LexxBuschmasterACRAnd no, demos literally only record the POV of a player and you can't really get any more data than you could just watching it.
What does it mean to "literally only record the POV"? Do you mean it only records what's on the player's screen? And what sort of data are we talking about?
Let's imagine the following simple scenario: an enemy soldier shoots a rocket at you from behind (you don't see him). If what you say is true and you play this demo, there would be no way for the game to know that you received any damage. But you certainly do get this information: damage, projectiles, explosions, deaths of team mates or enemies etc. At the minimum, the demo file must contain some time-based events (the rocket was fired at some moment in time from some position in some direction).
Yeah what Busch says is actually incorrect. Pov demos don't record as much as an stv demo, as in they don't record stuff happening far away and outside your pov, but if somebody is behind you, that is recorded. The biggest limitation of pov demos is that they don't allow you to see yourself while using the drive or smooth commands. You can see yourself if you use the thirdperson and cam_ideax commands.
As for what you're trying to do it seems that the info you want could easily be extracted from log files.
Also I'm not sure if this is anything, but Jimbomcb found a way to extract stv information to a web gl video a long time ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isGf63qiisM EDIT: looks like this is actually only a video by Jombo, he didn't write the code.
I don't really know anything about this stuff so this could be completely unrelated to what you are trying to accomplish, but it's something.