Wow. I am honestly seeing more and more why people stop doing stuff for this community. Instead of going "LALALALALA" on this one I will respond to a couple of your points.
1. This is a free service that multiple people have spent a lot of their free time and money on. Unlike valve, we do not get paid so Fuck off.
2. We are working on multiple features at once. If we could copy paste our fadd and fremove we would have done that. There is a reason we haven't implemented them and it is because it makes the site extremely unstable. We are rewriting some of the bigger parts of the site so this might become a thing.
3. We also currently have other priorities personally, and in this community - both of us are involved with other stuff in the community and this next month is especially busy for us.
4. People seem to forget that this project is O P E N S O U R C E. No one, except recently, has even bothered to show interest in learning how they can help. I spent this past week helping a potential new dev set up the system and learn the ins and outs of how things work, and what is on the list to do. So fuck off, learn to actually code, and make a pull request and we can test it out.
This project started out with me messaging tsc in the tftv slack, who I never spoken to before except for a question or two about a nodecg bundle I was working on for Dreamhack last fall. People were discussing pug sites/lobby sites and pugme was having a hard time. I said, "we should make a pug site kappa and we could call it pugchamp". If I knew how we would of felt 6 months in I would have never have messaged him. I can honestly say this was one of the worst ideas I have ever had. Dango, if you read this and are still in Ottawa, I don't think people actually appreciated how much work you put in making your site and if you had to deal with an ounce of this community in trying to do good, you are owed a drink or 4.
flatline it's actually fucking insane and has honestly destroyed the opinions i had of erynn and tsc.
It's ok, my opinion of you was never that high anyway.