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SteamID64 76561197998763358
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:19248815
Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
1 ⋅⋅ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⋅⋅ 41
#3 ESEA-O S:18 Playoffs R1: An exercise in futility in News
SpaceCadetYou missed a match. Mumble Robots vs WE NEVER WIPE

Yes I did, not sure how cause they got in the bracket thingy x.x

Will fix tomorrow, now bed.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Medic LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Watched some demos of Redshirt, she could probably play on a decent mid open (playoff bubble team) this season, especially if she puts work into the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Most Dangerous Situation You've Ever Been In? in Off Topic

Several near accidents with dumbasses who can't fucking drive (including one with a truck that almost certainly would have been fatal without good brakes).

Had a suicidal homeless guy pull a large piece of glass on me once, more of a hepatitis risk than actual death.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 kimmieunni medic lft low-open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Does really well in Newbie Mixes and would make a good addition to any team looking to have a good first season in open.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Wu Tang Club LF IM Pocket/Demo in Recruitment (looking for players)

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the ongoing absence of Khunti "Universeruler" Jaggesh. He was absent from scrims Thursday the 26th of February and no one has heard from him since. It is a heartbreaking moment for us and we continue to be hopeful for his and his family's well being.

As the season has drawn to a close however, we find ourselves needing to move on and find a new pocket and to fill his shoes as well as a demoman for the upcoming s19. Our team has stayed together from s17 through open, earning our way into IM where we have had some success. Particularly, we have improved greatly as a team and hope to do very well in our next season.

To this end, we require a pocket and demoman who are communicative and confident. We will be looking at a variety of criteria, all of which will be important for players who wish to join us.

    *proven history of success in at least 1 season of open playoffs
    *Good, friendly attitude. We are a group of friends and are looking to add someone who will fit into that dynamic
    *Regular availability. We scrim S-Thurs 9-11pm EST. We will usually end a bit earlier. Please have at least a liberal bedtime. We will also hold regular demo reviews etc, starting a bit earlier than scrim time. You won't have to make time for that every night, but once or twice a week being able to show up a bit early would be a plus.
    *Main calling is not required (drshdwpuppet fills that role) but confidence in communication and willingness to talk, especially on pushes and calling targets would be a huge plus.
    *Comfort and confidence in leading uber pushes and handling post-uber positioning and transitions (a historically difficult area for our team).
    *Able to pay own league fees. Server (a VPS that handles our server, mumble and other things) is provided and we won't ask you to contribute to that, but be able to pay your own league fees and premium for ESEA. Note that IM is more expensive than open.

Our current roster is

Roamer: Benroads - Weeaboo slayer and Arena Shooter enthusiast, Benroads enjoys long walks behind your team, bombing medics and annihilating scouts who mistakenly think that roamers are easy to kill. His favorite food is Chili Mac'n'cheese and his favorite call is "fucking. oh my god he's so fucking lit. fuck".

Flank Scout: Rastsy - Most often found baiting for Benroads, Rastsy makes up the other half of our two man flank powerhouse. His biggest team contribution is the ability to salvage any mid the enemy team mistakenly didn't focus him at and getting magical backcaps.

Pocket Scout: PinKushin - Living proof that giving scouts 185 is possibly the most broken mechanic in the game, PinKushin has the hard job of keeping both me and Benroads happy. Always cheerful and dedicated, he will make a great fragging partner for any pocket looking to dominate.

Medic: Dr. shdwpuppet - Our Medic and main caller, if you get dropped in or before a Uber you can always blame it on his 28 inch 360.

Pocket Emeritus: Universe - Better than he gave himself credit for and is dearly missed. Will be our priority if he returns to us.

Demoman Emeritus: Kuestif - After deciding that he didn't want to commit the kind of time necessary to continue being competitive in IM, Kuestif decided to step down.

We are also always looking for backups, particularly those that can play several classes well.

If you are interested in joining our small group of friends and teammates, add myself or Benroads.


posted about 9 years ago
#54 Favorite Subway Sandwich in Off Topic

which which or Jersey Mike's, none of that nasty ass subway shit

posted about 9 years ago
#8 tips on avoiding procrastination in Q/A Help

Forcing yourself is one way of looking at it. In a way, Stoperr is right. Eventually you just have to fucking do it.

But thinking about how the human brain handles motivation and rewards can help out a lot too. For the brain, starting is easily the hardest part. There is mental inertia and resistance keeping you from just taking out the book and doing a few math problems. So start there. Do one math problem or read one section of biology or whatever you are studying. Write one line of an essay. It doesn't matter where you start, just START.

