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Signed Up June 21, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2016 at 7:29 PM
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#1 Announcing the BR Ultiduo Tournament Nov 21, 22 in TF2 General Discussion

Announcing the Battle Royale Ultiduo Tournament

You heard it right folks, it's Battle Royale time and this time, it's ULTIDUO!

You and your favourite pocket (or medic) can now team up and frag your way to victory against other pairs in this two day event! But find your partner quick, because the tournament is limited to 16 teams.

The battle begins on Saturday, November 21 between 10am and 5pm PST and continues on Sunday, November 22 from 1pm to 4pm. About 15 minutes between matches, and a 45 min break midway through the event.

Entry Fee
The registration cost is 2 keys per team, and you can pay separately or as a team.
And if keys don't float your boat, you can also secure your team's admission by purchasing our beautiful poster. Use coupon code TFTV to save $5 off

But wait, whats that? You want to know about prizes?
1st Place: Your team wins 20 keys and two 24” x 18”customized Battle Royale: Ultiduo posters featuring your team name and usernames
2nd Place: Your team wins 10 keys and two 24” x 18”customized Battle Royale: Ultiduo posters featuring your team name and usernames
3rd Place: Your team wins 4 keys
Sweet posters will be on sale for $25 (save $5 with code "TFTV") on, and all proceeds help support the event and go towards the prize pool.

EVL will be unveiling its new tournament automation tool called Jukebox, which will manage our event servers automatically, and track scoring information. Teams will have easy access to find their match server connection information!

Servers are provided by out of our Chicago and Dallas location with DDoS protection just in case!

Official rules will be added within the next few days. Standard ETF2L Whitelists / and match settings will be used!
Choose your teammates wisely! We do not allow substitutes during the event (although you may modify your roster in advance).

Registration is now open! Just go to and register your team! Each player needs to complete the form, naming their team in the registration.

Confirmed Teams (confirmed = paid up and officially confirmed for the event, listed in order paid up).
1. -B_RED NOiSES- train / Voll
2. End Game Nursey / b4nny
3. t-rex movement theory Cassius / mason
4. Sponsored by funke Daffodil / megaboy
5. corsariceguy asianriceguy / corsa
6. Running without Scizor Deathy / Skye
7. Open the Door! Burtilian / Dave
8. drops 4 keys catman1900 / Spec
9. Bopfish goldfish / Bopper
10. Uncle Dad and The Family Secrets tiptoes / sigh
11. fairly average gamers of texas GHz_Ghost / Mockingbird
12. you REALLY gotta win those Green.and.Gold / r3vy
13. Sultans of Swing slemnish / supertramp
14. Pantalones Picantes Wonko the Sane / Sleeping Life
15. All in the Hertz DrZoidy / Zacoist
16. Iraqi Patriot Missile Defense Force Menachem / Shylo

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Acquired in News
kKaltUugeel9Eventually, we plan to take a fee (~5%) ".." but rest assured that this won't just go straight into our pockets. Sponsorships, fundraisers, etc. are all things we plan to support with...
I heard another competitive site say that too Kappa

From my experience with Geel and marketplace/scrap this for now doesn't seem to be something to worry much about. Even if they did keep some of that, there is plenty of overhead and expenses that have to be paid for to run a site like Saloon. A company is in business to make profit, and that incentive helps drive them forward with cool new stuff that we all benefit from.

Geel sponsored our EVL Battle Royale with a prize pool of 250 keys. Even though our event only had a total of 150 participants he still was willing to help out, and our players and staff are very grateful for the support.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Youtube trying to make its own version of twitch in Off Topic
GetawhaleThe Twitch Partner contract does seem to state that you must only stream gaming content with Twitch

Supposedly some older twitch partner contracts were not as clear on this, but our's clearly states this as well. You are in breach of contract if you stream gaming related content on a third party, because of their exclusivity clause.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Buy an awesome shirt, support a Highlander Tourney in TF2 General Discussion

Just a quick bump that today is the last day to purchase shirts before we put in our order with our shirt printer!

posted about 9 years ago
#175 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
UngirthedHey i installed Windows 10 through here:
It's asking me to activate windows but i haven't found a key or any way to activate.
Any ideias? Thanks.

You have to upgrade from a previously licensed Windows 8 or Windows 7. You can't do a clean install unless you have a Win 10 key. During the upgrade process a Win 10 key is generated.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 UGC S16 NA Platinum Grand Final: mTs vs. KND in Events

We don't know maps, but someone who does know them could be nice and post? :P

posted about 9 years ago
#13 evlTV's Response to Sigafoo and the Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion
GueqsThis kind of statement needs better proves. Just trowing that he wants stake, exposure and stuffs without saying why he asked that (he must had showed you guys some reasons) is really weird, besides, it has nothing to do with the comunication and betrail problem, thas was the reasons sigafoo used for leaving. If you want to respond sigafoo leaving, talk about what he really said, don't start leaking professional information such as money.

I feel like this is somewhat of a double standard. Sigafoo made lots of statements about awful things I supposedly said to him, yet nobody once asked him for evidence, and he doesn't have it because a lot of it is exaggerated.

