When i was in 6th grade I went with my mom and my sisters to go see my aunt and uncle in Colorado during spring break. At the end of the trip right before we were supposed to go back home my mom got sick. She was throwing up everywhere and her body would shake. When my dad asked what was going on I just told him that she was really sick. Something in his voice made him seem like he didn't believe me.
A couple days later I looked behind the bed and there are bottles upon bottles of booze. Thats when I learned that my mom was a binge drinker. My dad kept asking me what the fuck was going on with my mom and I kept lying to him because I knew that he would get really really mad if he found out what was really going on. Trying to hide my mom's secret from my sisters was even harder. Looking back now I should have just told my dad what was really going on. Anyway, I was stuck in that hotel room for 2 weeks with my mom who has drunk for basically a week and a half straight. I also missed a week of school. The only good thing that happened was I managed to farm a whole set of elite armor in guild wars.
My dad eventually figured out what was going on and got us all home. On the way home from the airport my dad told me all about my mom's history with alcohol and how half of the time that she was sick she was really just to hungover or drunk to drive us to school. I guess she was really good at hiding it from us.
Other things that give me sad feels.
-I'm going to my fourth high school when school starts. I know high school is a very small part of my life but I wish I could have spent at least most of it at one school. I just wish my life was a bit more normal in that regard.
-When i was little I lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I also went to school 30 minutes away and most of the kids' parents weren't very willing to drive all the way out ot my house. I had very few friends until I moved away so I spent a lot of time alone as a child. People always tell me I'm really weird and awkward and I can't help but feel that if I had more social interaction as a kid I would be a little less weird and awkward.
-Watched this girl who I was very far into the friendzone (this word makes me think of guys in fedoras but I don't know any other way to put it) with make out with my best friend, who she had just met that day. It was just me her and him in the house so it was pretty hard to stomach. I went outside and wrote a fucking retarded facebook message to her about how its 2hard2b her friend anymore blahblahblah. We then stopped talking to each other for a year. We have recently made up but I don't think she really wants to be my friend anymore :/ that was the first time I ever lost a friend. Most of the girls I have liked have ended up hooking up or going out with my friends. I have jealousy problems.