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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted March 15, 2015 at 7:40 PM
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#19 eXtv Open GF in TF2 General Discussion
AndKennethWhatever happened to "no ESEA because they suck" -Extine, a couple of months ago?

Because this is what's best for business.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 eXtv Open GF in TF2 General Discussion
Pride_EdgeWhat do you mean by new graphic package?

I'm unveiling my new package. It's graphic.

posted about 11 years ago
#223 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

41 tickets left.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 eXtv Open GF in TF2 General Discussion

There were a ton of issues going on with various interchanges on the internet last night, I'm sure ESEA's colo sites were affected by it. Hopefully everything is patched up and ready to rock for Thursday. Can't believe we managed to fill an hour and a half with total BS, and that people stuck around for it.

posted about 11 years ago
#206 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

Are you guys actually CALLING the hotel and SPELLING OUT "F I T E S" as the code? It will not work online, apparently - you have to call them to get the discount on the room. Their number is 717-697-0321.

posted about 11 years ago
#204 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

The FITES guys do a ton of L4D stuff, so you shouldn't have a problem finding people who are down to pound.

Building my LAN box tonight, can't wait to test it!

posted about 11 years ago
#191 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

Dibs on the non-active, mostly drunk team.

posted about 11 years ago
#161 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
ParagonJust a heads up there's only like 1 or 2 rooms left in the fites block if you want a discounted price.

I talked to Shoctor about this and there shouldn't be any limit on the "block" of rooms they have.

posted about 11 years ago
#126 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
HueyLewisduwatna All the way from Kansas, pyro mains cannot be stopped.
Gotta get dem lan flares. I'm figuring out logistics right now. Would like to meet Street Hoops bros and everyone else though.

Holy shit, Huey AND eFFl in one room? This is definitely shaping up to be the most... flaming LAN ever.

posted about 11 years ago
#87 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

I didn't know you were a staff member, Twins. Guess I should stop being such an arrogant dick to you in TS :-)

posted about 11 years ago
#79 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
eXtine12. The food at the hotel bar is underwhelming, but it is a bar directly upstairs from the LAN.

Looking into getting a casting setup for the SF (and smash bros?) Tourney. I got a black magic card I can bring with me, and I've been chatting with the admins already... console -> projector -> capture card? Hopefully that'll work, I don't want to add input delay through routing it into the capture card.

I'll actually be trying to cast all the tourneys, especially considering that FITES tries to schedule tourneys so everyone can compete in everything. L4D2 finals were awesome but we didn't have the spectator slot worked out last year :/

Fragile - Definitely pester WW to come!!!

$100 says eFFl gets to the final round and kills himself again. That was hilarious.

Excited (I mean, eXcited - sorry, Jeff) to see all you guys again and some of you for the first time. I'll try to drink more this time around so I can make a complete ass of myself.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Top 5 TF2 bloopers - August 2013 in TF2 General Discussion
RockkkkkkkThat was the worst Arnold impersonation I've ever heard.

Keep it up.

To be fair, I was quite drunk when I recorded that and I had just watch Eraser and True Lies because those movies are awesome.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Top 5 TF2 bloopers - August 2013 in TF2 General Discussion
CabinetThere's been like 3 of these so far, and already 2 people from my team has been on it. God damn it man.


But then who was taunt?

Also, keep submitting :-)

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Top 5 TF2 bloopers - July 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

Funny you say that, Luke and I were just talking about a Top 5 Top 5 Bloopers Bloopers video yesterday, I'll start saving more of my screwed up takes and we'll see if we can do something.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Top 5 TF2 bloopers - July 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

Well if I didn't drink like a 12 pack of beer while doing the first run of recordings on July we probably would have had this out like 2 weeks ago... so my bad.

posted about 11 years ago
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