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SteamID64 76561198019571194
SteamID3 [U:1:59305466]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29652733
Country United States
Signed Up September 25, 2012
Last Posted January 4, 2022 at 6:15 PM
Posts 465 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity .61
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G500s
Keyboard Michrosoft Sidewinder x4
Mousepad Steelseries thing. 18 in I think.
Headphones Logitech G35
Monitor BenQ (HOW DID HE SEE MEEE?) XL2411
1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 31
#409 in Projects

Stream linked for knd vs h8 is wrong. It should be

posted about 9 years ago
#25 CJ- Frag Movie in Videos

I feel like the slow motion could have been less obnoxious if it weren't so abrupt, because most of the time the effect looked good, but it was awkward transitioning back to real time. Possibly curve it a lot more? I also wasn't a fan of the slight blur vignette. Made seeing the scoreboard hard. This is really nitpicky, but I thought the letter boxing was too large.

Other than that everything else was really good. Pacing, frags, smooths, all fit well together. Good syncing, and use of third person shots, ect. Intro was nice too, built up the energy very quickly.

posted about 9 years ago
#382 in Projects

I just single handedly swayed the odds for knd by 30%, and now my payout is shit. Maybe when the site should show you the payout you'll get after you place the bet?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 TF2Center Scrub Detector in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah right now this isn't anything special, but if you cross reference it with popular communites ban list like kalt said it would be great.

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
xoblendtecHeavy Whuppins Guy, I thought the UGC admins already knew
Once again, no one should complain about things if you just "assume" things. If you have proof, present it. Saying things like, "this guy is a hacker, i have no proof, i thought the ugc admins already knew!!" wont ever do anything.

I literally have audio recording of whuppins admitting to and talking about his hacks. And it was sent to the admins.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 What's the Dumbest Thing You Ever Did? in Off Topic
DavidTheWinTJBProbably injecting myself with a needle I found on the floor when I was 8
That explains so much

Mine was probably trying to go to the toilet during a ticketed event in a strange city, inadvertently leaving the event area without the ticket to get back in because I didn't know where the toilets were then being trapped outside the event for 4 hours with no phone battery to call my parents to tell them where I was and with only 20p for a drink etc. My parents also left by a different exit and it took another hour after the event finished to find them.

Oh also trying to blow into a ballpoint pen to get some ink towards the tip, but taking a big deep breath before blowing and sucking up all the ink into my mouth.

posted about 9 years ago
#294 in Projects
CHERRYjoejoe347Works pretty well, my only suggestions would be to allow us to see usd/euro value of items/winnings, and to be able to see the ration of bet items to winnings before we hit the bet button.I was advised not to admit that those items have RWM value ;)
Though I guess I could go away with it since some people are even with taking 4% out of bets (which I don't do), but I don't want to leave room for discussion about legality of this project. It may be stupid and I may change this in the future, but for now I'm sticking with refs.

Ah, didn't think about legality when giving it a real world value.

As for profile page, I'd love to see a graph of the wins/losses. There's a csgol user script that adds this, and I love it, but being directly integrated would be great.

posted about 9 years ago
#290 in Projects

Works pretty well, my only suggestions would be to allow us to see usd/euro value of items/winnings, and to be able to see the ration of bet items to winnings before we hit the bet button.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 What's the Dumbest Thing You Ever Did? in Off Topic

I hit an old asian woman while riding my bike on a shared pedestrian/biking path. What's dumb about this is that I saw the woman as I started to approach her from a far, but the new Adele album had just come out and Rolling in the Deep was stuck in my head so I started singing it to myself. I got like really into it, got slightly distracted, and then suddenly there was the old asian woman, and we collided.

We were both pretty much okay, but I think I hurt her back pretty bad. I offered to walk her home but she refused.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Skipping ticks bugs sound in demos. in Q/A Help
RainofLightsorry to necro but I think I'm the first person to find the fix to this bug

for whatever reason skipping ticks on certain maps sets snd_soundmixer to FreezeCam_Only

snd_soundmixer Default_Mix is the fix

have my babies

posted about 9 years ago
#22 college acceptence? in Off Topic

rit, sva, champlain, ringling, ithaca. Didn't really expect to get in everywhere I applied, or I would have set my sights a little higher lol...

Anyways I'll probably be in the film program at either rit or sva.

posted about 9 years ago
#149 Favorite Album? in Off Topic

It would be hard for me to choose between the famous double album,

or this one

Also a fan of Springsteen,

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Cities: Skylines in Other Games

It's totally worth $30, but only if you like city builders. If you're on the fence, just wait for a sale.

As for the game, it's really really well done. I've put around 15 hours into my first city, and it's only around a quarter of the maximum size, and nowhere near the max population.

I really only have small complaints, like the some weird traffic bugs, but they're usually not a huge issue. I think a lot of people don't totally understand how to plan roads well, and just blaming it on that.

Also the devs have stated that they plan to continue to support the game, plus ad dlc, so I expect most bugs to be fixed in the coming weeks.

edit: it would seem that most discussion on the game is happening over at the subreddit /r/citiesskylines, so if you want more info, check that out.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 pocket lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Cool guy, good dm. Fun to hang out with in mumble, and pretty easy going in matches. Good pickup.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 FITES Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

lft medic

posted about 10 years ago
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