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SteamID64 76561198059177902
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Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
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60 hz
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Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
1 ⋅⋅ 56 57 58 59 60
#16 End of the Line in TF2 General Discussion
McVee...I reiterated every time I mentioned weapons. They weren’t guaranteed. We were asked to tell the public what we wanted to do. Not what was done. One ended up in Love & War. The others didn’t make the quality cut. Valves opinions on the map [cp_snowplow] was that it was too complex for new players and was removed. But the final map is available publicly. Just not on official Valve servers.

From the director and head animator McVee's blog. I have friends who worked on this update so I'm going to put all the goddamn ducks I can stuff into my pockets to help them out and put money in their pockets. But for those who don't and wanted more, here's an explanation as to what happened to cp_snowplow as well as any chance of new weapons.

posted about 9 years ago
#84 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 2 in Events
Dasmemanyone know when the download for jersey skins coming up

Me and tsc are getting the okays from all the teams before we release the skin packs. I'm not sure if he's planning on releasing the StatusSpec assets used in the LAN cast too.

I can, however, confirm the skins will also come with 4K's of these:

posted about 9 years ago
#24 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 1 in Events

posted about 9 years ago
#12 TF2 update for 12/3/14 (12/4/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 9 years ago
#3 [SFM] Matchmaking? in Videos
SideshowPeople without a sense of humour? Thumbnail was amusing and fit with the video, don't get pressured into taking it down.

Naw, I'm pretty sure they had a sense of humour if they can notice the innuendo. If enough people think it fits I can keep it; I also took it down because I felt like it gave off a TF2 commentary vibe than an SFM video vibe.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 [SFM] Matchmaking? in Videos

All the speculation around matchmaking is really exciting so far, so I threw this together real quick in-between big projects to put out for my viewers to ask questions about (next to that Spy vs Engie update everybody else who has never cried over their plugins breaking is also waiting for).

Also I had a thumbnail I took down because it felt really clickbaity and had some otherwise implications people pointed out it was intentional I'm sorry.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Arena:Respawn PUG in Events

rip dashnerr

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Blood in the Water in Off Topic

Medic confirmed for shitlord.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 The Jewel Escapade [Saxxy Awards 2014] in Videos
flatlineI can't pick what to vote for.

Vote for as many as you like! You get all the votes to hand out to entries you enjoyed. If you liked this one, you can vote for it - if you liked Rivalry Rush or Mann Swap too, vote for that as well.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 The Jewel Escapade [Saxxy Awards 2014] in Videos

Hey, guys! I was gonna animate some 6v6-related stuff for the Saxxies, but then I fell ill to a series of unfortunate bullshit + my computer deciding to finally start dying in its 4th year. (I promise you that what I was working on before the sickness went down is going to get finished.)

However, I got picked up last minute by Callegos and a team of super talented people this year to do audio work on this entry: The Jewel Escapade. Follow the dangerous adventure of a Spy and a Heavy, two thieves who are trying to rob a gem from a mysterious, magical museum.

If you liked this, vote for it before Tuesday, September 30th by clicking that Steam link above and hitting that thumbs-up! It would mean a lot to me and the team who gave it their all for this year. Thanks for watching!

Also big shoutout by the way to eXtv's own Airon, who helped me a lot with the sound stuff for this. (He also worked on Rivalry Rush, check that out too!)

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Favorite Chips? in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#22 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. froyotech in Events
Ma3laaits too bad that sfm was made with us as exertus and then a week later we're elevate, because that shit is too hype

I fixed it right on time, it's okay now.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. froyotech in Events

posted about 10 years ago
#12 i52 feedback in LAN Discussion

I wouldn't mind health bars over the models, but seeing as how TF2's new update broke a lot of things and how the casting style seems to be general back-and-forth-from-player-to-player, I don't know if it'd be necessary.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Post your SFM posters here! in TF2 General Discussion

The summer season.

posted about 10 years ago
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