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SteamID64 76561198059177902
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Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.15
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Raw Input 1
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60 hz
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Mouse HP USB 3-Button Optical
Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
1 ⋅⋅ 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
#11 Fully Charged! Insomnia55 - Episode 43 in Events

posted about 9 years ago
#3 TF2 Sim Racing Paints in Other Games

I designed Ascent's logo and hot damn, I really like how it looks on an automobile.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Peanut Butter Soda Review in Off Topic

When you would recommend the product

When you would not recommend the product

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Juicy poetry thread in Off Topic

We tried to tell you about the game -
Was the same game; never was the same
Yet when you realized that, we still put the blame
On you when you turned away from Our Name;
We damn well knew what we claimed
Now it's Our Name, Our Game, that you blame.

We took what you knew. We spat on it
Discussed it, were disgusted at it;
One of us was all it should take to admit:
"Rest assured, we meant no harm; don't quit"
We said - no, we tried to justify all of that shit
Yet we wonder why there exists between us, this split?

We came in, stomped on what you knew;
What you do, what you could do - you were trained to do
What they trained you for, this game named Two;
Yet we didn't care if Our Fathers said things true;
That's why you almost never knew
About the other options out there for you.

We tried so hard; too hard, for eight years -
Past years, grandfathers made earthquakes here
We borrowed that quake to never disappear -
What's left here? Why do I feel this much fear?
Eight years, our Brothers drowning in their tears
Their damned tears; damned with their clinging peers.

It took forever to swallow our pride;
We lied, we always lied to keep that pride
Which might be why we were often denied
By you, by Your Fathers we cast aside
Yet now. Your - no, Our Fathers supplied
Long after we feared we could have died.

We tried to tell you about the game;
Was the same game; never was the same -
Our Fathers came back. Our Fathers lit the flame.
Will you still come back? We can start clean again
After we told you Our Name, Our Game -
were the same as Your Game.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Fully Charged! Valve and Competitive TF2 - Episode 42 in Events

Here's some things that a few folk within other communities/within this community brought to my attention that I'll drop off here, may or may not have been said in past pages already:

- what do about assholes (berating teammates deconstructively, bad manners, etc)
- what do about casual play (ties in sort of with assholes, people who don't want to "try hard" and play TF2 without the pressure of winning/losing)
- what do about hackers (standard concerns)
- what do about strange teams (5 heavies, 1 medic stuff)
- what do about pay-2-win (duck journal, Mann Up ticket)
- what do about mic support (in-game chat is okay now though so)
- what do about ranking systems (sandbagging/smurf accounts)
- what do about HUD options (things disappearing, might be hardware thing too)
- what do about nerfs (per month/season MOBA style)
posted about 9 years ago
#74 ESEA S18 LAN - Day 2 in Events
XierilAlso, those uniforms looked awesome, and so did the intro/outro videos. (I really wanna check out the original storyboard for the intro SFM film, I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.)

I finally had time to put together a BTS video of the SFM work I did for the intro this year. I was the one who worked on the theme (which is totally just meant to take the piss out of LoL's 2014 "Warriors" MV), I've always wanted to make a video for comp TF2 like this.

Congrats to 4G, shoutout to Invite for fighting it out and keeping my job security. Shoutout to Dashner for doing the sweet frags that Beater helped find, as well as helping me when it was crunch-time with editing + post-processing + additional angles + keeping my sanity in check. Shoutout to Airon and Mana for the awesome sound and music mixing. Shoutout to tsc for getting me on the production crew back in S17 when I did jerseys. Shoutout to the production crew and our casters, buy them all drinks next time you see them god damn it. And last but not least, shoutout to all y'all cool people for appreciating what we do, what I do.

posted about 9 years ago
#57 inb4 dead game in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 9 years ago
#12 21 minute sfm video in Off Topic

Winglet is hugely respected in the SFM community. Nobody's going to give a shit about this but within other circles, I've vocalized issues about some of his videos' endings or pacing like a turbo nerd ("Your Eternal Revenge" is my trigger word) but he's shut me up with this, every character had their goods and bads and it wasn't just Flawless One-Man Hero bullshit like with 90% of every protagonist Scout animation ever. It's the best thing he's done and it's one of the longest plot-driven TF2 SFM animations, where he could do as he wished without having Valve interfere with development.

