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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#104 Timing items instead of banning them in TF2 General Discussion
cereaIhow about after 10 minutes someone is randomly chosen as saxton hale

I need this.

posted about 7 years ago
#101 Esports Arena Rewind announced in News

@samiface / b4nny

What model of monitors are provided for the invite bracket?

posted about 7 years ago
#118 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
yamathank you mr slin i almost started playing 6s again you are really just the angel on my shoulder

stop overexaggerating

the op weapons are going to get rebanned the next time teams scrim with this whitelist.

posted about 7 years ago
#99 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
CitroMaindMax_CitroMaindcorsaCitroMaindactually skipping this season because of the quick fix and pomson unban. what is going through your head, invite players, that "apperantly" know this game so well and admins that allow for this kind of shit to happen
first of all, nobody was able to argue why the pomson is even a good weapon since it got nerfed. it was stated that in most situations, it might lose a medic 1-2% (?) ubercharge from a medium to far distance. however, I can agree with you in that this is one of those "stupid" weapons that probably shouldn't even be in the game. It's really just a pointless weapon that won't do much.

and i'm also sure the quickfix will get banned after one day of scrims
holding last with uber disadvantage oh no problem lets sack a fucking engie with pomson through the choke and get rid of the advantage yeah sure

The problem is that engy dies and at worst the lose 10% uber if that, Just rebuff and push on player and uber add
yeah he dies but the path from badlands last to lobby isnt exactly the longest one + its narrow as fuck so its easy to spam

idk what you're trying to say, but suiciding an engy defending last for 10% AT MOST is not worth it. it's essentially high risk, low reward.

ex 1 (large disad):
it only takes 4 seconds to build 10% at max building rate, but it honestly will rarely ever do 10% because it's impossible to get that close to a medic unless he deserves it. in the case it does 10%, however, the other team has large enough advantage to the point where 4 seconds AND 5v6 is beneficial for the attacking team.

ex 2 (small disad):
you should almost never suicide a player defending last if you have small disad, as you can just get your uber anyway and force them early with another offclass (for example, sniper). by that time, you should have uber.

posted about 7 years ago
#93 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

also please don't make me / other scouts abuse the soda popper to show that it's incredibly overpowered AND stupid. it's a weapon that actually takes a little bit to get used to in order to make it viable, btw, so you might not notice players being insanely good at it right away. none of you who want it in invite have ever played against it, except, afaik, me. it is without a doubt the most ridiculous weapon i've ever played against in this game. almost as OP as the RR + wrangler combo. you can jump 5 times. in case you don't know what that implies, you can make a ton of room for your team and you will never die if you know how to airstrafe. unless you have used this weapon or have played against it for multiple seasons, i would recommend not giving your opinion on this weapon.

posted about 7 years ago
#88 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
CitroMaindactually skipping this season because of the quick fix and pomson unban. what is going through your head, invite players, that "apperantly" know this game so well and admins that allow for this kind of shit to happen

first of all, nobody was able to argue why the pomson is even a good weapon since it got nerfed. it was stated that in most situations, it might lose a medic 1-2% (?) ubercharge from a medium to far distance. however, I can agree with you in that this is one of those "stupid" weapons that probably shouldn't even be in the game. It's really just a pointless weapon that won't do much.

and i'm also sure the quickfix will get banned after one day of scrims

posted about 7 years ago
#4 dagger lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 7 years ago
#385 TF2 Rewind LAN at Esports Arena - Jan 21-22 in LAN Discussion

What model of monitors are provided for the invite bracket?

posted about 7 years ago
#23 tftv otps in The Dumpster

yomps + highfive

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the pickle bros..
posted about 7 years ago
#11 Who is he? in TF2 General Discussion

that's a compliment for me tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#85 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

sounds exactly like someone we know ..