I had evidence for all of the stuff above, and sent it to my team. Unfortunately I don't have it anymore, and our slack history ate all of it up. I can hear the "that's a BS excuse jeer!" coming, but at this point I'm done. If you don't want to believe these statements we've made then don't. Sigafoo is a great guy, and I'm not trying to ruin his reputation, even though he's messed ours up considerably. I'm simply trying to defend the evlTV organization, because it is doing some really positive stuff for the community, and I won't want that to be spoiled by a decision to improve our show.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 evlTV's Response to Sigafoo and the Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to further explain and clarify some of the events that unfolded surrounding the Sigafoo/evlTV incident to shed some transparency on the situation. This is in response to how several members of the community are interpreting the situation.

The TL:DR of this situation is that I did drop ball on communication, but we've had issues with Sigafoo that lead to our grand finals casting decision. I am the admin that Sigafoo mentions, and I feel it's best as that admin of evlTV to give our side of the story.

There are many factors that finalized our lineup for tonight's cast. Sigafoo was not adapting well to working with another PxP (play by play) caster, Gecks. It's a very difficult thing to do, and is in no way a negative reflection on his casting abilities. We told Sigafoo he would be good for grand finals, so as long as he would be good working with Gecks. During some of the play-offs casts Sigafoo indicated to me that he did not like working with Gecks because of this incompatibility, and went on to say that he felt Gecks should be cut.

Our issues with Sigafoo started earlier than this. He made it clear to us that since he covered a good majority of the games, that he should be placed on the Grand Finals so that he could receive the exposure he wanted. He also came off to us as he only casted for evlTV/eXtv because he was interested in gaining more exposure for himself, rather than representing evlTV as a casting organization. When asked to cast with us, Sigafoo asked for a significant stake in our business. Our budget normally goes to things such as servers and production; Sigafoo wanted more control of evlTV than casting, and we refused. He said he would stick with eXtv, or until a time when we were able to get him a significant amount of exposure. He wanted more than what we could give him.

That being said, the blame for not telling Sigafoo sooner about these issues, as well as the issue of grand finals, does fall on us. I am one of the leading admins and communication for me has been difficult over the past few weeks. In addition to a full time job, I also have been working on EVL Gaming's migration project where I had to move close to 100 services from our Kansas City datacenter to our new Dallas network, completing most of this work over the weekend. I worked with the Battle Royale team to launch Battle Royale registration in a timely manner, and helped to coordinate evlTV casts. I definitely dropped the ball, and all of the various projects I'm working on are no excuse to the events that have gone down. Being a new casting organization we try to make choices based on what's best for the community at large, our fans, and our staff.

On behalf of evlTV, we will work on expanding our communications team so that it is not only me getting things done for the most part since I am juggling too many things. This is gonna require changes which we're currently implementing. evlTV started last November and is a very young organization. We felt that we should drive our decisions based on providing the best show possible, and doing what's best for our community and audience, for our staff, and for our organization.

We will do our best to be clearer with communication between our staff, our casters, and our audience in the near future. We are still learning the basics, and after the eXtv/evlTV partnership we've grown way larger than we ever expected. We have a lot to do, and we have a lot to learn as well that we will take to heart.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Sigafoo leaving EVL TV in TF2 General Discussion

I'm really upset about the way this whole situation worked out, Sigafoo is a great caster. He was not cut because of his casting ability. When we heard that Gecks was on board with us to help with playoffs we knew that we'd be able to get more exposure to highlander, and TF2. Gecks has a significant following outside of the TF2 world, and we were interested in having him cast with us.

We tried to have Sigafoo and Gecks cast together, but having two play-by-play casters didn't work out as well as we would have hoped. Everyone on the evlTV admin team works full time, and volunteers in other organizations. And as anyone can tell you time management is a PITA.

I really wish we would have had more time to give proper notice to Sigafoo about this, and I wish him the best. He was extremely valued at evlTV.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion

Prizes have been updated for the professional division thanks to's generous support!

Prizes split between up to 11 players (players must be paid in order to be eligible for a prize, but do not have to play)

1st place: $220 in steam credit, 110 keys
2nd place 55 keys
3rd place 22 keys

For our viewers we will be giving away 65 keys during the professional division livestream. 3 Keys will be raffled off in between every match, and only open to viewers on our live stream. Be sure to watch not only for some epic match ups, but also for the chance to win a bunch of loot!

posted about 9 years ago
#8 UGC Plat: Dunning-Kruger vs. Kids Next Door in Events

Gecks was unavailable for tonight, so Melon will be replacing him.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion

Just got word from that they will be adding 200 keys to our current 50 keys pile! Expect some massive changes to the prizes soon!

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion

Can't find any issues on our side, and a few have reported it's working fine. I also cannot login to the site, nor can I login to Chalking this one up as Gabe's fault.

Edit: Yup, lots of others having issues right now

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion

Seems like an issue with steam.
"An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.b62c0e6b.1439079559.692b8e0c"

That's from steam's site after we pass authentication over to them, only seems to be North America at the moment.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion
RoodYSure going to join cardboard division

Cherry should have registration for that open either tonight or tomorrow. Sorry about the delay!

posted about 9 years ago
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