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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#94 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
Scrambledunfwouldnt that make you a hypocrite thono because I never used it as an argument :)

im really, really sorry if I upset people who really like 6s


posted about 7 years ago
#80 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
Scrambledcorsaa bunch of words that can be summarized as: I play a spinoff gamemode that isn't popular and I'm angry that someone is trying to bridge the gap between the mode that lots of people play and the mode that I play.6s autists triggered xD

i'm better than you will ever be at hl

posted about 7 years ago
#75 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion

I'm honestly quite infuriated reading the ignorance of some of these posts. They were more common on some of valve mm update threads, exasperating "valve is helping, but you're still bitching??" It's as if you guys either don't read people's full posts or you just don't understand what's being explained. It has been overly transparent what 6s players want. They obviously wanted Valve to help earlier, but that's irrelevant at this point. Now, people just want Valve to balance the game and for them to actually do it well; this, unfortunately, is not happening because they don't quite listen to what good players in this game say besides a couple suggestions from a few players (mainly b4nny). It has been pretty clear that most of their balancing updates are either because of redditors complaining, their own awful ideas, or a couple of competitive players' ideas, like b4nny's. The trouble is that they don't really listen to b4nny and other top players that much. This wouldn't be too much of a problem if the people working on TF2 actually played TF2, though. After having this game since it has came out, it is pretty obvious that most of their weapon and balance updates are not only thoughtless, but also not aimed in the direction of competitive.

In terms of competitive support (money-wise), 6s players also want competitive to have more organizations support 6s competitively. They want Valve specifically to support 6s in this way, though. These tournaments are great and a lot of fun, but they simply won't help TF2; that's fine, and it's not a waste of time either because they're doing what they want to do with their money. It's just comments like these that are so meaningless.

flumesomeone tries to help tf2 and we still bitch

everybody with a functioning brain knows that the only thing that will help TF2 are more tournaments like these for pure 6s, but most importantly, from Valve, and also just sufficient support from Valve in general

georgebaiiWow sixes gamers are so retarded with what they want its unreal...

As stated, 6s players have known what they have wanted for years now; they have yet to receive it. I'm not sure how the intention of what 6s players want wasn't clear like 3 years ago.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion


I know many people shittalk you because you're a hl player, and most of those players are just awful 6s players who have no right to shittalk anyone, but you're actually so delusional my man. This is an awesome tournament for prize money, but you should really leave it at that. Making this into a legitimate format is beyond ridiculously stupid. From watching a bit of your video about your ideas on Valve and TF2, your thoughts about what this game needs are actually so absurdly delusional, not to mention some of your ideas about random topics in that video are actually factually wrong lol. In terms of competitive, you outright said Valve isn't quite supporting it, and you're right, they really aren't besides implementing matchmaking. You then followed up by saying that it's because they don't like the format so they're not gonna get too involved with 6s........They have already accepted 6s as a functionable format. No matter what format you choose, Valve will absolutely not put more effort into balancing and supporting competitive more in general, and that's all there is to it.

The decision has been up to Valve since day 1 (not to just support competitive with money, but also to actually fix the game and support it with efficient updates), and it still is; it just gets harder for Valve to regain the potential they've had in growing TF2 bigger each day they wait.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Thalash Res and CFG in Q/A Help

Hey ThalashEE, What's Ur Zoom Sensitivity Ratio >:O ?

P.S. Great Job At I58 Man ! Keep Up The Training For I61 I Cannot Wait To See You Beat Banny Again !!

posted about 7 years ago
#18 flank scouts in TF2 General Discussion
swagmachinemay go a little agains the grain here, but i dont think watching prem/invite level scouts will really help this guy. the dynamic between scouts and soldiers changes a lot at higher levels of play and watching people like stark/clockwork mow through them could be a bit misleading.

just keep that in mind, dont spend too much time pondering about gamesense and huge plays and get your dm up.

It is useful to watch your own demos/stvs, but it is most definitely important to also watch other people's demos, because there will always be little things you can pick up. You should have a big enough brain to distinguish the difference why some things they do at a high level only work because they simply hit their shots, had good movement, and had good timing/coordination with their team and mere support from their team as well. I personally think at a lower level, however, you should put more emphasis on watching stvs with a purpose to learn more about the game--learning more about how to take advantage of uber/number ads on each part of every map, for example--rather than the main purpose being little tips about a class. Obviously practice your dm, but there are a ton of dm lords with no real sense of how the game functions.

No matter what you're viewing, though, watching through an stv is infinitely more useful than pov demos.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 flank scouts in TF2 General Discussion
  • Starkie
  • Full Tilt Thalash (i think he's playing pocket scout now)
  • clockwork
  • cyzer
  • shrugger
  • evl yomps
  • freestate
  • slemnish
  • idk which one played flank scout but both scouts of last season's evl (scizor and sen)
  • both scouts for bird noises (arekk and corsa)
  • epsilon scouts (GeaR, basH, killer4fun, schocky, etc)
  • flippy

the only time i played flank was when i played with froyo black in playoffs last season and a tiny bit this season to try things.
cyzer plays heals/combo

also, some of those teams don't/didn't really have a "flank and combo" structure for scout.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 For Skeez From Knuckles in TF2 General Discussion

do you guys notice that most of the meds there are legends?

ya thats because skeez is a fucking legend too

posted about 8 years ago
#12 ESEA S23 W3: -bird noises- vs. this game used to be fun in Matches
ProSkeeznice 135 dpm corsa

tfw u outdamage every scout only doing 135 dpm o_O

posted about 8 years ago
#4705 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

feedback is really appreciated :D

60 fps. the editing is rly nice though

posted about 8 years ago
#4698 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Shoutout to biffel for this sick hl frag movie

posted about 8 years ago
#321 Vent your anger in Off Topic
nanimalI'm trying to get with this girl but I'm awkward and too much of a bitch boi to ask her out and I'm p sure if I keep being a pussy I'll miss my opportunity/fuck up. Pissed at myself for being beta smh why did I chose to spend thousands of hours on a videogame instead of being social

never too late buddy :)

posted about 8 years ago
#38 Tell me my senior quote in Off Topic

Of course I dress well. I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 ESEA S23 W2: Meat Market vs. this game used to be fun in Matches

I want cookiejake AND skeez to win....I CANT DECIDE!!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 A few questions about null-movement scripts in Q/A Help
highfiveNurseyThere's literally no downside, it's not banned anywhere, it's pretty essential for decent movement imo, download the hell out of it. Almost everyone I know uses it.who? i don't know anyone that uses it

nursey, nursey, nursey


posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ⋅⋅ 79