So you're probably all gonna lose your shit, and this thread is going to be derailed into why someone should use dx8 and how valves crazy for removing it and how you can't afford a new pc for dx9 and how you like the cinematic nintendo 64 graphics config you've been using BUT I have a CRAZY idea that works for me and will probably be worth trying for people with higher end cards and processors (im on a 970 and an oc'ed i7 4770k @4ghz)
So the story goes pre-tough break my fps was pretty solid, I had turned off a lot of excess shit like antialiasing and filtering and lowered my shadows and gib physics and whatever else. I was getting good fps in mge ~500 but I was dipping in pubs during fights and shit. Then tough break came out and my fps was disgusting, like it'd drop to 40-50 in pub fights(12v12). I know everyone always says 'you'll never break 100 in a pub fight' and I thought so too.
First things first. Remove steam beta. That steam beta is definitely doing some weird shit with cpu and gpu cycles, even I noticed an increase with that change. If you don't know how to opt out, you probably never opted in, but there are multiple posts on how to get out of it. It's a setting in steam.
Second, backup your fps config and then DELETE it. TF2 has a new launch option as of this update called -default. It runs your game completely ignoring your graphics and game settings but doesn't save anything to your config. You can use this command to check what settings TF2 WANTS YOU to be using. It's pretty nice because if your game looks better and your shit is smoother, you're probably one of the people who should stop using an fps config.
If your fps goes up, great, if it doesn't oh well. I went from 60-70 in pubs to I kid you not 200+ without dips just by maxing everything.
ALSO NOTE - host_writeconfig was changed to ONLY show you values in your cfg that aren't the default values that valve intended them to be. This means if your host_writeconfig output is smaller than mine, you have more things defaulted and vice versa if its longer.
My in game settings screen ->
My cfg - (As you can tell there is nothing fps related except at the bottom some commands are actually made to look better.)
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mat_colorcorrection "1"
mat_forceaniso "16"
mat_picmip "-1"
mat_antialias "8"
r_shadowrendertotexture "1"
r_waterforceexpensive "1"
mat_hdr_level "0"
MY GUESS would be that valve is starting to put some load on the graphics cards when you crank your shit up, and that a lot of the inner workings of the commands people are using in fps configs are contradicting other commands that were never intended to be changed off their default values.
Idk, my game runs like cinematic butter. I'm in no way telling you this is going to work, or that your fps config is bad, I'm simply suggesting you try it since it 100% worked for me.
EDIT with steps for improvement if -default increases your fps
You should back up your tf/cfg/config.cfg just to save any binds or settings that will get lost with an -autoconfig
- when youre in game with -default type 'host_writeconfig derp full' into console
this saves the config that the game wants you to be using to a file called derp.cfg in your tf/cfg folder with all of the commands tf2 wants to be using
- next time you launch, remove -default and replace with -autoconfig
- when youre in the game, type exec derp into console
- now exec your autoexec (WITH NO FPS COMMANDS IN IT)
- play tf2 with a better experience assuming nothing went wrong
- when you close tf2, remove -autoconfig from launch options or you'll have to repeat the last 3 steps over and over.
that derp.cfg file will have all of the default tf2 values for you next time you need to refer to them or check your cfg against it.
Edit: Default turns off multicore rendering, turn it back on and see if you get better frames, I did
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mat_queue_mode "-1"
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
r_queued_decals 1
r_queued_ropes 1
r_queued_post_processing 1
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1