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SteamID64 76561198013481396
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Country England
Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted October 15, 2023 at 10:10 AM
Posts 378 (0.1 per day)
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Mouse Razer Viper Mini
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Mousepad Razer Strider XXL
Headphones Sony MDR-7506
Monitor ViewSonic XG2431
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#43 Give me casting feedback in TF2 General Discussion
Teapot_There's so much I want to say but a lot of it just comes down to having very little experience of actually playing 6v6. It's not a criticism of your casting skills but your understanding of the game, for instance being surprised by and saying its creative to see a medic being body blocked in an uber exchange when it's a fairly common occurrence.

I also don't think it's fair to hide behind being a play-by-play caster, you're casting at the top level of the game with minimal knowledge of how the game is played. I appreciate the time you put in and your enthusiasm and willingness to accept criticism to improve as a caster but like I said, your actual casting skills are good but your understanding is what most people don't like about your casting.

From my perspective (someone that has somewhat called you out in the past I'm sure you recall) this post is entirely what I dislike when you cast. Your voice, charisma, ability to hype, play by play etc are all absolutely fine and some are even great. The issue for me (with any caster) is when a caster like yourself tries to say things that are on the edge of analysis.

Gecks seems to have grasped this really well and you never really hear him trying to analyse a situation. He always keeps it to the very basics in that regard and then immediately throws it to his co-caster who does the proper detailed analysis. It works best this way because no one wants to watch a stream and hear a guy get things completely wrong, act surprised when seeing very common things as if they are outstanding or unique plays (not hype, but just generally seeming clueless) or anything like that.

Stick to what you are good at and try to keep that stuff to a minimum and I for one will enjoy your casts. I had the same problem with Pledge when he used to cast forever ago. I considered him a pretty good play by play but every time he started to try to analyse anything I cringed and it kinda ruined the experience.

Good luck buddy.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 cl_interp in Q/A Help
aim-are u for real

Did you know that from the second you opened the game you pretentious fuck?

posted about 9 years ago
#65 dac in Esports
sleeepybl4nksleeepyfalconI feel really bad for n0tail. He was the most talented player on Secret
I've seen people dickride notail before but this the next level. Listen notail's a cool guy but he's average for a pro and not even close to the most talented played on Secret.

Average for a pro? You never saw him be the best mid in HoN by a mile when fnatic was trashing everyone. His talent is on par with people on Secret for sure. Just because an all star player doesn't end up on staying on an all star team doesn't mean he's not good anymore. Secret was probably not meshing with him as well as they wanted so they went separate ways.

Thats cool and everything but HoN was 3-4 years ago. What has he accomplished in Dota2? Comparing him to the rest of Secret is a joke. Everyone on that team is far better and more importantly more proven than notail. Zai and Arteezy have done a lot more in much less time. Kuroky and Puppey are legends. Everyone on Secret is an elite-level player. You can't compare notail to them, so yeah he's an average pro.

I'd argue that n0tail is just as (or close to as) talented as the other players in Secret in general, but if you have a choice between n0tail/Fly and Arteezy/zai who have a fuckton of experience playing together and a lot of chemistry in general not to mention their individual skill it's really a no brainer.

I'd even maybe argue that n0tail isn't quite as at home as he could be playing the roles he is. I think later this year we might see him in a different position or even just getting used to the position he's in because the guy REALLY has a lot of skill as a mid if you look at his HoN days. Chemistry is the most important thing in a team though and it just seems like C9 doesn't have any with these people.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion

What a fucking crackpot

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Zowie Gear releases EC1-A and EC2-A in Hardware

I really like my FK1 so I probably won't get this, but it's mighty tempting I must admit. The only thing I really disliked about my EC1 Evo was the coating.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 what hud is he using in this clip? in Q/A Help
what about his crosshair tho

Those are the second(?) version of my wings I'm pretty sure but if they're in that hud I'd recommend opening the scripts/hudlayout.res file to find them in there rather than asking every question possible and taking no initiative.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 TF2 in 2014 montage in Videos

I tried to like this I really did

posted about 9 years ago
SheepylolI'm sorry for being autistic and all but if you want to know why I dislike e-shock so much look at this pastebin. I wasn't doing this to try and get banned.


"this is why i dislike e-shock"
quotes people that are in no way related to e-shock too

posted about 9 years ago
#59 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects

Arie you're the best

posted about 9 years ago
#6 REALTourney's Ultiduo Tournament Finals sponsored by trade.tf in Events

removed so as to use the proper mediums :)

posted about 9 years ago
#2 REALTourney's Ultiduo Tournament Finals sponsored by trade.tf in Events

Criticism is now deleted rofl

posted about 9 years ago
#12 REALTourney's Ultiduo Tournament sponsored by trade.tf in Events
konr"if he hit more shots he could do better"
"people that play ultiduo all the time do things like shoot rockets at weapons to get ammo"

I'd like to say that Getawhale came into my stream and spammed walls of texts at me because I quoted these

posted about 9 years ago
#8 REALTourney's Ultiduo Tournament sponsored by trade.tf in Events

"if he hit more shots he could do better"
"people that play ultiduo all the time do things like shoot rockets at weapons to get ammo"

posted about 9 years ago
#346 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Looks so nice dude

posted about 9 years ago
#37 cl_interp 0.05 in Q/A Help
PathogenkonrIf you just substitute the L4D info he's referencing with TF2 info you get better information than most places.
If a person already knows the network specifics of TF2 (which they would need to swap out the information, as you suggest), then why would they be looking at such an article, let alone one written specifically for Left 4 Dead networking?

If someone unfamiliar with the networking of TF2 were to read that article they would be either be seriously confused by all the very Left 4 Dead specific details in that article, or would end up with some very unhelpful network settings.
konrThe game works the same way (at least in the examples he gives) with the exception of the tickrate. Not a difficult distinction to make!
There's all kinds of misleading information and advice in that article, but my favourite was one he chose to write in bold:

If you have yellow lerp, asking the server admin to turn up the server framerate is a good idea.

Good luck asking your server admin to turn up the framerate in your next game!

For what it's worth, wareya's article is pretty solid.

The article I linked is not at all a page to tell you what to set your shit to, but more to explain what lerp etc actually is and to also explain what certain things on a netgraph mean. For that job it's fine.

downpourtf2_scientist: " If more than one snapshot in a row is dropped, interpolation can't work perfectly because it runs out of snapshots in the history buffer. In that case the renderer uses extrapolation (cl_extrapolate 1) and tries a simple linear extrapolation of entities based on their known history so far. The extrapolation is done only for 0.25 seconds of packet loss (cl_extrapolate_amount), since the prediction errors would become too big after that."

Where in this does it say "this only happens when you get packet loss and never in any other situation"?

posted about 9 years ago
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