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Signed Up June 21, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2016 at 7:29 PM
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#45 The TFTV Netplay Open - Sponsored by EVL in Other Games
tatuwahstill banned

twitch is tatuwahh not tatuwah if that was the issue
scratchystill banned as well

You both should be unbanned now.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 The TFTV Netplay Open - Sponsored by EVL in Other Games

Got a response this morning from Matcherino. All of the accounts should be unbanned and payouts should occur now. We've also been whitelisted so this won't occur with any other tournaments under our account.

Big props to Matcherino for helping us out, and providing a portion of the prize pool.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 The TFTV Netplay Open - Sponsored by EVL in Other Games

So far I know about Waldo and Cloudmaker being banned and unable to withdraw their money. If anyone else is having trouble post your twitch name. Working with Grant at Matcherino right now.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 The TFTV Netplay Open - Sponsored by EVL in Other Games

I sent a message to one of the Matcherino devs, I'll post an update once I hear back.

Edit: Matcherino requests we try payouts again. If it persists please post here. Some of you were banned, we are still working on a response for those.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Signups now open for the EVLBR Ultiduo Tournament! in TF2 General Discussion

Announcing the Battle Royale Ultiduo Tournament!

The Battle Royale Ultiduo event is back and better than ever!

You and your favourite pocket (or medic) can now team up and frag your way to victory against other pairs in this two day event! But find your partner quick, because the tournament is limited to 16 teams.


The battle begins on Saturday, May 14 between 1pm and 7pm and will continue on Sunday, May 15 from 1pm to 4pm (all times in EST). There will be about 15 minutes between matches, and a 45 min break midway through the event.

Entry Fee

Read carefully! There are two options for paying your entry fee!
The registration cost is 2 keys per team, and you can pay separately or as a team. If keys don't float your boat you may pay via our bracket via Credit Card. If you are using this method, both players must pay this way. The cost is $2 per player.


But wait, what's that? You want to know about prizes? CAUSE WE HAVE PRIZES. Not just keys either, Thanks to our sponsor Sloth eSports!

1st Place: Your team wins 20 keys + 2 SLOTHMAT PRO Large mousepads
2nd Place: Your team wins 10 keys + 2 SLOTHMAT PRO Medium mousepads
3rd Place: Your team wins 4 keys


EVL will be unveiling its newly updated tournament automation tool called Jukebox, which will manage our event servers automatically, and track scoring information. Teams will have easy access to find their match server connection information!

Servers are provided by out of their Montreal, Chicago, and Dallas locations.


To better facilitate communication between players and staff, we are requiring that all players join our discord, which will be available during the event. Players are not required to use discord for voice comms during matches. We prefer that any questions be directed to our EVLBR discord rather than communicating via steam messages. Join our Discord!


Read the official rules! Standard ETF2L Whitelists and match settings will be used! Choose your teammates wisely! We do not allow substitutes during the event (although you may modify your roster in advance).

Sloth eSports

We are happy to announce our new partnership with Sloth eSports! We are very grateful to the entire Sloth team for supporting TF2 and are excited to see where this sponsorship takes us. For those interested, Sloth eSports designs and ships superior quality gaming mouse pads. Their flagship product the SlothMat Pro has a Multi-Spandex surface with anti-slip rubber backing. Perfect for FPS, RTS, MOBA, MMORPG play!

Definitely check them out, and use coupon code SLOTHVACATION for 25% off!


Registration is now open! Just go to and register your team! Registration is handled via and is much easier than last year's registration method!

posted about 8 years ago
#15 TFtv Froyotech in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanThere were quite a few complications between both evlTV and TFTV]like what?

EVL was not made fully aware of these circumstances, however we are working with TFTV currently to make sure that we can complement each others casts to maximize the amount of coverage provided.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 evlTV ESEA Week 3 Coverage! Invite and IM in TF2 General Discussion

Match vod ->

Match Page / Stats ->

posted about 9 years ago
#6 evlTV ESEA Week 3 Coverage! Invite and IM in TF2 General Discussion

there she blows

You da real mvp

posted about 9 years ago
#1 evlTV ESEA Week 3 Coverage! Invite and IM in TF2 General Discussion

Live on Wednesday February 10th at 10:30pm EST at
Join Rockandroll and Flatline with Criticalflaw on camera!

Live on Thursday February 11th at 11:00pm EST at
Join Sheo and Deer, with Criticalflaw on camera

posted about 9 years ago
#16 ESEA Week 2 Invite / IM coverage on evlTV in TF2 General Discussion
likoAny plans to cast matches this week?

e: just watched that dope evl intro and realized im in it HYPE

Yup, we should have a post up here soon, but we also post our upcoming matches on our front page at

posted about 9 years ago
#11 ESEA Week 2 Invite / IM coverage on evlTV in TF2 General Discussion

Watch the full TSU vs Bugs match here from last night ->

posted about 9 years ago
#10 ESEA Week 2 Invite / IM coverage on evlTV in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleGreat to see more diverse coverage! This is good for literally everybody

That's our hope. We'd like to expand our invite coverage if we can.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ESEA Week 2 Invite / IM coverage on evlTV in TF2 General Discussion

This week on we'll be covering Invite and Intermediate!

Wednesday Feb 3 @11pm ET: Bugs vs Team SoloUber
Casters: Marxist & Gecks with Dashner on production!

Thursday Feb 4 @10:30pm ET a very merry toothmas vs Salty Spitoon
Casters: Row & Sheo with Criticalflaw on production!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 evlTV W3 HL Casting Coverage - Feb.1st 10:00pm in TF2 General Discussion

Live on February 1st @ 9:30pm Eastern

Live on at 9:30pm Eastern

EVLtv is back with the third round of UGC Plat HL action! After that explosive match on koth_ashville last week, we'll travel to cp_gullywash_final1 to catch Memento Mori face off against EVL Gaming HL.

Tune in for what is bound to be an intense match, as these two teams showcase the quick reactions and strategy needed to win!

Join Mario and Atwas, with Dashner on camera, on Monday February 1st @9:30 EST on EVLtv.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 evlTV ESEA-I vs TSU Gecks / Marxist in TF2 General Discussion

Watch the vod from last night right here ->

posted about 9 years ago
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