The unsuitable part is you're not even being remotely satirical. You legitimately think that if somebody doesn't agree with you on this topic, they don't want the game to move forward--they like the same old tf2 and that won't get us anywhere. I agree that it won't get us anywhere, but like I said in the previous post, there's another direction to take BECAUSE of the way valve works not only as a company, but also because their specific tf2 team is so slow, impractical, and to be frank, not very intelligent (even when given advice). I really hope you recognize that you can't follow the steps of playtesting a large list with tf2's specific team.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion
Snackb4nnyWe know that they have a major competitive update coming, so why are we still acting like they've given up?
How can you still be this blind? I hate having to derail the conversation even further, but we began our wait for "a major competitive update" in 2013. When it finally came out 3 years later it was complete garbage and too little, too late. During the wait to that, we've had some of the notoriously worst updates that have done nothing for neither the casual community, nor the competitive one.

Do you seriously, seriously still believe that your almighty Valve to come and bless us with a game saving update that will land us on the front page of Twitch every hour and give us weekly LANs?

b4nny, it really scares me how you're one of the most popular people in this community, and therefore have a huge effect on your followers, yet you're this backwards minded.

Before you answer this question banny, it should be reworded. Of course you don't think there are going to be just one or two updates that solves these issues. You think it'll take time. I understand that you're fine with it taking a while to ultimately reach a point where we wouldn't have to ban any weapons. What about, however, the weapons in this game that can NOT be balanced and that can not be fun to play against even if changed, unless they were revised to the point where nobody would use them anymore (aka not "balanced")?

Can you explain how to go about some of those weapons? how can something like the beggars bazooka, air strike, or parachute ever be balanced if you were to keep in mind what makes soldier as fun, challenging, unique, and balanced as it is? Do you think people play soldier in competitive to sit in the sky and spam rockets or even to shoot multiple rockets at once, or is it because of the unique element of soldier that only arena shooters (or a mix of arena shooters and other fps's) might offer? I personally enjoy the unique and challenging part of soldier. To reiterate, you can suggest that it takes skill to use the beggars or airstrike, but is it really the same feel that makes tf2 the mix of arena shooter it is?

You can add all these weapons and also balance them, but why? Why would you make an fps game, especially one that already has a diverse selection of classes, more moba-esque in the sense that picking weapons is one of the main strategies? That was never the fun part of tf2, and it never will be. It has nothing to do with being afraid of change; it has to do with change in the wrong direction, the direction that everyone including yourself never enjoyed. You're lying to yourself if you disagree with the last sentence, because you constantly complain about specific weapons used in hl and how they should've never been implimented in the game. That's almost word for word from one of your streams a few months ago, btw.

posted about 7 years ago
#44 How do you fall asleep in Off Topic
avaiihnupdate: I just woke up so based on that it's safe to assume i slept :D Figuring I got about 9 hours so I might still try to sleep some more to get back some of what I lost but I feel 10x more sane now feelsgoodman

Turns out my muscles were super tense and I passed out while doing a stretch on the floor lol

It's significantly better to sleep that similar amount every day rather than to try to catch up on the weekends by sleeping 12 hours, for example. Catching up on sleep (to that large extent) doesn't actually help too much, unfortunately. Going to bed at the same time within around 30 min makes it a bit easier to fall asleep quickly, not to mention it's just healthier to keep a consistent sleep schedule.

You said, though, that you had trouble sleeping after being up for 36 hours, so you still might not be able to sleep consistently because of other issues.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 What's the reasoning behind your alias? in Off Topic
garbuglioi was looking at and the word of the day was garboil and i scrolled down and saw the origins of the word were from the old italian garbuglio and i thought it sounded funny so i made it my name
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What's the reasoning behind PurpleShirt ? >:o

posted about 7 years ago
#39 Get 20b to Rewind LAN! in TF2 General Discussion
TwiggyI ain't paying for the pair of racists that are showstopper and ash, sorry.

GL to the rest of the squad tho.

Did u know showstopper is half black

posted about 7 years ago
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