TF2C_MasterNoobkKaltUuTF2C_MasterNoobkKaltUuwhere did the other 5~6k they collected by donations go?
Yeah, Kaltu is my bookie as well. When can I expect that money Kaltu?
Instead of being sarcastic you should keep your promise and show some transparency with the funds. It's been 7 months since you started collecting money. So far tf2center has seeded back 0 of that back to the community hence why most of your staff left.
Don't be the boogie man people paint you to be, your site has potential to be an asset to the competitive community and people have spent time and money on it to make sure it is. Be the better man and actually take steps to live up to your site's motto.
Stop telling people how much money TF2C has, since you have no clue; you never had. Also, stop lecturing me about why my staff left, don't project your personal reasons onto others.
So why do you think your staff left? I'd love to hear the real reason.