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SteamID64 76561197998763358
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Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g400s
Keyboard Ducky Shine 3 TKL with rainbow keycaps
Mousepad puretrack talent
Headphones ATH M-50x
Monitor Benq 120hz
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 41
#453 GXL LAN 2015 in News
TheFragilethat were quintessential to the production staff not going insane


Also, something I don't think TheFragile has said is that he will be busier this year helping/running many of the other tournaments, so he won't have time to chase teams around all of the hell on earth that is Pennsylvania to get them to play their matches. So one role that someone could do is simply be a runner to communicate between admin/servers and the various teams. Plenty of non-technical, non-camera facing roles to be done, and you don't even have to commit to doing them for the whole entire LAN.


posted about 8 years ago
#5 IM Medic LFT s21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

So I am out of work with an injury that will take at least this season to heal from. I can now take the place of a full time medic in IM, or dedicate myself to being able to backup more regularly for someone with a flakey gamer.


posted about 8 years ago
#4 Help! Mumble isn't working in TF2 General Discussion

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

posted about 8 years ago
#375 GXL LAN 2015 in News

So instead of setting them up on the fly again this year (which I understand led to random crits being left on the DM server), I am going to be pre-setting up the "fun" servers. Aside from strictly match servers, what would you guys like to have available to you?

posted about 8 years ago
#78 tactics.tf strategy tool in Projects

im not sure if it has been suggested, but the ability to export to jpg/png would be sick

posted about 8 years ago
#10 How do i know if im "comp worthy"? in Q/A Help

You don't start your TF2 career "comp worthy". You start it like most people do, absolutely garbage for a few weeks/months until you start to get the hang of it and can really focus on improving.

Join up with newbie mixes, join an Iron team, and have fun. Literally someone who just installed TF2 and has never played a first person shooter is comp worthy. This isn't some exclusive club only for the sufficiently skilled, this is for everyone and anyone.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 tf2statr: Compile and aggregate TF2 stats in R in Projects



I've been doing this in python and databases which is kinda awkward. This is perfect.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

I am mostly glad to see that the autism isn't just confined to tftv

posted about 8 years ago
#3 How do TF2 editors encode their videos nowadays? in Videos

I don't do much of the editing these days, but I was always a fan of just using adobe media encoder. I worked with source footage at native framerate (or the targas) and worked in that format all the way through editing until the end where I exported and encoded in one step.

Seamless integration (and inclusion with) After Effects/Premiere. Though you see vegas and other software from time to time, the adobe suite is really the gold standard in video editing and seamless exporting and rendering are awesome.

Automatic Youtube Uploading. This is a lifesaver, often I had render times that were long enough to warrant running overnight or while I was out for the day. Having it automatically upload meant I could just press start and forget completely about it.

Queuing renders. Being able to do many at a time is valuable. You can also do a 720 youtube version and a 1080 60fps version for download in one job.

Composite rendering. Adobe Media Encoder allows for rendering premiere projects that have after effects projects (or other premiere projects) literally embedded inside them. No intermediary rendering, just export/render the final project and it will all go through the renderer/encoder one time.

Tons of presets. Like hundreds, and you can make your own. Most of them are for more "traditional" media, but youtube settings and digital consumption settings exist as well.

Not free software. In either sense of the word. This may or may not be an issue for certain people.

Limited/No support for non-adobe formats. It does take, say, non-compressed non-encoded avi files and turns them into whatever, but the cool shit it can do with after effects files it cant do with say, nuke or vegas files.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 LF video gamer(s) in Recruitment (looking for players)
RainofLightsaamif someone is going missing for extended periods of time and it happens on a regular basis it might be time to just find a new starter manevery time I've been gone it was a separate issue I've gone through two power supplies and a dead graphics card, neither of which were situations I had control over

I think the issue is less that you constantly disappear and more that when you leave suddenly, there is no way to contact you and you either can't, or don't, make the effort to, communicate with them about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 lack of chicago lans in LAN Discussion

I have actually looked into this some because I have been wanting to host a LAN in the midwest for some time (the mixture of cheap flights and central location is the best).

Chicago proper is tough because a very tight union for the convention centers and similar venues dictate that certain services be provided by union employees and things get really expensive really fast. WCRV happened because there was already a venue ready to go. I took over for Lange in setting up the next "WCRV" (Lange asked that we not use that name, but it was going to be in the same spirit) but all of the non-school time weekends for the majority of the year were taken by various events and birthday parties. I don't want to artificially limit the number of people that can come by having school conflicts and making travel difficult. I will try again early next year, see if we can't get a spring break or very early summer thing going.

