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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#21 ex-Crowns players forms Se7en in News
Antares-protocringe name lmao, but alles a god so its ok
so yeah every team name that isn't a meme or some shitty ironic joke it's cringe eh

its both..

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Monitor Flicker in Q/A Help

My monitor does this every once in a while:

It looks kind of different every time. As you can see, it only happens in game; if I open steam or alt-tab, the issue doesn't occur. I'm not sure if it happens in anything other than tf2 since it hasn't yet (but I only have a handful of hours of other games since this issue has started to occur and it happens rarely..sometimes it happens like 5 times a day though). I haven't tried to do much other ensuring my gpu drivers are up to date.

other suggestions?

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ex-Crowns players forms Se7en in News
georgebaiiWhat's to bet Starkie and AMS swap between Scout and Soldier repeatedly...

Just from reading the articles you can gather that the reason stark and kaptain switched was because crowns didn't have a main caller and stark could main call. now they have alle, who allegedly maincalls.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Pinky Finger in Q/A Help

If your pinky hurts after prolonged gaming, chances are you should try a different mouse

posted about 7 years ago
#10 DM1 Pro S vs Zowie in Hardware

when considering all the top mice, one isn't objectively better than another.
shape > misc (mostly just build quality) > texture > sensor

almost all of the top mice have either a 3360 or 3310 (or some similar variant), and the difference between the two is so minuscule in comparison to how much you actually like the feel of the mouse when using it.

as far as a comparison, I much prefer the dm1 pro s over an ec2a, for example, simply because of the texture. I also like the shape a bit more though. As another example, I like it more than the za12 because of the first reason being the shape and second reason being the texture. as you can see by reading other people's opinions, however, some people much prefer the shape and/or texture of either of those zowie mice than the dm1. also keep in mind, unfortunately, that half of the dm1's have shitty clicks.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Freestate quitting? in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#2 Paddie Retiring? in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#2 shade cut/quit froyo in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#47 ESEA Invite S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

2:24 COZENLOL: im playing next season and putting froyo in 2nd

EVL-cozen ????

posted about 7 years ago
#5 playing catch up in Off Topic

skeez is currently the best medic playing tf2.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 ESEA Invite S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
smesicorsapaddie's getting cutfroyo slemnish

it's between circa and shamoo atm

posted about 7 years ago
#40 ESEA Invite S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

paddie's getting cut

posted about 7 years ago
#32 I wanna medic main in TF2 General Discussion

this post is pretty much all really useful advice, but there are couple things that aren't necessarily true.

Don't be afraid to tell people to fuck off and grab a health pack.

ever since arrows have been implemented, rarely is it more beneficial to have a player go way back and grap a pack instead of just arrowing him if he already took the time to find a safe place to stand still for an arrow, which would ultimately take 2 seconds at most. it is true, however, a soldier, specifically, should get health packs instead of asking for arrows sometimes (most of these times would be during mid fights or team fights in general when every or almost every player on your team is alive and the health pack is easily accessible, like in your sewer on process)

It is okay to drop a uber if the payoff for not using is big and the consequences for dropping are small. For example if the other team's med is dead and numbers are otherwise even and you have full add. A roamer bombs you to get a force and you and there is a 50/50 chance you will surf the rocket and live or the rocket will kill you. If you use the uber you will not be close enough to the enemy team to get anything out of it. In this situation it would be okay to risk dropping as it doesn't leave your team much worse off than if you popped (pretty much even uber's holding 2nd) and the payoff would have been a full uber advantage last push.

you're right that it isn't that big of a risk, since you don't lose the round and you should win the round if you don't pop. however, the situation won't be even ubers holding 2nd a lot of the times. Most of the time when this happens, the team on last can push off of having a buff/heal advantage, because the medic on that team had probably already died a bit ago so he will get a quicker spawn, just spawned, or the med is alive already. whether or not you'll lose 2nd really depends on the time the other med died, obviously the time the other team died, and also the map. for example, it's hard to push out of last even when having heal advantage on maps that have a forward spawn somewhat near their team, like blands (unless the timing of the deaths is completely on that team's favor where you will not arrive to the fight for a bit and they have plenty of time to take full control of 2nd).

edit: whether or not you wanna take the risk of a player missing their shot so you can have uber ad into last depends on the score / amount of time left as well. If you're winning by a fair bit, there's actually no point in dropping because it's also pretty effective in that situation to just waste time by being even ubers (specifically, it's the best on their last where it's usually hard to push out of last rather than on mid where it's a bit easier for them to push off of smaller advantages).

posted about 7 years ago
#15 ESEA S23 Grand Finals: froyotech vs. EVL Gaming in Matches


posted about 7 years ago
#44 Help Bren get to LAN in LAN Discussion
wtzis there space for genuinely good streamers

can i have ur list of genuinely good streamers

posted about 7 years ago
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