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Last Posted March 20, 2018 at 8:19 PM
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#5 KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer Launch Trailer in TF2 General Discussion

why play dm instead of just pugging 6s if you want good aim
why squat and deadlift instead of pickup basketball if you want to dunk
why practice scales and chord progressions instead of just piano concertos if you want to play rachmaninoff

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oh yeah because intentional practice allows you to improve weaker areas or prerequisite skills at a faster rate than just going for something beyond your ability right off the bat
posted about 6 years ago
#5263 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Does Medic have a rollout for Highlander? in Q/A Help

take two to three drinks during freeze time to try deal with the game until your first death from when your dysfunctional hl team leaves you on your own to get rushed by three of their flank

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not that I've played medic in highlander or anything
posted about 7 years ago
#17 any osu! gamers here? in Other Games

weekend tftv osu lobbies? anyone down??

posted about 7 years ago
#5397 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#2226 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#2132 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Reflex time in Off Topic
ConkyI thought was about the game reflex

good reflex time

posted about 8 years ago
#38 dead babies mad gunz swaps MR SLIN for cookiejake in News
saamtrippaIglertokAnyone notice that alot of gay people play tf2?
I'm confused what relevance this comment has to our team in particular

Good golly

posted about 8 years ago
#60 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I was actually wondering why the files need to be in one vpk.
Is it possible to have one for each class? In the end you'd only need like four vpk's per class, assuming that everyone wants to see melee, and then people can have any combination of viewmodels they want without you needing to fulfill request :)

Great job btw yttrium!

posted about 8 years ago
#82 Official Jasmine Tea i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
DavidTheWinThe idea is similar to how CS:GO does coaching. At DHS the intention was to have kaidus stood behind the team using mumble on his phone but it was scrapped due to not having really discussed it with the teams before the event. This is what is more commonly seen at CS:GO events but what we want to do is have a plugin that only allows the coach to spectate their own team, similar to the spectator mode you get when you're waiting to spawn. This requires a 7th PC so the coach requires a BYOC ticket and a PC but won't be done in the finals because we can't fit 7 PCs on a stage.

Have people yet brought up how different calling in an arena FPS like TF2 is, compared to a tactical FPS like CS:GO?

When you have someone over shoulder, calling in CS, they are calling in an almost purely strategic manner; NOT in a way that hugely affects team coordination. The timings in CS are literally down to milliseconds: situations like your entry fragger peeking exactly with the support's flash out cache A main, all a breadth after another player opens squeaky and mollies forklift. Having someone behind the team calling strats isn't going to fix that timing if it were otherwise wrong.

Meanwhile, TF2 (and other arena shooters) have team coordination at a much more macroscopic level than a few milliseconds... I.e. time enough for a coach to correct a mistiming. Even something as simple as the timing between the flank and the combo during a push becomes an unnecessary skill for the player, when a coach standing behind the players can see what all six are doing, and tell the flank exactly when they should come in. That window for you to come in at the correct time is not an eighth of a second in TF2, unlike in CS.

Coordination in TF2 is still extremely difficult, don't get me wrong. However, it's not difficult because it's about the most minute synchronizations and timings. It's difficult because: there are a lot more options, it's a lot more reactive (unlike the preset plays so much more prevalent in CS), and the coordination is necessary for a huge, huge portion of the time in game, as opposed to the once-every-two-minutes-or-so in CS.

I personally thing that, because a coach can't affect the coordination and timings in CS:GO, the coach remains much more strategical in function. I believe in TF2 the coach can very easily fix many problems with team coordination and timing, and because of this they end up being able to go way beyond tactics and strats for the team, and begin to eliminate the need for important player skills and experience.

I'm sure there are very experienced CS players here who could correct any of the (likely present) ways in which I've misinterpreted CS (and the presence of experience TF2 players goes without saying)

posted about 8 years ago
#71 Official Jasmine Tea i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

is the coach allowed to comm with them while they are actually playing? (sorry I didn't follow DH that closely; "as per what has been tried previously" is a little vague without that...)

coaching actually seems like an interesting direction to move in if a coach acts more as an analyst and can provide feedback to the team between matches and during pauses and such, and aren't necessarily allowed to talk during live comms. Actually calling with the team when the game is live is not something I am particularly a fan of

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ESEA S22 W7: FROYO BLACK vs. -bird noises- in Matches

same game, old name, new fame
go -bird noises-!

posted about 8 years ago
#67 slin's valve visit in Videos


posted about 8 years ago
#64 slin's valve visit in Videos

Something that I feel people don't talk about enough is the spectator experience of TF2.
It was exciting to see huge viewership on the TFTV stream when the main menu stream list was first put in place, but the increase was incredibly short lived, and soon dropped from four digit numbers to where we are now--struggling to break 500 viewers for incredibly hyped matches in invite.

My personal opinion is that spectating TF2 is a pretty poor experience.
This is entirely in spite of the wonderful job the casters and production do (shoutout to truktruk, BUICK, yimi, marblr, and everyone else recently spending a lot of time to greatly improving the competitive TF2 viewing experience!).

If Valve is listening and trying to actively improve TF2 based off the competitive community (RE: demo viewing fixes, weapon balancing, replacing prec, etc.), now would probably be a great time to discuss how competitive spectating could be improved.
For example, I think that seeing damage numbers or even hearing some subtle hitsound (created to fit as a sound effect, just as the headshot sound in CS fits the action) would go a long way towards getting a sense of what they player you're watching is actually doing. If I'm not mistaken, that's not currently possible in an STV, but if Valve were convinced it would greatly benefit TF2 I'm sure they would consider implementing something like that.

posted about 8 years ago
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