Do one thing, and then another, and then another. Add on and keep moving. You have changed your internal inertia away from sitting, browsing tf2tv and reddit. Do an hour of work, then take a break, but not a videogame or reddit or tf2tv break. Don't reward yourself with the same behaviours you procrastinated with. Reward yourself by making a healthy snack or cup of tea. Reward yourself by taking the dog for a quick walk or playing with the cat for a few minutes. Clear your head, don't get bogged down on something, get yourself some water and start again. Do that a few times and you will have worked for 2-3 hours, probably have your homework done, and can go on to do the behaviours that you originally were procrastinating with.

TF2, reddit etc can all be part of a mentally healthy lifestyle, we just let them encroach into the time they don't deserve. Limit it, things don't move so fast here you need to check it more than once or twice a day to keep fully up to date. Reddit has nothing really interesting to say. Netflix is fun but honestly should be kept to certain days (weekends) because not binge watching is hard.

If sitting down and doing your homework for one hour is hard, try 20 minutes. Commit yourself to 20 minutes right now, don't refresh this page, don't alt-tab to another page or game. Turn off your monitor, grab a cup of water, sit down away from your computer desk and do one subject for 20 minutes.

Easy right? Do it again tomorrow, but 30 minutes. Get back hold of your life and make meaningful and mindful choices about your behaviour. It will feel good to have done 20 minutes, it will feel good to do 30. The hard part is starting and there are no tricks. Good Luck.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Muselk on Overwatch in Other Games
KevinIsPwnWholegraincommonly hated on tftv
is there actually a common hatred?

shhhhhhhhhhhh give in to the tf2tv hive mind. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Been Wondering Where the TF2 Community Lives in Off Topic

There are like, 4 or 5 of us, we should carpool to LANs and shit.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Been Wondering Where the TF2 Community Lives in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#10 I'm figuring out where to live next; suggestions? in Off Topic

Chiiiiiicaaaaagooooooo :D

great city, the transportation extends WELL past the actual urban parts of the city for the most part, allowing you to live where its a bit cheaper and still get all the benefits of living next to a huge city.

Austin is probably my next best choice (I hate the Texas summer heat), its a younger, hipper town with all the amenities of a proper city and a college town.

Louisville is surprisingly excellent as well.

Kansas City, especially if you can get into a "fiberhood" is a great place to live as well. Good quality of life, cheap everything, easy access to the rest of the United States via flight, tech sector jobs a plenty.

I think sometimes it is worth looking at some of the less major cities and really looking at why it is you want to move to one of the big megacities. NYC, Chicago, LA, Dallas etc have their advantages for sure, but I think some of the smaller cities have way more charm and quality per cost.

Don't move to Indianapolis. Place is a shithole.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 ESEA-O: Week 8 Predictions and Interesting Data in News
Twitchnice pred shddw

If you look at my record for predictions throughout the season, it is actually astonishingly bad.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 ESEA Open Playoff Bubble Picture in News
With no response from Uni on shadowpuppet shdwpuppet activity, I decided to publish Space’s work officially on TFTV for the community. Apologies in advance if this steps on your toes, shadowpuppet shdwpuppet, but blame Uni on this one.

I had to take last week off due to RL stuff, but will be publishing my open writeup later today before matches.

If you have had a response from Uni on anything, I am a bit surprised. I haven't heard from him since Thursday and he has now missed two nights in a row of scrims. I miss my little currymonster :(

posted about 9 years ago
#421 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
PhiYea or nay? I think it's a good small change so players don't have to do tons of jumps to get up there.

make the taller, two toned wall either have a ramp itself or able to be jumped up in two jumps. That looks like it would be really awkward to back up to if you have to give up lobby.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetMoyWait, to make Open playoffs how many wins does a team need? Is it 11 for an assured spot, or 12?
I believe Mathematically as records stand right now, 12 wins is the only assured spot. After this week on Sunshine, that number will probably move down to 11 wins to clinch and possibly 10 depending on some results.

I looked into how to mathematically determine number of wins needed, and it turns out to be a very non-trivial problem. I found a paper on the topic (specifically NHL teams) that has what appears to be a reproduce-able and game agnostic method, but the math is a bit beyond my abilities.


I kind of did a simpler method of their test and looked at a bunch of the bubble teams, their record, their likely end of season record and how that compared to everyone else and I really think 11 wins at the end of the season will signify a playoff spot, with perhaps the last 2-3 slots going to a 10-6 team with a lot of rounds for.

posted about 9 years ago
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