. Dane, if you dab on camera again, I will drag you off, i58 Getawhale style. Agro, if I'm not there to stop Dane from dabbing, it's up to you. Thank you Jasbutts for being my sister from another mister, and helping me with the photography stuff as well as scavenging food when the flash floods came into full effect. Cold In-N-Out fries have never tasted so good. Also, dicks.

Thank you not only to the American teams for turning up and Froyotech for their strong comeback, but the international teams for turning up. The Australians are bants. Thank you for the prestige you bring to LAN despite all the struggles of the Australian scene. Thank you to Paulsen who accepted an interview for Ready Up, and Mal for prepping him. Thank you Mal for a lot of shit actually, you're bants, I adore you, and the Tim Tams were delicious.

The Europeans are like second family to me. At that LAN, I could only count to Se7en. Thank you Kaidus for your insight for Ready Up, as well as buying me food and appreciating my Canadian 5 dollar bill. Thank you Se7en for your appreciation towards the brand I built you, and performing for LAN. Thank you Gubbins and Loris for showing me how far your support for your boys goes. Thank you Fribs and Lux for being so warm and welcoming to me. Thank you TEZC for your silliness. Thank you Bren for turning it up for casts as always and doing food runs with us.

Thank you, Starkie. There were many things you shared with me, such as that Hershey's chocolate bar it was disgusting, as well as also boarding this anti-chopsticks brigade the Brits keep rolling over me with fuck you guys and FUCK your Spy plays - but thank you for sharing TF2 with me. With Se7en. With your friends. With everyone who came to watch you play this dumb game one last time, all in the name of jomjom. Thank you for sharing your generosity with me.

Thank you, Ondkaja. Congratulations on being the first Euro to win an NA LAN with Legalize Ranch. Thank you for helping Dashner and I lug around equipment on the last day, as well as taking the risk with the motel's guest policy to have the early parties in your room. Thank you as well for letting me crash in that room when my god damn room sprung a leak due to nature pissing on California. Thank you for making sure Sideshow and Dashner did not piss laughing in a car while Whisker was figuring out how to get us to La Quinta. Thank you for sharing your sincerity with me.

Thank you to everybody period who turned up. Thank you for your applause when the Ready Up trailer debuted during the Grand Finals. Thank you for cheering on your favourite teams, no matter where they came from. Because they were all here for TF2. We were all here for TF2. My friends. My family. My loves. My thanks. Ready Up's filming is done, but one day when I have the chance, I hope we'll all meet again soon.

posted about 7 years ago
#26 TF Comics #6: The Naked and the Dead in TF2 General Discussion
Scout's voice actor did a dramatic reading of the new comic. Includes Scout trying to sound like Spy and a surprisingly good Medic impression.

posted about 7 years ago
#272 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Sideshow at Rewind Lan in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleThis is going a little overboard imo, but the sentiment of "LOL don't worry guys, if we weren't being paid to go, we wouldn't bother going" is a strange thing to admit

Again, I'm borrowing them from full-time jobs for my own project with the sponsorship funding. Both agreed to be present, but only if they could be sponsored due to not being able to financially pay out of their own pockets for the flights, equipment, and accommodations, then pay their own bills as well.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Sideshow at Rewind Lan in TF2 General Discussion
samifaceYour team is welcome at the arena, and we're happy to have you.

My gratitude shall be delivered to you personally in the form of a drink with an obnoxious arm-in-arm selfie with you on the side.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 Sideshow at Rewind Lan in TF2 General Discussion
Unsurprisingly he's already begun implying he's all-important and just "bothering" to show up to bless us with his presence because hes being paid to :o
uberchainSideshow is representing and Ready Up's production alongside myself and Dashner. Both have assisted me in the past for feedback and filming.

At i58, it was Tagg, Arie, Beta, and Bones. At TotH, it was Dashner and Sideshow. In the Ready Up thread I made a while back, we posted an update with our progress and what events were left: Blizzcon and Rewind. We're fortunate to be attending Rewind for in-depth interviews, footage and perspective from the first top-level NA LAN since ESEA and GXL halted TF2 activity, and the first TF2 LAN of 2017. We are there to give Geel and the TF2 community a well-polished, completed narrative about competitive Team Fortress 2. We are paying back what we've been paid to do in our work. We are making sure we can showcase a story that has needed to be told. I'm not getting why their presence is an issue if they are not involved with the main production.

My crew is not going to Rewind as former figureheads of Team Fortress 2 who will "bless" the LAN with their presence or improve it. My crew is not "crawling back" to Team Fortress 2 from their full-time jobs outside of it that prioritize this. My crew is going there as Ready Up production to finish a Team Fortress 2 film. I do not want them showing up and being treated with a cold shoulder by anybody while they are trying to film interviews or B-roll because of personal issues.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Sideshow at Rewind Lan in TF2 General Discussion

Sideshow is representing and Ready Up's production alongside myself and Dashner. Both have assisted me in the past for feedback and filming. I wanted Sideshow involved because he better understands the history, figureheads & players that we want to make sure that we touch upon. His interviewing style is more fluid and practiced compared to mine, and I'm happy he's on board with this.

sopshes going to forget to hit record on his camera

This is why Dashner is manning it.

posted about 7 years ago
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