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SteamID64 76561198015569189
SteamID3 [U:1:55303461]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:27651730
Country Canada
Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
Posts 245 (0.1 per day)
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#21 Fishing in Off Topic
BonafidePike doesn't taste that great tho imo but nice catch! My grandfather used to grind meatballs of the meat and it was ok, but personally I always throw them back.

I think it depends on where you catch them. I have had pike that didn't taste that great out of a lake we used to fish so we always threw them back. They were really strong and bitter tasting almost. We kept one a few years prior out of the river and tried to bbq it and it turned to be pretty tasty. We only ever bbq them now. Small ones are not worth trying to clean.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Fishing in Off Topic

Have been fishing my entire life. Second biggest pike I ever caught:

We mostly go pickerel (walleye) fishing up on the Ottawa.

(We bbq'd the pike).

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Beer in Off Topic
also on a related note:

Just go drink a lambic... there are beers out there that use lactic acid to achieve a sour flavour so they aren't being inventive using it in their beer. Unless vagina lactic acid is a strain that is able to survive in the wort, it is just going to die or cause horrible off flavours.

They are probably just going to buy an already existing culture and say it came from the vagina of a hot brunette model from France or some shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Beer in Off Topic

Mad Tom, Twice as Mad Tom, Beau's, Kichesippi 1855, St-Ambroise Citrouille, La Vache Folle ESB and the majority of the time, my homebrew.

posted about 8 years ago
#304 PugChamp in Projects

I have stv slots enabled I believe. I may have password protected it. Delay should be set to 0 as well. I will double check this evening.

posted about 8 years ago
#286 PugChamp in Projects

We have added donation and sponsor icons for players in the chat. I will be contacting people that have donated and asking if you would like an icon as I understand some people want to remain anonymous. Thanks again to those that have helped us out with our hosting costs.

Teapot_Whenever I close the site after a pug I'm captaining has launched and I open the site again to sub someone, the sub menu never shows up for me and if there's no admin around it means we end up playing 5v6.

Keeping the site open during the game isn't really an option since I get massive fps drops whenever theres a draft going on in the background.

What browser and version are you using and if other people are having this problem please us know so we can try and recreate it and fix it.

posted about 8 years ago
#273 PugChamp in Projects
Corsawishcan the atlanta server be moved to dallas or chicago?
I heard some people from west coast ping better to that server than chicago

I was originally told that people get really good routing to Atlanta so that is why we tried it out. Over the last week and a bit, the Atlanta server (plus nfo in general at that location) was under a few ddos attacks so that is why there has been a few very laggy games at night.

posted about 8 years ago
#271 PugChamp in Projects
wishcan the atlanta server be moved to dallas or chicago?

Is on my list to do.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

tsc is a pretty great guy and deserves a team that has the drive to improve. Please give him some tryouts (he needs a break from fixing pugchamp all day and night).

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Durex LFP IM S22 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Still looking for pocket and roamer tryouts.

Edit: You can add me too.

posted about 8 years ago
#254 PugChamp in Projects

I have disabled the EU open site until the problem can get resolved. For the few pugs that are working, it is not worth trying to keep pugs happening to just have to abort them.

Edit: Some fixes have been deployed. It should help with pugs not starting.

posted about 8 years ago
#252 PugChamp in Projects

Hi everyone,
First off I want to apologize to people trying to play pugs the last couple of days and especially tonight in NA. I understand it was a very frustrating experience. We are trying to fix the problem but have been unsuccessful so far tonight. Basically what is happening is after a draft is completed, the site will attempt to make an rcon connection to the game server to set it up and it is failing (the site is not hanging or stuck but the game is failing to be initialized). We don't know why and tsc has been actively trying to fix it all day/night. All the pugchamps will be in a state of (very) degraded performance over the remainder of tonight and tomorrow while we try and fix the problems.

