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Signed Up June 21, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2016 at 7:29 PM
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#11 We did it, evlTV is now a twitch partner! in TF2 General Discussion
MaxillawsNurseyu get quality options which makes it watchable for a good bit of peopleI believe twitch has changed it so you don't have to be a partner to get quality options just have to have a certain amount (80 or so?) viewers watching and then your stream is updated with them.

This happens every time if you aren't partnered so if next time you stream and you only have 20 viewers you won't have quality options

This is correct to some extent. We hit 200+ viewers a few times last season, and never saw the options. However over the past few weeks we have been seeing the options on many of our games, as they have been hitting 250+ viewers.

Transcoding HD streams real-time takes a lot of computing power. Twitch says you only get those options if they have available capacity. From our experience if we consistently hit 100+ viewers we would get the quality options.

Twitch partners have guaranteed trans-coding, I would assume that applies even if you only have 10 viewers.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 We did it, evlTV is now a twitch partner! in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudejust wondering, what does having twitch partner actually do to gain visibility for your channel, besides provide spammable emotes?

In addition to the quality options, there are various places twitch will display our channel, possibly including the front page during huge events. It also legitimizes our channel which can increase our following and viewership.

I didn't mention this either, but all of the money we receive from subs / ad revenue will be used to cover our expenses (which basically consists of a monster cat license fairly inexpensive) and then help us organize events, and pay members of the community who contribute to our channel (uberchain / dashner etc). Effectively bringing in more funds to the TF2 community. I'm not interested in lining my own pockets, which is what many people do after gaining twitch partner.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 We did it, evlTV is now a twitch partner! in TF2 General Discussion

We eSports now!

I am excited to announce that evlTV is now a Twitch partner!

Now you may wonder why that's important to you, especially if you don't tune into our casts. Twitch partner will help us gain a larger amount of viewers to the TF2 comp scene, and bring in a new group of TF2 competitors. This ultimately to add more evidence to valve that we are a real eSport and deserve their support!

I want to thank all of our casters, production staff, Mr Slin, eXtv, fans, and UGC/ESEA teams for their tremendous support in helping us achieve this goal!

posted about 9 years ago
#9 UGC Plat: Menace to Society vs. $ilver $avages in Events

Thanks to everyone who watched the match! We were surprised with Twitch Partnership during the game :)

posted about 9 years ago
#42 EVLtv Caster Feedback in TF2 General Discussion
Dreamboat"do u know the muffin men"
"he's using the cannon, and i dont mean his pocket"
Hope everyone enjoyed.

Your puns are bad and you should feel bad.
Please help me discourage dreamboat from using cringe worthy puns on stream, tell him they're bad.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 EVLtv Caster Feedback in TF2 General Discussion
Sherm-StickDuring a highlander match, I think the Cameraman should give combo, sniper, and scout priority focus during mid fights. These classes generally see more of the battle and are affected by everyone's movements in highlander. It is generally more entertaining to see how teams push and defend through these classes since they are top speed, all seeing, and require top quality hit scan. Demo is cool to watch but literally only during a push and for short times. The other classes are all entertaining but only in a 1v1 setting or during a kritz so keep the camera on Scout, Heavy, Sniper mostly

We have dashner doing our HL casts now, and if he has cheat feed working (last week we had some issues with our cheat feed server) he focuses generally on frags, prioritizing back stabs / drops / headshots etc. Cheat feed usually shows those in a darker color.

Watching scout on midfights is a good suggestion, as that's something that usually isn't done.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 EVLtv Caster Feedback in TF2 General Discussion
ElepimpjeeringsoleHello Ladies and Mentlegen

evlTV is in need of more casting staff. We are looking to train, and support new production staff, graphic designers, schedulers, marketers, and of course casters!
Well it seems that after last night Dreamboat has now catsed his 5th IM game in a row and has casted a total of 5/7 games on elv this season, but for real great cast as always, i had fun in the chat and i miss chillin in slack and mumble with you guys :]

Not quite sure how that's relevant to this thread?

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ESEA-IM Playoffs: #3 Pizzagon Esports vs. #6 Mad Luxurious Blue in Events
GliderOnly one IM game will be casted tonight?

We're short on production staff, and we need to focus on getting twitch partner. Splitting up our audience to two channels is counter-productive to that goal.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 i5 or i7 for TF2 specifically? in Hardware

I recently upgraded from an older i5 2500k (oc'd to 4.2ghz) to an i7 4770k (3.9ghz). For both builds I had the same 7870 XT GPU, and didn't notice much any difference in my FPS between the two CPU's, and I kept the settings all at "High". I didn't upgrade for TF2, I upgraded because I multi-task, and wanted a speed bump in render time on After Effects / Premiere.

Unless there is another game, or another reason to go for an i7 the i5 will do just fine.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 UGC Plat: $ilver $avages vs. Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo in Events

We'll be covering the SS v Buffalo match, update your bets accordingly folks!

posted about 9 years ago
#4 UGC Plat: $ilver $avages vs. Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo in Events

We'd really love to see a Ginyu vs KND match. However, we likely will cover the SS v Buffalo match.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 eXtv and evlTV collaborate on UGC coverage in TF2 General Discussion
MankutWhich hud/resources will be used? evl's or extv's?

Also since the extv channel doesn't cast esea games or HL games now (if I've understood this correctly) what will it be used for NA-wise?

We'll be using primarily EVL resources, but will have some eXtv branding as well.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 UGC Plat: Muma and the Seamen vs. Menace To Society in Events
GiraffeThe link goes to the strawpoll atm

Fixed, thank you good sir!

posted about 9 years ago
#11 eXtv and evlTV collaborate on UGC coverage in TF2 General Discussion
xoI thought the entire point of evlTV coming to TF2 was so that things that weren't Platinum would actually get shown and casted? So is it just back to having one UGC Match casted each week by pretty much one channel?

We will still continue to cover ESEA-O / ESEA-IM and will be starting UGC Gold coverage in a couple weeks.

The hope is this platinum coverage will grow our audience and potentially bring more viewers (and not just comp players) to our lower division coverage, which we are not changing.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 eXtv and evlTV collaborate on UGC coverage in TF2 General Discussion
arcadiawho will the casters be?

For our platinum coverage it will be Sigafoo and Grizz.

posted about 9 years ago
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