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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Posts 789 (0.2 per day)
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Keyboard Minivan w/ gat browns & XMIT fullsize
Mousepad Glorious PC Gaming Race
Monitor Dell something
1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ⋅⋅ 53
#179 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
_Ghost_What are the unlit_nofog vpks for? Is it ok to use those with the regular unlits?

They're alternative vpk's that should improve fps with some added parameters, but I don't know if they're actually helping any and it's possible that those added parameters are already done by changing the shader and would just become slightly bigger files. I can't see any difference on my laptop, but I'm hoping either for someone with a different gpu to confirm it increases fps over regular _unlit or enough time will pass to just assume that there's no difference for anyone.

They change all the same files, so your game won't break or anything when using regular _unlits, but only one of them would be used so having both is pointless.

posted about 9 years ago
#3580 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
b4stiandevamar_10hello, so i made an animation for when u scroll over the main menu icons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUow-pE7ouw

I just wanted to know your guys thoughts on it, i only did it for the quickplay and coop icon so far and want to see if u guys like it before i do all of them. Any suggestions such as if the animation is too fast or wutnot are appreciated :D
Looks great and fresh! How did you change the animations? I'm quite interested

Have an animated vtf as your actual CExImageButton (with the actual always-visible button being its own imagepanel or whatever), and have the unarmed color be 255 255 255 0 and the armed color be 255 255 255 255, so that it's invisible until you roll over it.

Unfortunately, because the animation is still running even when its alpha is 0, something like "when you hover over, it gradually becomes this color" is not possible, and you'd need to do something that'd look nice starting on any frame (like you can see with what devamar's using right now).

posted about 10 years ago
#171 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
ripWhen I extract the misc_removal vpk to see what files it changed, it includes something to do with the minigun muzzleflash, but in-game unless I'm missing something, nothing seems to have changed. Is it meant to completely remove the muzzleflash?

When I removed that, I was working by a "remove first, see what happens later" philosophy. I'm almost sure that it removes the old beta muzzleflash, even if that is no longer used by the game. Not the most elegant but no harm in it either.

posted about 10 years ago
#169 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
s0rexs0rexfor some reason the _unlit_playermodels is changing my hats color in game, what i mean is that i have the All-Father for soldier painted as black and in game it shows it as white, and it shows my Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher as Gold botkiller, is it only for me ? and how do i fix that ?^
so no one knows how to fix that ?

As a side-effect for changing the shader to a cheaper one than normal, some effects like vmt-based colors (paints and I guess botkiller silverness) get pretty messed up.

There's no real fix for it except for not using _unlit_playermodels unfortunately, since the mod works entirely by changing to that cheaper shader.

HuggesQuick question about editing surfaceproperties. I want the dust removal, but I don't want to always sound like I'm walking on metal, so how do I edit that out? Also, it seems that it removes bullet holes as well. How do I take all that out and keep the dust removal?

Removing the //'s before each of the steps & related sound things should remove the all-metal footsteps, and changing the "gamematerial" in default from "-" to "I" should get rid of the dust while keeping bullet holes. Pretty sure http://etf2l.org/forum/customise/topic-27554/page-1/ will do what you want.

posted about 10 years ago
#162 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

To preload player models, all you need to do is join. You don't need to switch classes or add bots or anything, all the player models get loaded at once instead of when they exist like on props.

As for _Kermit's issue specifically, if you're not preloading, it will not work, as was said. As well, if you got rid of your _unlit vpk's and now fully use _unlit_nofog (how's that working by the way, better fps?) playermodels will not become unlit, because I'm dumb I forgot to make an _unlit_nofog_playermodels.

posted about 10 years ago
#147 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
-added _tracer_removal.vpk as a little hotfix to remove tracers while viewmodel_fov -360 is broken

Can I personally thank you for this?
Meaning that we no longer need to use viewmodel fov 0.05 or 0.01 with the sparks?
And this is only on the user yes? so our tracers aren't seen but opposing players are visible unlike the sniper dot replacement I hope.

Unfortunately it removes all tracers, including other players', because it's just a simple material edit. It's the best I could do. And from the bit of testing I did with it, some spark particles will still hang around, but I plan on fixing that tomorrow.

posted about 10 years ago
#145 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

-_particle_removal.vpk got that constant error spew in console fixed, may or may not increase/decrease fps
-added _tracer_removal.vpk as a little hotfix to remove tracers while viewmodel_fov -360 is broken

Also I'm starting work on a preload map, to get the more obscure things (bleed overlay mostly) removed without having to take the effort of getting it to show up normally on sv_pure 0 before it works on sv_pure 2. Expect it eventually :P

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
Bucakei wish valve was less strict on visuals,
because alot of stuff really distracts me. things like impact sparks, rocket smoke trails, tracers, explosion particles...
stuff like that tends to overload my brain/senses for some reason, and i have to put in proper effort to "see past" it.

