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Signed Up July 27, 2018
Last Posted March 4, 2025 at 3:16 PM
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#4 RGL S4 W5A: Witness Gaming vs. WONDERWALL in Matches

im so excited

posted about 4 years ago
#2626 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

ngl, my dad showed me Iron Man (the song not the movie) and I can't get that out of my head whenever i see the words black sabbath...

i know people arent always a fan of jazz but what if theres jeff goldblum as well?:

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Its friday night in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#87 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion

edit: my bad, didnt realize this was a beef thread now, absolutely poor form on my part, wont happen again

posted about 4 years ago
#10 16:9 vs 4:3 res in Customization

i use 16:10

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Would you? in The Dumpster

chowder was such a good show

posted about 4 years ago
#488 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#12 Witness Gaming testifies before the Invite jury in News

im no expert but im pretty sure sin karmas name should have a couple more letters in it??

anyways, big fan of yosh

posted about 4 years ago
#2592 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

love the beat, but not so much the slightly off key vocals at the beginning (same song included but better vibes probably)

posted about 4 years ago
#14 Wallpaper check in Off Topic

monitor 1
monitor 2

posted about 4 years ago
#15 be honest in TF2 General Discussion

I think I saw this somewhere and I'm pretty sure it's mainly just pointing out pixel movement in relation to swinging on angles (for CSGO but it works in TF2 as well, especially if you do CSGO "entry-fragging" techniques ie: as sniper, placing your crosshair on the spawn door of process last as you peak from 1 before you can even see it so your rifle dot is already on the enemy player)

It basically goes like this:
If you are further away from an angle when you swing, assuming the enemy is in an unmoving position, the pixels of your in-game model will move slower across the screen making it "easier" to shoot you. This is why CSGO players stack up against the wall before they run out. However, keep in mind that the eyes of your model (what your screen shows) are not as wide as the model itself. If you are too close to a corner before peaking, your shoulder will show before what you see on the screen passes the wall, giving them a split second advantage (though this is a tiny bit nullified by peakers advantage).

Which is what the picture shows:
If Player A strafes to the side, he will see Player B a split second before Player B see him due to both what I wrote above and peakers advantage. The odds are in his favor.
If Player B strafes to the side, he will be moving "slower" making it "easier" for Player A to track and shoot him.

If you are holding an angle, stay further back.
If you are peaking an angle, move closer before you swing.

*this is almost barely relevant: it assumes that whichever player is holding hits a perfect headshot on whichever player swings
**In TF2, this is even less relevant except in sniper v. sniper situations because: players movements are often faster than human reaction time in relation to holding angles and the sniper scoped movement speed is slow enough that both players (assuming both are scoped) will have a high enough reaction time/good enough tracking to shoot the other (also assuming both players are slemnish and can hit 100% hs) except at extreme distances.

In a comp. situation, the "best" way to take advantage of this is to swing close to an angle without being scoped, that way your pixels move the maximum speed across the screen for the enemy. Obviously, this is very situational and assumes the other players on the enemy team do not have a sentry, sticky traps, rocket spam angles, eyes, or hands.

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Just have your team distract the enemy sniper or change your angles. The best way to kill someone in any game is to shoot them when they aren't looking at you.
posted about 4 years ago
#33 What is your favourite animal (and why) ? in Off Topic

is it pronounced zebra or zebra??

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Songs that sound good in lofi/jazz? in Off Topic

Looking for some remixes but by all means, post your favorite lofi shit too.

I'm also getting into making music so please mention any songs that probably would sound good in lofi and I'll definitely find time to play some jazz or chillhop chords/countermelodies into them.

Note: NOT looking for stuff like this: Wii song lofi thats just slowed down with some reverb because these things clearly took 2 minutes to make...But if it really hits different then by all means, post it.

I can start I guess:

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Australian Thread in Off Topic

ow, a (choose one): snake/spider/box jelly/crocodile/rockfish/bull shark/great white/blue ringed octopus/lionfish/giant centipede/wild rabid albino dingo bit or stung me,

guess ill (choose one): die/continue as normal/lose a war against emus


posted about 4 years ago
#14 Post in this thread if your fucking stupid in Off Topic

alright, not to get into politics or anything but
whats the deal with giraffes these days??

anyways, weekly shoutout to all the TF2 players whose aliases begin with the letter E; were working up the alphabet all the way to Yselvtripl39 - we see you homie - unfortunately though, we have to skip letters L through O for legal reasons. (also, please dm me for your prize).

and a special thanks to they boys down at the station, sucks that Nissan Rasheen was eaten last week, our condolences to him but hopefully he'll stop by my Only-fans for ring-pops and an interview (I'm completely serious, we need more guests and our ring-pop collection is just growing and growing. I've resorted to hiding them.)

Lastly, a parting question: if all the animals in your local zoo had the ability to lower or raise their cholesterol?

posted about 4 years ago
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