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Signed Up July 9, 2012
Last Posted January 20, 2019 at 7:17 PM
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#207 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
lootyou can still buy a wireless mouse that says g403 and probably save a few bucks is all I'm saying

Not from what I've seen. The G403 wireless seems to have been completely replaced with the G703 at this point. I can't find the G403 for cheaper than the G703.

I ended up picking up the G903 instead. The only G703 Best Buy had seemed to be open box but not marked as such. I tested out the G903 and the G403 on the display and I actually liked how the G903 felt better.

posted about 6 years ago
#203 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware

I've narrowed my options down to two/three: the G403/703 (I'm mainly considering the G703 because it's wireless so I could easily use it on my laptop and desktop) and the Zowie EC1. I tested out both mice at stores, and the EC1 felt better but the G403 wasn't too much worse. I've been reading about some quality issues with the EC1, moreso the EC1-B rather than the EC1-A, but the general consensus is that while the shape can be weird, the G403 is better otherwise. I think I'll try out the G703 and if I don't like it much, I could always just use it with my laptop exclusively. I'd like some opinions here before I commit though.

posted about 6 years ago
#200 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware

Looking for a new mouse. The mice I've owned are the MX518, an early Deathadder, Deathadder 2013, and finally a G303. The G303 is doubleclicking bad now and is out of warranty. What are some good options for a claw grip? If it helps I think I like the Deathadders the best (quality issues aside, but it's been a while since I've held one).

I've been wanting a wireless mouse for my laptop so I'm thinking about getting one and using it on both my desktop and laptop.

posted about 6 years ago
#142 OH SHIT in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIMenachemWhy is this fair? It's a league the player chooses to participate in. It's no different than buying a cosmetic. Hell, you have to pay to get the Tip of the Hats medal.#4dakidz

Yep. TotH is for charity, ESEA is not. It's that simple.

Getting back on-topic... TF2 needed Open to be cheaper a long time ago. Premium should still keep joke teams out of the league, but removing the league fee will hopefully allow more UGC/Newbie Mix players to join ESEA.

posted about 7 years ago
#58 Nintendo Switch in Off Topic
viperReerohttps://youtu.be/Cb-srOfRqNci saw this, the launch has been pretty fucking botched

nintendo tech support says dead pixels are acceptable

what the actual fuck

All screen manufacturers say that up to a certain number of dead pixels is acceptable.

posted about 8 years ago
#50 You can now change your name on twitch in Off Topic
viperIeeyeah I thought most people would take this opportunity to take the tf2 out of their namesi would, but when i tried viper, the only one that would work is viper with like 12 r's

did you try underscores

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Massive Cloudflare data leak - change passwords in Off Topic
gemmbearodactylI know nothing about this is it possible to have a password manager that works on my phone and multiple PCs?
lastpass does i think but im not sure. keepass may have a mobile app but you'd probably still have to manually handle cloud-syncing of the databases i think

Yeah. I use KeePass, and I have MiniKeePass on my iPhone. I have my database saved to my Dropbox, and I send it to MiniKeePass every so often.

It's not that hard, and you only need to update the database on your phone when you actually need to use a password you've added or changed.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Massive Cloudflare data leak - change passwords in Off Topic

EDIT: Forgot to mention that Discord is potentially affected. It's a good idea to change your password there. Reddit may be affected as well.


List of potentially affected sites: https://github.com/pirate/sites-using-cloudflare

TFTV, ETF2L, UGC and other TF2-related sites are in the zipped list, but since those three sites use Steam for accounts I don't think they're actually affected. Definitely change your passwords on affected sites, and consider using a password manager.

UGC team owner accounts may have been compromised, as they don't use Steam.

ESEA appears to be unaffected.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Looking for headphones suggestions in Hardware
SchweppesSennheiser is the way to go imo

Agreed. Sennheiser makes quality products that are well worth the investment. Unlike Beats, who make trash and pass it off as a premium product.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Why does chrome do this? in Off Topic
ViperDavidTheWinThis is a good thing. Java applets are shockingly bad when it comes to security and anything you'd want to do in a Java applet you can do better in HTML5 and Javascript these days. I suppose it doesn't play so nicely with some legacy sites but those are the security risks.that's very true

besides, the only site that i use that requires in-browser java is pingtest to test packet loss, so not a huge loss

If you need to use a Java applet, I'd just use IE or Safari, or a version of Firefox released before they cut off NPAPI support later this year if you're on Linux. Or just not use the applet if you can.

posted about 8 years ago
#397 PugChamp in Projects
DamnEasyYesterday I was captain, and the other captain was medic (there were only 2 medics) and he picked the only medic, so he has both medics (him and the one he picked) so I had no choice to override someone on medic, apparently what i did is not allowed and i got a 3 day ban, but what he did was completely fine???

Also the medic i picked was fine with playing medic

So next time you are captain its best to pick every single medic so the other teams captain HAS to medic (otherwise he gets banned) ..


pls unban me only retards are captain now

I believe captains are supposed to be willing to play any class. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 GXL in LAN Discussion
Dreamboat-protowe need another toronto lan. I hate driving to the states, us border patrol are fucking dicks. I get searched every time I cross windsor-detroit and niagara falls-buffalo.
its a win win, all costs would be CAD so us Canadians dont get fucked on exchange rate, and the americans win because 1 usd = 2 cad

But then we'd be subject to searches when coming back, so I wouldn't say it's a complete win-win.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Getting back into the game in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfhookyDecapotatoTetsuFantastic youtube resource thanks for posting that WindCubes.

I'll keep my on center as i see currently it has quite a few NA's player. Should be better during prime time and not 2 A.M. Thank you for the links!

One more question. Is the in-game competitive mode ignored? I figured it would be decent practice. But boy i was wrong. the majority of players there don't know how to roll out or what classes to choose. and from what i've gathered from reading around, not many people seem to be happy with the mode.

You're going to have to wait until the ranks settle in, and even if they do I'm not sure the playerbase is enough to match everyone fairly.
I'm sure there's quite a bit of hype around matchmaking so the playerbase could grow a bit. Nowhere near CSGO levels though.
with how this update went im pretty sure it will grow invertedly

Only if Valve doesn't fix it soon.

And they won't.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Getting back into the game in TF2 General Discussion
DecapotatoTetsuFantastic youtube resource thanks for posting that WindCubes.

I'll keep my on center as i see currently it has quite a few NA's player. Should be better during prime time and not 2 A.M. Thank you for the links!

One more question. Is the in-game competitive mode ignored? I figured it would be decent practice. But boy i was wrong. the majority of players there don't know how to roll out or what classes to choose. and from what i've gathered from reading around, not many people seem to be happy with the mode.

You're going to have to wait until the ranks settle in, and even if they do I'm not sure the playerbase is enough to match everyone fairly.

I'm sure there's quite a bit of hype around matchmaking so the playerbase could grow a bit. Nowhere near CSGO levels though.

posted about 8 years ago
#392 PugChamp in Projects
Blithethere needs to be a chat in pugchamp

There is though, it's on the right. If the window is too small it won't show up unless you click on the message box icon in the upper right corner.

posted about 8 years ago
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