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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#230 PugChamp in Projects
iskiiehey can you fix the name change field?
isn't currently working

An admin has to change it once it is set. We don't want people to have the ability to frequently change their name because it would cause confusion as to who is who.

posted about 8 years ago
#228 PugChamp in Projects
solaDynamiCmy pugchamp is stuck on "Your account is not set up properly."
ive set my name and clicked save but its still stuck
help please

This sometimes happens. Try logging out and back in again.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 lucrative lft invite/IM/whatever in Recruitment (looking for team)

Cool dude and super passionate about the game. Would be a great asset to any team that wanted a strong main caller.

posted about 8 years ago
#204 PugChamp in Projects
FootPenisCan you guys please consider removing the captain limitations. We have 17 people waiting to pug because noone is allowed to captain.

There is a reason why we have captain restrictions and captaining rules. If we didn't, we would have very very very unbalanced teams and newer people not knowing who and how to pick good teams. Pugme had even stricter captaining rules/requirements then what we have.


We didn't grandfather anyone. We started with no captain requirements and upped it as the site got more popular.

posted about 9 years ago
#195 PugChamp in Projects

tfw people can't give constructive feedback and have to resort to passive aggressive comments and memeing.

Understand that there are two people working on this site (we both have jobs/school and other things going on in life). We are not going to make everyone happy and we will make mistakes along the way. It is impossible to avoid. We are going to try out new things and see what happens because we can and this is our side project that we enjoy working on. Some features won't work, and some will. We are actively finding ways to improve the site. People seem to forget that and expect us to drop everything and make the site exactly to their image of it. We are always asking for feedback but for every good suggestion or criticism we seem to get 10 really negative comments directed to us. We have an email for those that want to remain anon (, and we have a discord now so we can try and facilitate a real time discussion. This project is open source and community driven so anyone can contribute and suggest a feature. (don't like something! Make a pull request!). Right now we are asking for feedback but instead seem to be getting no feedback and just straight up "this is shit, why is this still a thing, aids, cancer, etc". If you are going to say these things, please tell us why "this is shit" with concrete examples and how you think we can improve it.

TL:DR: The only way we are going to make this a great site is with constructive feedback and suggestions, not memes.

And ffs leave your personal shit off of this thread. I don't care who lost to mustardoverlord or how your elo doesn't represent the size of your internet penis.

posted about 9 years ago
#86 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #4 in Other Games
whymeoSixteenthOwlNext tuesday i have a match that i forgot about smh
tfw simon is going to miss your match because he got baited on the forums.

tfw simon misses his train and you have to forfeit a match because he needed to assert his dominance in melee.

posted about 9 years ago
#52 REAL (NA) Spring Tourney - Sponsored by in TF2 General Discussion

If it isn't too late and I can sneak in a team... (if it is, then disregard)

Team Name: The Crestricts
Featuring your beloved (or hated) admins from PugChamp!
Player 1 truktruk
Player 1 URL:
Player 2 Salthebobotron
Player 2 URL:
Player 3 kawa
Player 3 URL:
Player 4 deathy
Player 4 URL:
Player 5 jarrett
Player 5 URL:
Player 6 skye
Player 6 URL:

Backup 1 Rikachu
Backup 2 Saelot
Backup 3 erynn

posted about 9 years ago
#161 PugChamp in Projects
saamWhy did you change the pugs to euro config?

We have always had a 2 round win difference since we started. We also made our own whitelist based on feedback from the survey we had.

Edit: you can see it here:

posted about 9 years ago
#149 PugChamp in Projects

If anyone is having issues getting onto the site, try signing out then back in, refreshing, and clearing cache. It seems to fix the issue. If there is still a problem, message me.

posted about 9 years ago
#122 PugChamp in Projects

Hey everyone, for those that were asking how they could help support PugChamp, we have set up a Patreon: All donations are going to be used to help support the platform on a monthly basis. If you would like to help out each month, you can use our Patreon. We are in the process of getting ready to move to beta, and with that we need to beef up our servers. We also have a paypal set up, which you can donate to if you would like it to go to us directly. Patreon won't be charging until March 1st, so if you would like to see us go live quicker, please use our paypal.

posted about 9 years ago
#117 PugChamp in Projects

It is back up. Edit: tsc fixed the error and is going to restart to apply the changes.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 PugChamp in Projects
CrowleyerynnWe have another survey: This is about the idea of an open/invite system.

Please take the time to fill it out so we have a better understanding of what the community wants.

Will the results be public later? I'm curious.

Was not planning on making the results public just because I wouldn't want to publicly post people's feedback without their permission.

Edit: looking at the data I already have, I guess I could make some generic charts/graphs with the surveys that can't be tied to anyone. Maybe if I have some time later on I can compile something with info from all the surveys.

posted about 9 years ago
#95 PugChamp in Projects

We have another survey: This is about the idea of an open/invite system.

Please take the time to fill it out so we have a better understanding of what the community wants.

posted about 9 years ago
#94 PugChamp in Projects
cyzerCan we select the ESEA whitelist then only select weapons that have too much farming capabilities or do we need to ban weapons covered by the ESEA whitelist too

You can select whatever. If you specify ESEA whitelist, but also want x weapon and y weapon banned, you can check those off. If you think something that is banned from the ESEA whitelist should be unbanned, you can write a comment.

No whitelist is perfect so that is why I left the options open to ban weapons if you chose a pre-existing whitelist.

posted about 9 years ago
#92 PugChamp in Projects

We are also looking for feedback regarding servers. Please take some time and fill out this form.

posted about 9 years ago
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