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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ⋅⋅ 53
#3 WietHUD in Customization

Glad you finally released it. Best default-styled hud in town.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Using VPKs for HUDs and whatever else in Customization

I did some testing before and every time tf2 loads a file, it checks every folder mod for it too. That's what it means by "makes a call to the OS to search the folder." So if you had one folder mod, your load times would be doubled. More folder mods = worse load times. Vpk's solve this by having a manifest of all the files they have, so the worst they get is a bit more overhead memory used but no significant increase in load times.

The issue with huds in vpk's is that font files don't get loaded from within vpk's for some retarded reason. The only way you could get a whole hud (that uses custom fonts like 99% do) into a vpk is if you made the user install all fonts included. This isn't really an issue for all huds, but really limits what you can do and adds another step into installing.

I do believe you could get things like a custom crosshair.res outside of custom and thus not require a folder mod to edit, and load that in through #base, but iit'd be pretty confusing and again would just be another step for installing.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Viaduct : Sun or Snow in Map Discussion
niverihttp://www.colorcombos.com/images/colors/0099FF.png should be the main color of snow in tf2 but until then sun most definate



e: eat it dancenumber

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Custom file that removes weapon animation in Customization
flameim comparing switching particles to switching particles, it's actually nothing like saying using a hud is like an esp. theyre not different at all and work completely the same.

and yeah but I want the hud_fastswitch menu to stay up constantly though. so I always know what weapon is out, not just for a split second.

Pretty much the most you could ever do with explosions to give you an advantage is just make them less visible, which is not anything big. And that's all you can do with the ctx files in regards to potential hacking; you can mod the explosion particles, some sounds iirc, and the default crosshair file it uses. The sticky blinks are not inside the ctx files and you plainly can't change anything that'd actually make for a legit and dangerous hack.

It wouldn't be difficult to extend it to movement binds and make it return after clicking. It wouldn't be permanent, but it'd be close to it.

E: my philosophy is if someone wants to do it, let them. They shouldn't have to add in a script if they don't want to, but if they want to and it does something neat, why not?

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Custom file that removes weapon animation in Customization
flamethe ability to change a rocket explosion into a spy sapper is no different than noids old wallhack sticky particles making a comeback by replacing the sticky blink with the rocket explosion or something.

How? Cleaning up the rocket explosion is definitely very different from a full-blown stickytrap wallhack. That's like saying using a hud is like an ESP, they're just completely different things that don't even act like eachother.

flameI played around with the quickswitch menu already, the one in my hud actually looks pretty good tbh but its too big and too much of a hassle to edit for a menu that doesnt allow for display without locking the mouse.

id rather wait for valve to address the quickswitch menu aka allowing you to do like maybe hud_fastswitch "-1" instead of 0, 1, or 2 (2 is for consoles) instead of me mangling around with it myself.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I just whipped this thing up in 5 minutes, but wouldn't this do what you wanted?

bind 1 "hud_fastswitch 1; slot1; hud_fastswitch 0; slot1"
bind 2 "hud_fastswitch 1; slot2; hud_fastswitch 0; slot2"
bind 3 "hud_fastswitch 1; slot3; hud_fastswitch 0; slot3"
bind mouse1 "+mouse1thing"
bind mouse2 "+mouse2thing"
alias +mouse1thing "cancelselect; +attack; spec_next"
alias +mouse2thing "cancelselect; +attack2; spec_prev"
alias -mouse1thing "-attack"
alias -mouse2thing "-attack2"

You'd need to extend it like a crosshair script if you wanted to add more functionality, but the basics are all there.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Transparent Viewmodels brings blur? in Customization
franchesIs there really no way to bypass it? I see it makes peoples games a bit more blurry, but mine looks like if its covered in creamefreche.

I'm not sure if it's different on Mac or Linux, but on windows at least transparent viewmodels (or refracts in general) should only give a ~0.5px blur. If you're getting anything significant then it'd probably have to be something else.

Have a screenshot of the issue?

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Rocket trails in Customization
The clean tf2 had a file which made them almost invisible iirc
That doesn't work on dx8

I tried to make it clear on the thread but clean tf2 works perfectly fine in dx8, it's prism hud and only prism hud that's dx9 exclusive. I haven't really updated it since it stopped working in sv_pure and then started fucking up world textures, but the particle remover should work fine for you if you wanted to pub (and to my knowledge doesn't fuck up any in sv_pure, just won't work).

ShpeeismeWhen you install this and then zoom in with a sniper rifle you can barely see anything through it. I's like there's some kind of fog in it. Otherwise I'd love to use this.

edit: I'm talking about clean tf2. Not the other suggestion.

I've never heard of this before. Do you have any screenshots?

posted about 9 years ago
#4529 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
tnmsaxtonhaleCheck out what's coming soon to Mannterface!

Spectator health bars!
Horizontal HP bar? Show me your secrets :)

Basically you use PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage (the transparent cross that appears on buff or low health), change its image to something square and opaque, position it outside of your health panel's boundaries, edit HealthBonusPosAdj to resize it perfectly, and set HealthDeathWarning to 1.0. With this it'll resize to cover over anything below it the more damage you take, or the more you get healed.

It basically lets you have a gmang style healthcross, in any direction, with any foreground and background color. Though it also comes at the cost of having no low health animations, since you need it to always think it is with HealthDeathWarning so that it's always there to resize.

posted about 9 years ago
#2405 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
flameScatterbrainIs it possible to give a 'low metal' warning by turning the metal counter red? (As happens when you're at low health/ammo)
im surprised there isn't, but to my knowledge no.

ive been trying to figure out what the valid arguments are for the testhudanim cheat command. if a list of acceptable inputs existed it'd probably open up abilities, valve could have potentially added some code for animations they never used but who knows

The acceptable inputs for testhudanim are any animation you find inside the hudanimations files, including ones you make yourself. All the command does is run an event, and pretty much just makes scripting become a way to perform animations, so it can't be used to do anything automatically that scripts can't do automatically (which is very little). Making the metal turn red wouldn't be possible through animations, with or without testhudanim.

Because of it being sv_cheats limited (so mostly only usable on the mainmenu), and animations only working when the thing they're animating has been loaded, there's not a whole lot you can do with it. Hudlayout.res loads on startup so you could run "sv_cheats 1;testhudanim something" in autoexec.cfg to animate some panel you find in hudlayout or something, but there's really not a whole lot you can do with that. And trying to do anything more is a lot of ifs.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

I know a Lincoln Parker, who coincidentally has bad music taste.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Cartels Are Using Drones to Smuggle Meth in Off Topic

Isn't this like a year old?

Here's some stuff: http://dronecenter.bard.edu/what-you-need-to-know-about-domestic-drone-threats/
Nothing's perfect of course and things are still being developed but drones aren't these unstoppable machines like some people make them out to be.

posted about 9 years ago
#277 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion
ThalashDoes anyone know what the console command for the new class icons on the scoreboard is?

tf_scoreboard_alt_class_icons 1

posted about 9 years ago
#18 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion
Hellbentwhy did they nerf the market gardener wtf

They don't want it to be a direct upgrade over stock on nocrit servers, which also hopefully means matchmaking will be nocrits.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 +Fragging your own posts in Site Discussion


ur strat ain't working

posted about 9 years ago
#87 Donald Trump in World Events
SpaceCadethe needs to followup on his promises


If your defining promise is to keep entire peoples out of the country, you shouldn't followup on it

posted about 9 years ago
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