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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#482 PugChamp in Projects

Wow. I am honestly seeing more and more why people stop doing stuff for this community. Instead of going "LALALALALA" on this one I will respond to a couple of your points.

1. This is a free service that multiple people have spent a lot of their free time and money on. Unlike valve, we do not get paid so Fuck off.

2. We are working on multiple features at once. If we could copy paste our fadd and fremove we would have done that. There is a reason we haven't implemented them and it is because it makes the site extremely unstable. We are rewriting some of the bigger parts of the site so this might become a thing.

3. We also currently have other priorities personally, and in this community - both of us are involved with other stuff in the community and this next month is especially busy for us.

4. People seem to forget that this project is O P E N S O U R C E. No one, except recently, has even bothered to show interest in learning how they can help. I spent this past week helping a potential new dev set up the system and learn the ins and outs of how things work, and what is on the list to do. So fuck off, learn to actually code, and make a pull request and we can test it out.

This project started out with me messaging tsc in the tftv slack, who I never spoken to before except for a question or two about a nodecg bundle I was working on for Dreamhack last fall. People were discussing pug sites/lobby sites and pugme was having a hard time. I said, "we should make a pug site kappa and we could call it pugchamp". If I knew how we would of felt 6 months in I would have never have messaged him. I can honestly say this was one of the worst ideas I have ever had. Dango, if you read this and are still in Ottawa, I don't think people actually appreciated how much work you put in making your site and if you had to deal with an ounce of this community in trying to do good, you are owed a drink or 4.

flatline it's actually fucking insane and has honestly destroyed the opinions i had of erynn and tsc.

It's ok, my opinion of you was never that high anyway.

posted about 8 years ago
#474 PugChamp in Projects
Marmaloomy pugchamp mumble is always laggy and disconnecting!!! pls help!

We are in the process of getting a new one. Hopefully tonight

posted about 8 years ago
#10 erynn lft S23 in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#451 PugChamp in Projects

Aborting a draft because circa went scout and you were out picked was probably not a valid reason but w/e

You are right though. We shouldn't be applying bans when we have a cooldown system. The last couple of weeks with the amount of drafts being aborted has made it apparent that we need to increase those cooldowns to deter people that have been abusing it. Unfortunately I am going to hear the wrath of the pug lords again...

As for an appeal system, here works, or using the admin request button OR sending an email to is the best way because I don't get spammed to hell with friend requests/messages, and I can make sure the message gets to the right people. I am the only one that controls that email as to ensure anonymity when needed. Until we have a form that goes to our slack automatically, these are the only ways currently.

As for admins, and admin bias it is impossible to remove all bias. It is also hard to find admins who are capable. We have been trialing new admins/gathering references so hopefully our 'circlejerk' (lmao), will be less circle-y. A lot of the admins that were originally brought on do not really play tf2 anymore, or pug so it has be three of us managing the site (myself, and two newer admins who haven't been in the same mumble together for more then 2 hours). I don't even know why I bothered to respond to this because at the end of the day, it is a very thankless job that rewards you with being the most hated person that ever graced tf2. Don't get upset when we get really pissed when someone does dumb shit and thinks its funny.

posted about 8 years ago
#448 PugChamp in Projects

We are going to be testing out and trialing some very (very) major changes to pugchamp over the next little while. Those changes/fixes/newthings/coolthings/brokenthings/ can be found here: We have one server hooked up to the site so feel free to grab some friends and try it out. I will be harassing people in the evenings to come and try and break things and to gather feedback.

You can leave feedback quite easily in our discord:
I will update the discord accordingly when we are going to try new things.

armadillothe eu mixchamp has no ready up noise

I will take a look at this.

posted about 8 years ago
#446 PugChamp in Projects

Everything should be back up to normal. We got our hosting resolved with our provider. Our NA vps currently is suppose to have ddos protection. We are going to see what the performance is like before we apply it to our other services.

Sorry for the down time. We could only go as fast as the support tickets.

posted about 8 years ago
#445 PugChamp in Projects
whshhna is still down

Yes, Just setting some things up.

Edit: In contact with our provider. They need to fix some things on their end and it should be fixed either later tonight or by tomorrow morning. EU should be back up running as normal.

posted about 8 years ago
#443 PugChamp in Projects
gatsanwhat sick person would ddos pugchamp

I can't believe it took this long before they tried. I know our game servers occasionally get targeted but w/e.

posted about 8 years ago
#441 PugChamp in Projects

All our services are getting ddossed. We will be back shortly.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Kairu LFT S22 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Kairu is a nice guy and really smart player. I learned a lot from him this season and he would be a great addition to any serious team.

posted about 8 years ago
#436 PugChamp in Projects

So both tsc and I were not around last night at all and the auto restart didn't work. We apologise for this happening and not being able to get to it until this morning. It looks like we have out grew our vps in na at least so we are going to move things around so the site is stable again. Both our summers are starting to not be as busy so you will be seeing a lot of improvements happening in the next while.

posted about 8 years ago
#430 PugChamp in Projects

Ok. So, we made some changes to server #1 and #2. We had 18 people playing on it no class limits etc and the servers were fine. Going to make the same changes to the other two. IF this continues to be laggy, I am going to try and set up more restarts during the day and see if that helps

posted about 8 years ago
#427 PugChamp in Projects

Differ found something in the logs and we are going to take a look tonight when we get home from work. If that doesn't fix it then I am going to have to figure something out.

posted about 8 years ago
#422 PugChamp in Projects
LupusPlease for god sake get new servers for pugchamp eu, its unplayable and sometimes they lag out for more than 10 seconds.

Which ones are having issues

posted about 8 years ago
#420 PugChamp in Projects
atmIdea for servers
In faceit's cs pug system they have team captains ban servers, is there a way to add this for at least some pugs instead of being rnged into a good server or being lucky and not getting atlanta?

I am just going to remove atlanta and put it on mixchamp or make it into a dm server or something.

And I have to get my act together and upload the newest maps

posted about 8 years ago
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