alfaWhat I really respect is Ceb's faith in his team to play whatever they're comfortable with. For me, this translates well to my play-style in TF2 b/c I like going offclasses 24/7 and if my teammates are ok with me doing whatever I want then I can actually unleash.
Need more leaders like Ceb across all videogames honestly.
Hahah, what's with the downvotes?
Honestly, that same point is pretty much what I learned from being with TeamLiquid in the lead-up to TI7. You have to be supportive of your teammates in the moment, can critique decisions afterwards, but mid game you have to fully commit to playing with your teammates. We're talking about teams that have won 20 million dollar tournaments, if you don't want to learn from them that's your problem.
gl hf dont h8