Account Details
SteamID64 76561198013481396
SteamID3 [U:1:53215668]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26607834
Country England
Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted February 6, 2025 at 4:51 AM
Posts 379 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.75
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini
Keyboard Hyper X Alloy FPS
Mousepad Razer Strider XXL
Headphones Sony MDR-7506
Monitor ViewSonic XG2431
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#1521 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
downpouru cant use that song quik just used it...

fl1p used it first

posted about 10 years ago
#1520 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
#53 Using stats/logs to disparage other players in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#47 Can we talk about the quality of the streams here? in TF2 General Discussion

If you guys are truly that head over heels that you can't possibly stop touching eachother then fair enough but don't fuckin' stream that shit no one wants to see it while looking through videogame streams. That is exactly the same for every sexual orientation.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Sniper zoom sensitivity ratio in Q/A Help

The best way to think about sens is what works for you. You can find your "perfect sens" in a day or something of playing. Just work out what sens you can rocket jump/whatever with and move around properly with and still have good control over your aim and then practice with that. That's literally it. Jukebox, sheep and whoever else plays this game didn't find some weird secret where they worked out what the perfect sens is for everyone or anything they literally just found something they liked for what they did in the game and then they played for a long time with those settings.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Sniper zoom sensitivity ratio in Q/A Help
clipkonrChanging your FOV in any way will make your sensitivity feel different. That means zooming in will make it feel completely different even though your zoomsens is 1. The answer your question wonderland really answered it quite well. I personally use 36cm or 14.2"/360 and I just have it on 1 but Jukebox for example has it on 0.7 and his sens it quite high. I don't remember exactly how high but I think it was 19cm or 7.4"/360.As far as i know he used 19.3 cm/360 and 0.8 as ratio (but that could be outdated already.).

broder .conny: 19.24
broder .conny: with 0.7 zoom sens

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Sniper zoom sensitivity ratio in Q/A Help
Apple1176konrChanging your FOV in any way will make your sensitivity feel different. That means zooming in will make it feel completely different even though your zoomsens is 1. The answer your question wonderland really answered it quite well. I personally use 36cm or 14.2"/360 and I just have it on 1 but Jukebox for example has it on 0.7 and his sens it quite high. I don't remember exactly how high but I think it was 19cm or 7.4"/360.So what is better? Should I change my FOV? ThanksApple1176I can hit almost everything (even scouts) in close/mid range but not long range

You should change your zoomsens if you really want to keep the same sensitivity but need it to be lower to track better when scoped but if you don't give a shit if your sens changes you should just change your sens to be a bit lower and get used to that. Don't change your fov.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Sniper zoom sensitivity ratio in Q/A Help

Changing your FOV in any way will make your sensitivity feel different. That means zooming in will make it feel completely different even though your zoomsens is 1. The answer your question wonderland really answered it quite well. I personally use 36cm or 14.2"/360 and I just have it on 1 but Jukebox for example has it on 0.7 and his sens it quite high. I don't remember exactly how high but I think it was 19cm or 7.4"/360.

posted about 10 years ago
#215 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

Definitely gonna show up personally and I really do hope we have the best teams we can attending! See you there.

posted about 10 years ago
#136 if you order a $10 pizza how much would you tip in Off Topic

I don't think I've ever tipped anyone in my life. Here in England it really isn't that custom unless you get absolutely amazing service somewhere and quite frankly that never happens. Not only that but I don't really think those people actually deserve any more of my money and I can't afford it.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 monitor tyrone in TF2 General Discussion

Lmfaooooooo that downpour part

posted about 10 years ago
#387 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
shrtdownpourringo's aite, he just is mad right now.
also rip getting to invite for a second time
shrtkonrcome to one of our LANs and compete vs the best teams from all over! I'm not sure how we could possibly fund that on a constant basis but if we could how sick would that be?Haha, yeah, sick dude! I wonder what that would be like? You got $80,000 sitting around to send our top 4 teams to crush your germans?
TBF; if we sent teams next season we'd probably end up in last
But... but the budsquad is the bestsquad!

Haha you were quite hostile considering what this reply makes you look like?

posted about 10 years ago
#384 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
OOVOOVkonrI'm like halfway through this thread and I want to say two things before I forget. Firstly European TF2 is not dead to the few that said that. It isn't dead by any means. People quit and come back in every league and always have. Top players don't necessarily quit for any league reason either so that's almost irrelevant to say in response to someone saying "we're okay with a community league in europe". On the flipside I think saying "we only have i-series" is a bit silly because we're really lucky to have a big lan like i-series supporting our game so often. That being said I think getting a small place for LAN really should not be too hard for either top players or CEVO to arrange in the future.

Also one thing I think you should play for (however the funding to get here may be an issue) if you're an invite player that needs an endgame is to come to one of our LANs and compete vs the best teams from all over! I'm not sure how we could possibly fund that on a constant basis but if we could how sick would that be? Don't write off a game that you love playing just because a small LAN that you could easily replace is gone. I'd go more into detail to avoid people getting what I'm saying wrong as far as context is concerned but I'm tired man.
1. lans are much easier/cheaper to get to in Europe because US public transportation sucks.
2. euro lans as an endgame is barely feasible for one team with community support, let alone four.

1. Didn't know that!
2. Yeah I'm just dreaming there to be honest. If only huh?

shrtkonrI think saying "we only have i-series" is a bit silly because we're really lucky to have a big lan like i-series supporting our game so often. Hm, lucky to have a huge big money organization that just puts out a lan several times a year that all yall need to do is just show up to n play. (n yall only compete in one of them, shame on yall). This sounds like something we had.
konrThat being said I think getting a small place for LAN really should not be too hard for either top players or CEVO to arrange in the future.Ah, sure. Oh course it is easy for a community ran org to pull of a lan. I see ETF2L has really put in the effort for this after 17 seasons.
konrcome to one of our LANs and compete vs the best teams from all over! I'm not sure how we could possibly fund that on a constant basis but if we could how sick would that be?Haha, yeah, sick dude! I wonder what that would be like? You got $80,000 sitting around to send our top 4 teams to crush your germans?

All we have to do is turn up and play? Uhh we all pay for our transport there from all over Europe and a ticket is £70+ depending on when you buy it iirc. Why would ETF2L make a LAN when we already have a LAN that everyone is happy with..? I'm not saying CEVO or whoever could easily literally make a LAN event but there are definitely a good amount of LANs (as e-thug said) around America that could have TF2 in added for just invite players with the correct work done behind the scenes.

posted about 10 years ago
#377 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm like halfway through this thread and I want to say two things before I forget. Firstly European TF2 is not dead to the few that said that. It isn't dead by any means. People quit and come back in every league and always have. Top players don't necessarily quit for any league reason either so that's almost irrelevant to say in response to someone saying "we're okay with a community league in europe". On the flipside I think saying "we only have i-series" is a bit silly because we're really lucky to have a big lan like i-series supporting our game so often. That being said I think getting a small place for LAN really should not be too hard for either top players or CEVO to arrange in the future.

Also one thing I think you should play for (however the funding to get here may be an issue) if you're an invite player that needs an endgame is to come to one of our LANs and compete vs the best teams from all over! I'm not sure how we could possibly fund that on a constant basis but if we could how sick would that be? Don't write off a game that you love playing just because a small LAN that you could easily replace is gone. I'd go more into detail to avoid people getting what I'm saying wrong as far as context is concerned but I'm tired man.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

As long as top level teams offclass effectively you can't logically ban shit under the argument that the game isn't supposed to be played with offclasses.

posted about 11 years ago
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