If you are in a pug that is 'stuck' at the draft process, @ one of the admins that are online (we have a hammer) and they can try re-initializing, re-assigning the server or aborting it if all else fails.

Again, we hope to have this fixed soon and thank you to everyone that is being patient.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 PSA: Hacker collecting TF2 player IPs in TF2 General Discussion
proximoCopied from the VAC thread, figured it was relevant here:

Since this account is trashed now I figure I should let people know I was the one farming IPs and player data from serveme and PugChamp: Some proof:
Ban added to all reservations from Arie shortly after he first found me:
When what I expect was an IP ban from Arie on the server he found kicked in and shut me down:
Unique steam accounts and IP’s I’ve collected thus far (about 65% is from serveme alone):
I want to put it out there that this was more for my own curiosity than anything. The information I gathered was never used for DoS attacks nor have I ever shared (and will never share) the database with anyone else (some might not believe this but consider that I obviously don’t care about protecting my name anymore). As most of you are aware Arie has since fixed this for all versions of serveme after he confronted me and I explained what I was doing. I attempted to add tsc to explain what I had found for PugChamp but he ignored my friend request (erynn has ignored all my previous friend requests so I didn’t even try). Also after discussing with Arie how he had found what I was doing I want to throw it out there that he really goes the extra mile to protect the community (cheaters, DoS’ers, etc) and deserves some serious credit.

You added me once and I tend to ignore private profiles with no mutual friends. I get about 10 of these a day. There were other ways to contact us. Feel free to add me now if you want to talk about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#240 PugChamp in Projects

In regards to map bans vs rtv: We originally replaced the normal rtv system with a pick/ban process because we believed that rtv resulted in the same 3 maps being played over and over again. Having the same 3 maps versus a more consistent variety can be debated but we thought that if we could have a map selection that wasn't stale it would freshen pugs up. Back in march I decided to go and tally up the frequency of the pugme maps and compare it to what we had up to that point. So basically I had a little over the last two months of pugme and a little over the first two months of pugchamp. (note a few eu pugs are included in the pugme tally).
Warning. I am not good at math and statistics was pretty much my worst subject in uni. (I had to take it a few times).

Show Content
From Novemberish till last pugme
Process 315
Gullywash 297
Snakewater 288
Badlands 166
Metalworks 69
Granary 30
Sunshine 20
Reckoner 5
Logjam 1

From pugchamp launch until march
Process 228
Snakewater 228
Gullywash 223
Sunshine 155
Badlands 141
Metalworks 129
Granary 78
Reckoner 9
For all purposes, Reckoner and logjam are going to be grouped together.
Show Content
Standard Deviation 134.5
coefficient of variation 0.9038

Standard Deviation 78.47
coefficient of variation 0.5271

Take this as you will. Our goal at the beginning was to try and facilitate a better map distribution instead of having the same 3 maps played over and over again and I think we did that to an extent. If I am out to lunch and royally fucked up my pugme numbers please correct me. I was just going to logs and then I tallied up the maps using a spreadsheet.

Show Content
We believe in order to keep things 'fresh' we want to do something like:
2 fresh bans, 2 random, 1 C1 ban, 1 C2 ban, Random pick from 3 (original)
2 fresh bans, 1 C1 Ban, C2 Ban, 1 C1 Ban, 1 C2 Ban, Random pick from 3 (we suspect this to have problems of maps being overplayed)

Side note: We are running reckoner because it is currently (to my knowledge) the only competitive map in active development and the creator is actually trying to get feedback to make a decent competitive map. It won't be perfect right away but if a few pugs are played on it and that results in some feedback getting back to them then it gives us the chance to get a new map that could be great. We aren't including it because we want to troll you guys. The original idea was to try and help out the map creator and see if something could happen with it.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 FARTHAMMER LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Farthammer was my teammate when I started playing tf2 in UGC Iron hl. He is a pretty cool dude and a fun guy to hang out with in mumble. Give him some tryouts!

posted about 8 years ago
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