WiethoofdSilvvydecent mode buttons, welcome label now doubles as the console buttonShould possibly be posted in the hud questions thread, but do the avatar and welcome back label still work, or is this hardcoded? afaik valve killed that with the Meat your Match update or did you find a workaround?!
I did find a workaround, yeah.
If you want to do the whole "welcome back" label, you need to add this to your MainMenuOverride.res file
"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "Label1"
"xpos" "125"
"ypos" "105"
"zpos" "1"
"wide" "340"
"tall" "16"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "Welcome Back, Silvvy"
"textAlignment" "north-west"
"font" "m0refont16"
"fgcolor" "m0rewhite"
This one is static, just replace the font/colour/name with whatever fits you. I used the m0re-black nameplate for that screenshot, since it doubles as the console button
As for the avatar, I opted to override the base TF2 Logo file with a custom .vtf of my avatar, and scale it down
Add a sub-folder to the main Materials folder, call it Logo.
Then, make a .vtf file of whatever image you want to use, and name it as new_tf2_logo.vtf. Drop it into that folder.
After that, under the TFLogoImage section of MainMenuOverride.res, scale the image/re-position it to your liking