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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#11 lost chin in The Dumpster
ohaiderehes good ur not ur a noob

edit: downfrag me harder noobs he still went 2 lan and ur in open

i was wondering why all of your posts were retarded

just now realized you're akemi

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Forcing aliases for casted matches? in TF2 General Discussion
kKaltUusaamadyskyDrPhilsaamalso this was my first time producing on the main tftv channel, i know i fat fingered the console button twice and missed dr phil bombing for a med (euros do that??) but if you saw anything else I fucked up feel free to let me know


i think i got your airshot from your sniper's pov sort of

also if you're going to sac as demo just give me like a 95 second warning how am i supposed to expect that shit
by using the cheat sheet that tells you when big events are coming up?

why are you saying that in a sardonic way as if every production uses that

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Forcing aliases for casted matches? in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanBeelthazuswhat kind of punishment would be given to someone who violates this intentionally tho? there has to be cause and effect, otherwise no one will fallow this even if there is a rule that states it. It just seems unenforceable otherwise.


you'd get temp banned

posted about 7 years ago
#24 why do all scout mains have a landscape avatar in The Dumpster

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Quick question about sensitivity <1 in Customization
messiahthis is the reason mouse companies advertise ridiculously high dpi settings because thats when the sensors exceeds to its highest potential

a lot of times those mice with high dpi's are actually jittery (on their high dpi's)

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Quick question about sensitivity <1 in Customization
shorasHigh DPI is usually smoother, but there shouldn't be a big difference. Check this video.

It's preference, still. some people prefer the snappy feel.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Quick question about sensitivity <1 in Customization
Phoenix21I'll be honest, I tried out higher dpi and lower in game sens and it feels much smoother than lower dpi and higher in game sens.

That's also dependent on your specific mouse/sensor.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Been gone 3 years, what have I missed? in TF2 General Discussion
phobiacorsa you played on tLB?

for 4 seasons. from when we were in silver s8 to plat s11.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Been gone 3 years, what have I missed? in TF2 General Discussion
nykIt's completely pointless trying to compare how people played in 2013 to how people play now, we'll never fully know whether muma or platinum could hit more stuff.
Although we can be sure platinum was by far a superior jumper.
Maybe they were better back then, maybe they weren't. Point is loads of the people who were invite at the time (and were therefore the reason these guys weren't in invite) are now gone, and that is a shame because they were cool

Comparing muma to platinum

also what up scholar...good times on tLB

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Insomnia58 highlight movie released in News

froyo's worst lan performance that they ever had, had a demo that couldnt roll out, shows where NA tf2 stands right now

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Hot TF2 Moms in The Dumpster

cozen's mom ^_^


Cozen's Mom For Those Who Haven't Seen

Thick ?
posted about 7 years ago
#8 k who did this in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#6 k who did this in The Dumpster

2:19 AM - corsa :3:
2:19 AM - skeez: ROFL
2:20 AM - skeez: i edited that a couple days ago

posted about 7 years ago
#111 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
Scrambledcorsapretty sure you're the only one getting baited and honestly probably the one who is most triggered in this thread lol
but i'll keep replying so i can see how many -frags one person can collectively get in a single thread.
I'll be honest I'm not retarded enough to create a proper response to a claim that baseless.
corsaa bunch of crap about pure 6s needs support to grow!Maybe we all just need to support bball as its very easy to understand, not a logistics nightmare for matchmaking and never stale or boring, unlike every other tf2 format.

im triggered

posted about 7 years ago
#108 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
ScrambledThe year is 2016 and people still get baited by heavy mains.

pretty sure you're the only one getting baited and honestly probably the one who is most triggered in this thread lol
but i'll keep replying so i can see how many -frags one person can collectively get in a single thread.

popcorpcorsaIn terms of competitive support (money-wise), 6s players also want competitive to have more organizations support 6s competitively. They want Valve specifically to support 6s in this way, though. These tournaments are great and a lot of fun, but they simply won't help TF2; that's fine, and it's not a waste of time either because they're doing what they want to do with their money. It's just comments like these that are so meaningless.
I noticed that by looking at Razer cups, tf2 players complain about the lack of cups = razer comes and brings at least some amount of money for weekly cups = barely 8 teams register after 1st week of Razer hype and then it dies because people were SO ENTHUSIASTIC about playing those cups. Thing about TF2 cups and tourneys, they will always be dominated by top 3 EU and NA teams, so you'll never see a massive amount of people registering for them which will result in most cups/tourneys dying quite quickly, due to the pure fact that it is impossible to beat those top 3 na/eu teams as a High/IM team. And people can argue and say "Sign up, it's a free scrim for you", yes, it's soooo much fun to get rolled in 5 mins xd.

Organizations will not come, unless you yourselves show the support and doing what you guys did with Razer cups was not the best thing to do, I dunno much about what's going on on Faceit, but I expect it to die as well, unless it's already dead. And stop calling tf2 redditors, hl players and pubbers names, it sways them away from trying out/watching 6s just because they've never tried it or don't want to, and seeing how 6s elitist insult them makes them hate 6v6 and spread the news to their friends that people who play 6s are all jerks and that you should not be trying it out if you don't want to become one. It's the same as "Would you be a friend with someone who openly hates Gay people and you're Gay yourself?".


Interesting how you bold the sentence that is right before the clarifaction of what I was explaining--that Valve is 1) the only thing people care about in the long run 2) the only thing that ever and will ever matter. The orgs come later once it's obvious there is not only potential, but also sufficient support from the devs.

How delusional can you possibly be to think that the TF2 community itself, by itself, is at fault for the lackluster amount of support from 1) sponsors/orgs 2) valve? There have been hundreds of quality posts explaining why that notion is literally factually wrong (if you go read the valve mm threads, for instance).

I'm not sure why anyone would try to accuse me of being a 6s elitist when I have more hl seasons than probably anyone in this thread. It's just a fact that most hl players are delusional for thinking classes that slow the game down somehow provides an objectively better and more interesting gamemode, yet 20x more stalematey and harder to push off advantages when 6s is ALREADY extremely slow. It's one thing to like hl more because you enjoy specific things about it, such as liking to play spy; it's another to actually think it's a BETTER GAMEMODE for Valve to support.

posted about 7 years ago
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