Working with stock animations/actors is a pain in the ass too and it comes off as lazy a lot of the time but fuck me he knows how to use them since Winglet's arguably the best at making his videos feel like TF2 too, like even if a Soldier's getting Ubs with an Equalizer it's badass enough to give it the creative license pass. This makes me want to go do huge things with SFM and strive to improve myself.

tl;dr I came.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 old shows you guys watched growing up? in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Need Help/Staff for annual Heavy Boxing in Projects

I guarantee you that Extra Life, Child's Play, or even St. Jude's, whichever one you pick - if you have one and you tell people exactly which charity, as long as the charity isn't shit people will absolutely want to donate no matter what. Please pick your charity first above all.

Also, it's being downvoted either based on how you have a lack of experience with running this sort of thing, or because a Heavy Boxing Tournament is just something a 6v6-based forum isn't interested in. Again, r/tf2, but keep the questions asked here in mind because they will be asked again over there.

EDIT: I need to add, having a charity event with this much work is absolutely a good intention. As I said, you seem like fresh blood, you look like you need (other than a confirmed charity) a little more organization. Message people who have hosted charity/non-charity events before, do some research on what they did right, what worked and what didn't, what you'll need to watch out for because Something Will Go Wrong if you aren't careful, if they paid anybody or if they didn't and why they chose to or didn't choose to.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Need Help/Staff for annual Heavy Boxing in Projects
BaSGeneralGroundboundNOTE: in some cases payment may be avaliable, but if you are going to apply only because of that, don't bother. There will be charity elements later and we don't need people only here for the money.

Never say this because it sounds like the sketchy shit that people who want to exploit freelancers would say. I understand this is a charity event (which should have been stated in the first place rather than insinuated in the post-notes); this is still not a good thing to ever state in the way your tone sounds. Personally, I want to volunteer my time for charity for charity, I don't have to be told to fuck off if I won't get paid.

Don't also give that "oh man well don't blame meeeeee for trying to make a good thing happen" because nobody is gonna want to work with you if your customer service/public relations techniques involves being like that. Answer what you can with transparency, thicken your skin, take the bad with the good and show tact and understanding in response, not passive-aggression.

Also, have you tried r/tf2 as well? If you'd like to find more help as well as more positive reception, they'll probably dig this event a little more than a 6v6-based forum like this might.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 #tf2can Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you to everybody involved, from the production crew to the donators, down to the live personalities and all of you guys who supported us and this event. Props to everyone who was part of the graphics team: our lead Jess, FoxC who made the awesome fireworks and lower thirds, and DukeDaniel who made our promo posters. I'll be straight up, I didn't think that we'd hit the numbers we did in terms of viewership or donations. Suddenly, we had a filled Mumble full of cool people all over different communities and niches wanting to pitch in their talents, over 9000 dollars, and a Twitch meme ascending into a symbol of good will and unity.

Also, shoutout to Ultimo for ripping that model that I was gonna surprise Dashnerr with in as a joke. Now, I feel like going through the work of finding this and having this ported was meant as fate. Have a 1920x1080 of our wonderful little blue-eyed star of hope.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. The Mad Men in Events

anyway here's duwatna trying to draw a perfect circlesmiley face that's a big ass mouth he got bro

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. The Mad Men in Events
7:38 AM - You Must Mike d:)!!!.kwm: yea that looks good basically the only things we could come up with for colours is grey, red, and magenta that isn't as offensive as the one in my name
7:38 AM - You Must Mike d:)!!!.kwm: as far as branding and stuff blank is pretty famous for this <|8O)
blank671 [1:28 AM]
do i get a clownface on my jersey for lan

uberchain [3:00 AM]
posted about 9 years ago
#5 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. The Mad Men in Events

posted about 9 years ago
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