I live in Indianapolis and we have a smaller venue here that is along the same lines, and cheaper options for hosting a larger scale, GXL style event. I used to be part of an organization that ran LAN events south of Indianapolis on IU campus, and they were extremely disinterested in any sort of properly competitive environment.

The real issue is in capital. If we want a GXL style event, it takes significant amounts of money and time to set up. WCRV style events are easier to plan and set up, but have less capacity. The real solution I think is to get a league final LAN sort of thing set up, which requires a league other than ESEA. Who knows, 2016 could be the year of a midwest TF2 lan ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 IM Medic LFT s21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

So I realized I cant get away from loving this game to death and wanting to play, even if my schedule doesn't allow for a full time engagement.

I would like to be a medic backup for an IM team or pocket for a mid to mid-high open team. I will be available for scrims/ringing or matches, I am paid up in IM. I work nights roughly 2-3 times a week, mostly on Sundays, but when I am not at work, I am generally available. Wed/Thurs match days are generally available.

Now looking for S21, I have more complete control over my scheduling when I return to work, so that shouldn't be an issue. Can main call, can just healbot. I enjoy long walks through chokes and buffing scouts. Also, have mumble and gameserver ready to play on if the team needs that. Its a VPS I will pay for anyway, so might as well just use that!

If interested, hit me up.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Tenkeyless mechanical keyboard suggestions? in Hardware

Ducky Shine Tenkeyless is the best thing I've ever bought.

posted about 8 years ago
#229 ESEA-IM S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNall you people talking shit have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. even b4nny could not carry that horrible team that was "Wu Tang Club"

Are you mad because after you stopped showing up without contacting anyone in any of the variety of ways we had available that something was up and then never bothered to even say where you went or why you left (until maybe now?), we had to find a replacement. I mean, no offense to radium, but we didn't have him demo because we had a variety of good options.

ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN(what a retarded fucking name for a team btw). the only players worth shit on the team were rastsy and benroads. pinkushin was ok but never consistent, shdwpuppet and radium literally belong in UGC aluminium or tf2center until they start to understand the basics of the game.

I mean, fair enough, I have never really claimed to be any good. Leave radium out of it though, he was playing pocket for the first time and is actually an insanely smart player who I respect a lot.

ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN i had no idea what i was getting into when shdwpuppet asked me to play, and pretty much picked me up without hesitation, knowing i have no league experience. i should have turned away immediately, but i thought it was worth a shot.

You flat out told me you had some mid to high open experience in seasons past and came with a recommendation. I wish I could remember who vouched for you so I can flag them as a mouth breather on my steam friends.

ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNman, what a waste of time scrimming with a bunch of inept players who would wind up forfeiting every match as soon as it started because of shdwpuppet's inability to talk about anything else other than furries and men's assholes.

Guilty as charged.

ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNi don't even want to go into the other weird shit the rest of the team said, but it pretty much never had anything to do with TF2. or if it did, it was shdwpuppet on the verge of tears writing a suicide letter because his team sucked so bad.

I really enjoyed playing with Rastsy, Ben, Pin and Radium. They are my friends and some of the best people I have met playing this game. I wouldn't have cared if we were low fucking open, that's never been what this game is about to me. The funny thing is that I do have depression and suicidal ideation sometimes, but the team was one of the things that kept me sane and kept me happy, even if only for a few hours 5 nights a week.

4812622seriously though shdwpuppet why the FUCK did you pick up illegalelephantgun

Because at the time, we had no other prospective demoman choices. Season was starting very soon, I had flirted with a few players, but because the situation with our pocket and what we were going to do was extremely unclear, they had made a decision on other teams. Part of that is my fault. Remember that there was a drought of demomen, especially around our skill level. Good demomen could ride on up to higher level IM or were happy with their teams. I make it a policy not to approach players that are currently rostered on teams unless I know they are going to be leaving or breaking apart. I got a lot of people telling me they were too good for us, which to be fair, most of them were. It was bad luck and bad management, and for that I take the blame.

FYI, the Wu Tang roster is spoken for by one of two parties, it will be going to someone.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 lf high open pocket/medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

hmm. is a good team.

posted about 8 years ago
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