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SteamID64 76561198015569189
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Country Canada
Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
Posts 245 (0.1 per day)
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#91 PugChamp in Projects

We are looking for feedback for whitelists so I thought I would make a google form to see what people think.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 PugChamp in Projects
Martysite's down


Should be back up.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 PugChamp in Projects
lucrativeanyone else have problems with being removed randomly when the pug starts picking? happened to me a few times now where i check the boxes and my name appears on the list but when picking starts I just get removed entirely.

Does it say you are ready at the top near the button when this happens?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 lft any class open in Recruitment (looking for team)

She doesn't know how to use the shop in dota, but she is really good at tf2.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 PugChamp in Projects
messiahWhy do you have 3 chicagos and a west coast server, be logical here get dallas and chicago only as well a new server provider. Idk if its because there are a lot of people playing on them at once or what but last night they would freeze for about 5 seconds every 7-10 minutes

We have been lucky enough to have been given servers that we can use this week. All the servers except one are with nfo (the other is a tragic server). We will have more reliable servers sometime in the future. I am paying out of pocket for a couple of the servers, hosting and mumble so I can't really afford to be buying any more servers. If you have a high quality server that you would like to donate to us, by all means do. The servers that were having performance issues was most likely on my vps, which has been experiencing some issues recently the past couple of weeks. We are also using this initial testing period to test out providers location so we can have the best possible servers so we thank people for being patient with the couple of issues that we have had.

Also, thanks to kevinispwn for giving us our 5th server last night!

edit: tsc ninja'd it.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 PugChamp in Projects

We are up to 4 servers now, and I upgraded my mumble so it can handle the extra people. 3 are in Chicago, and 1 is west coast. I might bring on a 5th if there is still a backlog of people. Thanks everyone for being patient while we work through issues.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 PugChamp in Projects
tatuwahdoesn't load on any browser : /

Newest version of chrome?

posted about 9 years ago
#21 PugChamp in Projects
kounterpartsCan you change the voting system to something similar to CEVO's map vetos, where each team has two map bans then it randoms out of the 3, in an attempt to not have a pug system dominated by process, snake, and gully

Going to fix the map pick system so less frequent maps are able to get picked more. It is on the todo list to fix.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 PugChamp in Projects
retrogradewhenever i open the tab it gives me a desktop notification that a new game is starting when it actually isnt

I have noticed something like that too. I think it has something to do with the hang up issue that is going on. I will mark it down so that it gets fixed.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 PugChamp in Projects
SureShotThe players and games tabs are empty if I use Firefox (I use the older v.32 though) as shown here.

Works fine in Chrome though.

There are some known issues with firefox. What happens if you use a newer version?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 PugChamp in Projects

After weeks of development, we're happy to finally announce the launch of PugChamp! Similar to IRC channels of the past and, PugChamp is a draft-organized pickup game (PUG) system, in which captains select players for their team from a pool of available players.

Of course, we're aiming to be much more than those systems, with the following major improvements already:

  • more reliable - the system will be much less error-prone, and able to recover from most when they do happen
  • fully open source - understand how things work and even contribute to our code on GitHub
  • ratings - figure out who's the real PUG champion, both in playing and in drafting
  • automated servers - servers will manage everything from start to finish
  • full substitute system - captains can request a sub through the web interface, and the system will automatically pick the most suitable player
  • admin request system - no need to have admins added on Steam when you can post a message to their Slack when there's an issue

Right now we are in an ALPHA testing period, which means that we are working out any issues that may arise with the system. However, the past week of testing has gone much more smoothly than we've expected, so hopefully there won't be too many of those to affect your PUG experience.

Thus, we'd like your help to find any bugs that are still slipping by and also give us feedback on things we can improve. We're hoping to move into a beta state soon, which will mean a launch on the main URL with the system that will be used into release. Join us on our site and stay tuned for updates.
If you'd like to help beyond testing and have something to offer (like game servers), please contact us - we're looking for all the help we can get.

Thanks for all of your support, and we hope to see you becoming the next PUG champion very soon!

Update 06/02/2016

Hey everyone, for those that were asking how they could help support PugChamp, we have set up a Patreon: All donations are going to be used to help support the platform on a monthly basis. If you would like to help out each month, you can use our Patreon. We are in the process of getting ready to move to beta, and with that we need to beef up our servers. We also have a paypal set up, which you can donate to if you would like it to go to us directly. Patreon won't be charging until March 1st, so if you would like to see us go live quicker, please use our paypal.

Update 24/03/2016
Please use as we will only be using our dev site to test out changes and features.
Update 03/04/2016
We are trialing a new mix pug system aimed at players new to PugChamp and also players that just want to game.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 mae lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Mae is pretty great. He is a great guy to have on a team and all my interactions with him have been extremely positive. It is unfortunate that he is in this position. He deserves to be on a good team that wants to do well and be at the top.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 hi tftv, talk to me in The Dumpster

Glengoyne 35 year. I was lucky enough to try it.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 hi tftv, talk to me in The Dumpster

What is your favourite beer? Also, what is your favourite scotch?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Potential IM team lfp? in Recruitment (looking for players)

Scout bump.

posted about 9 years ago
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