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Signed Up October 26, 2014
Last Posted September 7, 2020 at 1:16 PM
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#260 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
-Greenghost-Okay let me get this straight, we as an organisation shouldn't ban good players because they succeeded as a good player. Furthermore they can do/say whatever they want just because they are good players.

I think you are missing the point that these players are indeed the face of a league by playing at the highest level and should therefore act accordingly to the role they play for the league. People will always watch their actions more no matter what happens.

They're only the face of etf2l if the etf2l staff chooses them to be. There is no reason to think ETF2L is in any way responsible for what its players say outside of it.

posted about 6 years ago
#255 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
Why should the league care how good players are?

Because that's what leagues are for. Competition and good players succeeding.

cryosisAre we going to put up rules where if you're too bad, you get a season ban?

No, but when you're bad you stay in open like a loser. Isn't that shame punishment enough?

cryosis How is saying "Hi, we don't want these racists, who happen to play the game well, to represent what we stand for, thanks" a bad message?

You can do a pr stunt like that without directly affecting the competition and other players. Could just give them both warnings and cut just Pred's winnings. Comp TF2 is dying fast enough as it is, no need to make it faster by banning two prem players and punishing 5 people hardly related to the incident monetarily.

Also stop conflating namecalling with racism.

posted about 6 years ago
#240 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
cryosisjediflamasterThis disgrace makes me embarassed to play in ETF2L. This isn't just about prem, banning people for calling someone a gook puts the entire EU comp community in a bad light. The message this sends is that the biggest tf2 league in europe cares more about what people say than how well they play.
Way to miss the point. This is supposed to send the message that no matter how good you are, if you are an asshole that means you're not welcome.

If only people could both play well and be decent human beings.

But that's exactly the same message isn't it? And It's a really bad one if you ask me.

posted about 6 years ago
#237 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic

This disgrace makes me embarassed to play in ETF2L. This isn't just about prem, banning people for calling someone a gook puts the entire EU comp community in a bad light. The message this sends is that the biggest tf2 league in europe cares more about what people say than how well they play.

posted about 6 years ago
#102 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

IMO the gamemode is really to blame much more than the maps. It provides no pressure for either team to commit to a push into/out of last, other than "it's 30 seconds left, we should push now or we get stalemated" for the winning team. As 5cp is now, pushing last without a huge advantage is a very big risk. Taking such a huge risk while you're already ahead just isn't strategically viable (minimising risk is always the best course of action for a team that's ahead) so the long process of sieging & trying to get an advantage to push with begins. On the other hand, while the losing team technically should be taking risks to try and get back in the game, they don't need to, because the game mode allows them to sit on their ass and do nothing, since after 10 minutes they'll just get stalemated and it's a better scenario for them than trying to make a play and lose last in the process. Sure, the maps may be choky and hard to rotate around, lasts may be bunkers, pushing out of lasts may be suicide, but making those things easier won't really change the fact that the gamemode itself is designed in a way that promotes passive playstyle.

In this regard, KOTH is a model example of how push dynamics should work, forcing the losing team to commit to a push and allowing the winning team to play safely around the point.

posted about 7 years ago
#68 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
So all i have to do to win is get the mid or the enemy 2nd then put a sentry and a sniper on it? It could work, but not on any existing 5cp map...

More likely get the mid or the enemy 2nd, put a sentry and a sniper on it, watch the enemy fail a push, get the next point because 4 of them died, repeat until last is capped. It's basically what happens on lasts in the current meta, but with roles reversed and less downtime.

It also does a thing where perfect coordination & aggressive playstyle would be rewarded, either on the midfight or for a team than can push back from 2nd or last.

posted about 7 years ago
#66 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

I'm currently working on a gamemode that would reduce stalemates by forcing losers to push out of last. Here's a quick overview of what it does.

Each control point your team owns generates 1 "influence point" per second. Additionally your team generates 1 influence per second passively. At 1200 influence, your team wins. Capturing last also wins the game immediately as before.

This means that if your team has less caps than the enemy, you want to remedy that ASAP, because if you just park the bus, you'll lose. Of course, this in turn means that the team that's ahead can park the bus, but this isn't as unhealthy because they've earned it by winning mid/taking 2nd, and the losers are far more motivated to push out without stalling than the winners would be to push into last in the current meta (they want to play it safe, so you see those long sieges and waiting for crucial picks before pushes).

And yes, I know pushing out of last onto spire is suicidal, but the whole idea for this gamemode is based on the assumption that if you've lost mid and 2nd, you'd better pull some miracle off if you still want to win.

It's still WIP, but you can download the badlands implementation here (it's completely contained within the .bsp, no plugins needed):
I'll make a prefab and post it to workshop soon enough, so if someone wants to put it in their map, they will be able to.

posted about 7 years ago
#637 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

This is probably redundant to what #609 said but eh

posted about 7 years ago
#154 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

It's not even funny anymore.

posted about 8 years ago
#221 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Still works for me if I do this:
map itemtest
sv_pure 2
changelevel itemtest

and then queue up for comp. TBH I'm pretty sure all the steps aren't even necessary, lmao, I just figured it out when checking if it still works.

posted about 8 years ago
#90 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion
Ein_Sigsegv has made a video on FT mojo and also sent suggestions to Valve on how to go about fixing it. I think they'll fix it in the next big update when they end the Heavy vs. Pyro thing. Beyond bug fixes what do you want to see jediflamaster?

Mechanical tweaks is what's most important to me, like make the airblast box more accurate etc
But as far as fantasy pyro gun goes:
I'd absolutely love to see phlog become quake lg with half its range (continuous straight hitscan beam) and possibly penetration to be consistent with other flamethrowers. Additionally, instead of the silly "run in with kritz and die" alt fire, magnetic blast, being a variation of airblast that only affects projectiles.
Just imagine, a pyro primary, not useless, not cancer, heavily skill based with a huge emphasis on tracking.

posted about 8 years ago
#88 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

Fix the ft range bugs

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Pyro is stupid - range bugs in TF2 General Discussion
flufnDidn't you see Getawhale's video? Pyro is being replaced by the firefighter so it doesn't matter.

I haven't seen it. Do show, please.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Pyro is stupid - range bugs in TF2 General Discussion
An in-depth analysis of pyro's flamethrower mechanics and bugs.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 Valve fucks up, Pyro's flamethrower is broken in TF2 General Discussion

Will do.

posted about 10 years ago
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