moonchildRE: crespi
It had to be done, that paste bin was pretty hilarious. To be fair I didn't say anything bad about you, even though I could have.
It didn't have to be done, It was almost two years old, out of context, and had nothing to do with me wanting to find a team to play medic with.
moonchild To be fair I didn't say anything bad about you, even though I could have.
You didn't have to say anything bad about me, the way that pastebin made me look did more than any words coming from you could ever do.
P.s the only reason I'm even saying anything to you is because recently, I've heard from two different people that they have heard you talking shit about me recently. I was surprised because the last time I talked to you (about 2 years ago) I remember we had settled our petty differences and moved on, so I was compelled to chime in.
I wish you sincere luck in your future of tf2 and life.