It doesn't improve fps but you can disable those particle effects on sv_pure 2 by editing the materials' vmt files and adding the "$no_draw" "1" parameter. Clean TF2 already gets rid of impact sparks and simplifies rocket trails and explosions by doing this, and it wouldn't be difficult to fully get rid of all of them.

Also CarlZalph, would it be possible to try to do the same method as in http://teamfortress.tv/thread/16179/no-hats-mod/?page=6#161 where the effect is disabled entirely and still works for sv_pure 2? I remember trying to do the same with other particles and it seemed to only work in some of the pcf's, but it'd be worth taking a look at.

posted about 10 years ago
#143 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
SuperfuzzI don't know if it was a bug/glitch, or if it was because of clean tf2... but i think i can see cloaked spies. I'm gonna try to do some more testing and see if that's really the case, but I was pubbing and I *think* there were some spies that were cloaked, but I saw them as completely normal.

At least from my testing, because of _unlit_playermodels.vpk, spies will appear completely uncloaked whenever they would normally be in some form visible, but still be cloaked whenever they're completely invisible.

So when a spy is cloaking or uncloaking, or you bump into one, or you're on the same team, it'll look like they're not even cloaked. But when the spy is fully invisible, which is where the whole issue would be, the spy would still be fully invisible and Clean TF2 doesn't change that.

posted about 10 years ago
#138 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

-added _flat_skybox_blue.vpk and _flat_skybox_white.vpk
-added _unlit_nofog vpk's, I don't know if they affect fps positively, negatively, or at all, so they're options for now. Should remove fog and make fire particles look a lot nicer, as the two main things.

Exams have just ended though so I should be able to work on more things more often. I've got some new things I want to try out, and should finally be able to finish up moving prism hud options to ingame settings, so expect more soon.

posted about 10 years ago
#64 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
HonsterHave two small issues using these transparent viewmodels. Not sure if its due to my games settings, using rayshud, or just the limitations of this viewmodel trick.

Certain weapons lack transparency and instead add a dark transparent overlay on top of the entire screen like this shot. Also noticed it happens with the Iron Bomber. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this.

When spectating someone in third person the screen has that same dark overlay.

I've had the dark overlay appear for me on certain weapons (some being stock even if I remember right) or in certain locations looking certain directions while and after taunting (it's weird), but always still got the same transparent viewmodels. I shrugged it off while I was working on it because I didn't see it doing all that much and everything still worked just fine for me.

I'm running comanglia's config so it's probably yet another issue involving settings.

EDIT: after using -Icaria-'s extra settings, I can't seem to replicate it anymore.

posted about 10 years ago
#137 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
tobshello is it possible to make a vpk to downscale the textures to look like mat_picmip 4? like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s90qa31jff2ryd4/Sk%C3%A6rmbillede%202015-01-30%2014.41.53.png?dl=0
yes i know you can do this with nvidea inspektor but it would most likely look alot better

Without doing an exploit to completely replace the texture (which if I went with that, could just make flat textures always work), I don't believe it's possible.

How the flat textures mod works and looks all grainey on sv_pure 2 is by making the regular textures (which are usually either 512x512 or 1024x1024 pixels) take up as much space as a 4x4 texture. To get them blurred like mat_picmip, you'd need the opposite to happen, with smaller textures taking up the same amount of space as default, which afaik is not possible without fully replacing the materials and blurring the large texture itself to fake it.

posted about 10 years ago
#134 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
kounterpartsIm having issues centering, Im using the 1920x1080 mode, but I run TF2 Natively at 1842x1028 at a 16:9 Ratio, and no matter the vaules the crosshair just never seems to be center. Would changing the X and Y Pos, rather than getting them as close to the center try moving them away and adjusting height and width that way? Sorry if it seems like Im clueless because I am lol.

I was able to get it oriented, but the crosshair is a bit smaller (was 24px big, now 20px). It works for the dot crosshair so I assume it'll work for any other of fog's crosshairs (and you could probably do the exact same with the konr wings).

		"controlName" "CExLabel"
		"fieldName" "FogNew"
		"visible" "1"
		"enabled" "1"
		"zpos" "0"

		"xpos" "c-103"
		"ypos" "c-100"
		"wide" "202"
		"tall" "200"

		"font" "Crosshairs20"
		"labelText" "3"
		"textAlignment" "center"

		"fgcolor" "phGreen"

Tell me if you still run into any problems.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects
unfwhy did he edit and delete all his replies 6 minutes ago?

Data v2?


Can't blame him for keeping it going, but yeah.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects
mproving me wrong includes the project being functional and running well i think

It's available for you to download you know.

posted about 10 years ago
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