doesnt disabling rocket smoke trails not work in most comp servers because of the sv_pure value?
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SteamID64 | 76561198126964914 |
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Signed Up | July 27, 2018 |
Last Posted | March 4, 2025 at 3:16 PM |
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to buy a house |
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god bless, i hope he knows he was loved
lmao idk why i even post here i swear theres like 3 people...
you need to study the ancient scriptures to learn this maneuver.
was genuinely interested in how tf he did it but:
-the demo does not exist:
-the tftv match page does not exist:
-i dont know how to make the rgl website show me the s2 matches:
-b4nny broadcasts only extend back 2 months
luckily, habib recorded the stream pov! (bless his heart)
still have no fuckign clue:
best soldier in game
mixer will help me become a bigger streamer
slemnish, yight, laz, jayhyunpae, botmode, skeez
oh wait
these guys were the best to watch change my mind
highfiveI fucking hate these threads bros
please remember to include highfive in your dream teams, the only reason I did not here is because of the i65 roster joke
Please collectively up- or down- frag this post after which i will edit it to either make the downfraggers look silly or the upfraggers look cool and good.
If it stays at zero i will edit it to compliment overwatch >;)
downfraggers are really silly
did anyone ever figure out who tmags was
sorry for bump but i dont want to make a new thread just for this
Has anyone ever left froyo to make his own team in the past?
nope. never. truly a first.
also i will be turning on notifications for shade streams.
how many invite players havent been on froyo now
im in a constant state of misery and depression so i guess....
idk who else is depressed turn up
Yahud except with rainbows:
- because either me or the config files are stupid, I cant seem to get the health to cycle colors when at max HP. However, if you take 1 point of damage or are buffed 1 health point over max, it starts changing colors like your RGB motherboard that you definitely dont have because you are stuck playing good, ol' Ez2render Fortress the Second.
- once you get back to the max HP, your health will no longer be basic white, but will stay on one of several different colors!
- ammo works kind of the same way, except I dont know where to up the threshold so that it starts RGB flashing after you take your first shot (help would be appreciated here)
To make it so that it starts flashing like my RGB gaming chair on default low health:
- find the Yahud folder (that should be in your customs folder), click on it -> resource -> ui -> HudPlayerHealth.res -> the 2nd block of text down should be titled "HudPlayerHealth" : change the "HealthDeathWarning" value to a decimal between 0 and 1. This number represents the percent of your health that it will start RGBing so if it is on .5, your health will be rainbow at 100 whilst playing the soldier class.
Short Demonstration: