b4nny has a bit of a point, but for him to say that he's not going to support anything that promotes everything he umbrella together as "stagnation" is a joke, homie just won RGL.gg upper bracket finals for TRADITIONAL 6s. He's not going to support anything that promotes "stagnation" but he is gonna cash that check.
I agree with his point that people do use big tournaments to try to justify keeping things the same. I've talked to a bunch of top players who are down to slowly shift competitive TF2 more towards Valve's format, but are concerned with it drastically shifting.
If b4nny really wanted to show that things are so stagnant, he should have showed up at i65 and showed us the new meta.He had 4 months to be the change he wants to see.
b4nny seems really disconnected from what the i65 eXperience was like for the attendees. Getting to LAN is a lot of fun and a big accomplishment, b4nny sounds pretty jaded about it.
I decided to step away from traditional 6s a ways back in favor of developing Arena:Respawn, at the time I didn't like how 6s was being developed so I tried to help push competitive TF2 in other ways. If b4nny is going to not support anything leading towards "stagnation" then is he going to do anything to help change happen? Or just be stagnant himself and stream casual TF2 while winning whatever tournament offers $$$?