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SteamID64 | 76561198126964914 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:166699186] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:83349593 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 27, 2018 |
Last Posted | March 4, 2025 at 3:16 PM |
Posts | 145 (0.1 per day) |
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Raw Input | 1 |
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to buy a house |
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Mouse | they let u type anything in here |
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Monitor |
I think its less about individual players and more about their abilities on a team.
For example you always hear about mike and shadowburns crazy airshots but you never hear about a blaze triple airshot. Thats because he doesnt need to airshot or make plays that have a large likelihood of not achieving anything - aka, hero plays. He knows his team is better off working together to win instead of flashy plays by one player - even though its the flashy plays that make them more "good" than others in the opinions of several people.
My friend read through the froyokiller team post and asked me if them always winning was a bad thing. Now that ESEA tf2 is shutting down due to not enough player growth, I think hes actually kind of right: people are good enough for invite as teams or individuals but they know they arent going to beat froyo so they dont even try.
Conclusion: froyo losing will stimulate confidenence and player growth in not only the upper tier competitive tf2 scene, but competivie tf2 in general.
Best case scenario:
1. Team gets very close to beating them, showing a potential weakness
2. Players realize and try to up their game
3. Using team cohesion > skill level (to some extent) a team beats froyo
4. The scene sees that the gods are defeated and previously impossible to obtain rewards are opened up (such as a hefty lan prizepool that everyone knew subconciously or not that the american team would win but since they are beatable...)
What this requires:
For step 1: sufficient motivation. Possible massive community prizepool, or even better, valve ingame item signifying "fall of froyo" (shows valve noticing community + reward)
For step 2: motivation possibly through some breakdown of froyo playstyle or current 6s meta (@marmaloo?)
For step 3: time and not turning the loss into ONLY a meme.
This is serious enough to prevent a potential death of the game. I know the 2 year olds of the community will activate their bm. Contain yourselves.
I also have piled together a way for the community to run the game rather than the developers based loosely on the US politcal system done right. I will post in the future.
4k cow mangler drop
once again proving the effectiveness of kritz shortstop
Shit i forgot about you highfive! Uhhh. How about we throw you slem and credu into a no holds barred, friendly fire dm server set exclusively to turbine?
using current meta players so scratch off clockwork and mikeya
if that shade guy decides to return the roster might be better
edit: @habib mainly, not toxicity or cockiness was meant by this post. This is a result of a couple guys socializing in a stream and conversation leading to froyo and who might be able to beat them. I fully understand that chemistry is the biggest factor making froyo the best team in existence. Take b4nny for example: Im sure there is another scout out there that can beat him in a 1v1 mge, but his brain and coordination allow him to surpass any dm ability. I personally believe that there is not that much difference in dm capabilities among the upper field of TF2, rather, its a teams decision making that allows for an advantage. By this guideline, the only team to beat froyotech would be a team that makes better decisions than them. I chose the above partly because of their dm abilities, but also because I believe they are capable of becoming a cohesive, poweful unit and with shade, they would be able to make those vital decisions as <insert shade history>.
So I just started using Comanglia's Max Frames config and I was wondering if there was any way to use them without getting your eyes destroyed by the heavenly white vortex that is cp_process.
Here is what I copy/pasted into my autoexec: https://pastebin.com/4WeNveLb
Here is what cp_process looks like: https://imgur.com/a/Dv6TIJ4
Is there anything I could do with my monitor outside of the game files that would help?
Was watching an old tri hards vid and i noticed blaze had this but wtf does it mean
And while were on the topic what did bp mean fr
KissakalaU know a game's taking its last breaths when half the community masturbates over some retard watching the game.
I mean nice cool to see that game deserves the recognition it clearly deserves!
Woah there chill my dude, dont call pokimane a retard even though porbably people masturbate to her...
It sounds like you want the game to die?
KylorfoI can't tell if you're being serious. You do know they were just gifted subs and they weren't actually there right?
Shhhh the goal here is to promote tf2
Nice to see this game get the recognition it deserves.
thanks everyone =)
Cool cool, thanks for the responses.
Last thing, is there a way to calculate how much I need to change my mouse sens when switching res?